That's a home run. Excellent spot for their third location.
Something like this is LONG overdue for Bricktown. Starbucks (and others) missed a significant gap they could have filled (bigger place to lounge with longer hours).
It will be a great complement to the hotels in the area and be open early (7AM) until late (midnight).
All About Cha also does a really nice job. Great fit for the area and further sign of Bricktown maturing.
My daughter was just yesterday telling me how much time she spends at the Cha on Western studying and hanging out, so she will be deeply pleased...
This place should do great at that location, especially with ACM nearby.
Cha is one of my favorites! this is going to be so excellent.
Cool! The owner is a super nice guy. Edmond, Western, Mideke, and where? Apologies to the southern half of the metro that I never see if it's there.
A short interview with the owner of Cha and Tapstone is moving in this weekend.
NewsOK Videos | All About Cha
And from Steve.
This is such excellent news. I can't even count the number of times a group of us have been out for dinner and (not being big drinkers) really wished there was a coffee/dessert shop open late we could continue hanging out. Maybe someone could convince the owner to go even later (1 or 2am) in the summer.
Taken this morning. Tapstone is largely in; look closely and you can see long drapes on the east facade.
Also, they are already working on the All About Cha space.
As you can see, they are already working on the All About Cha space:
Why would they put up drapes inside the entire glass curtain wall? That's the strangest thing ever. After they just obliterated the wall to open it up more...
Well obviously but it's just weird. It's a furnishing so they can have it however they like it, but that makes it no less weird.
I guess it depends on the purpose for the rooms on that side of the building. I have an office with east facing windows. I don't have drapes but I do have shades. I keep the shades at an angle where I don't have any direct sun until it's late enough to open them fully.
I'm sure early in the morning, those drapes are much appreciated.
They could also be temporary until a more permanent fixture arrives. Seems custom blinds/shades/etc can take months to complete and make it to their final destination.
They might also open and close automatically? Yeah, that sun is probably pretty hard to bear in the mornings. It's one of the reasons I was surprised when they proposed glassing in that side. That said, it's probably pretty great in the afternoon and evening.
I think it would have been nice if they had used smartglass or electric switchable glass, which would allow the windows to go from transparent to opaque with a flip of a switch.
New Tapstone sign mimics original:
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