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Thread: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

  1. #151

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    J Pitman did a good job with that development. Since then, a lot of these hotel developers have done lesser versions of that, pushing the envelope against the BUDC. The problem is that all real estate investments in Bricktown should be protected from lesser developments.
    This is probably the biggest problem I have with development in OKC. It seems that the prevailing attitude from many developers isn't to clear the bar set by the preceding development, it is to come in just under it, in what has become a race to the bottom, when we should be in a race to the top. Instead of incremental improvements from each developer only a very small handful of developers are actually raising the bar. Just because a specific development isn't huge doesn't mean they should just get a pass on quality design, but far too many people still hold the belief that something is better than nothing, and that is never true. Sometimes it is okay to say, "Thanks, but no thanks. We already have enough substandard stuff."

  2. Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    This should be a fight from the developers who did raise the bar with their projects. Money talks in this city.. That is the only way anyone will listen to the argument, otherwise the city's rubber stamp is ready to go.

    This argument isnt helped when it only comes from you or myself.

  3. #153

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    I'm going to disagree with JTF a bit on this. Yes, there are some developers who are trying to get away with the bare minimum. But there are a lot of other developers who have knocked their projects out of the park. Aloft, the Steelyard design, the Metropolitan, the 21c hotel, like two dozen different things in Midtown. There's a lot that is going on in downtown that is really superior stuff. It is definitely not alll bad, like some comments seem to indicate.

    We do need to stand up to the free riders, those who say "I'm going to build the cheapest thing I can in the nicest part of town". Too many of those and you don't have a nice part of town anymore. How do we go about doing that? How do we get the right people on the appropriate review boards?

  4. Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    I have a problem when Pitman gets more scrutiny than Patel.

  5. #155

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    No doubt there are some developers who are raising the bar and specifically had The Steelyard in mind when I wrote that part. I would be pissed off if this was approved to built across the street from me after I went through all the trouble and revisions the Steelyard guys did, or even the Criterian. What is sad, is that making it better would have been so easy as several people already pointed out. Just move the entrance to the corner, put rooms facing both streets, restore the alley behind the building for utility and trash bin placement, use brick with a decorative brick/stone cornice at the top, focus on pedestrians by placing the street trees between the on-street parking and the sidewalk, and install a pedestrian oriented sign on the corner of the building. This isn't rocket science.

  6. #156

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I'm going to disagree with JTF a bit on this. Yes, there are some developers who are trying to get away with the bare minimum. But there are a lot of other developers who have knocked their projects out of the park. Aloft, the Steelyard design, the Metropolitan, the 21c hotel, like two dozen different things in Midtown. There's a lot that is going on in downtown that is really superior stuff. It is definitely not alll bad, like some comments seem to indicate.

    We do need to stand up to the free riders, those who say "I'm going to build the cheapest thing I can in the nicest part of town". Too many of those and you don't have a nice part of town anymore. How do we go about doing that? How do we get the right people on the appropriate review boards?

    There is plenty getting built now that is at a higher standard but unfortunately too many developers are still getting away with doing the bare minimum. There is no need to let them get away with that in 2015. Requiring a developer to up their game usually will not kill a development and if it does, that developer shouldn't be building on prime real estate anyways. Look at the Criterion Concert Hall and how much better the final proposal is compared to the original proposal as a perfect example of what demanding higher standards can accomplish.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    I forgot to list Brickopolis. Despite the goofy name, I really like the building.

  8. #158

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I forgot to list Brickopolis. Despite the goofy name, I really like the building.
    That might be the best example in Bricktown of holding out for something better.

  9. #159

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    This project has gone out to bid to sub-contractors for the beginning of May and is projected to start around early June based on the plans. (I don't get out to Bricktown much so there may / probably is already work being done on the site). Some floor plan layout changes have been made on the interior from the original ones Pete provided. Most notably around the registration area and the meeting area behind the registration area has been moved up to the Second floor. Room count has also been lowered by two to 124.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	First Floor Overall Plan.jpg 
Views:	125 
Size:	304.7 KB 
ID:	10709Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Second Floor Overall Plan.jpg 
Views:	140 
Size:	322.4 KB 
ID:	10710
    Last edited by Robert_M; 04-29-2015 at 02:40 PM. Reason: Clarification that work may have already started

  10. #160

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    This is the type of hotel if they are going to build it, just put it in south bricktown right on the canal south of bass pro.

  11. #161
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by ourulz2000 View Post
    This is the type of hotel if they are going to build it, just put it in south bricktown right on the canal south of bass pro.
    Yes. This hotel's design is just weak.

  12. #162

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bard View Post
    Yes. This hotel's design is just weak.
    And yet, I would love to see this take over some of the parking or empty lots on the canal. Which is sad.

  13. #163
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by Colbafone View Post
    And yet, I would love to see this take over some of the parking or empty lots on the canal. Which is sad.
    Yep. It reminds of Urbanized's (?) saying of "better than crappy makes people happy."

  14. #164

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Well, if this is better than crappy, it's not by much.

  15. #165

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Looks like work has finally started on this project.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20150827_105807.jpg 
Views:	154 
Size:	1.53 MB 
ID:	11396

  16. #166

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Thanks for the photos!

  17. #167

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    This project is in the foreground with the Criterion behind.

    Note the plumbing stacks. They have also started to pour the footings.

  18. #168

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    This structure is going up fast. The steel skeleton is taller than the Criterion next door, not sure it's topped out yet though.

  19. #169
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    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    I thought Pete was saying the steel in the background is the Criterion?

  20. #170

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie1 View Post
    I thought Pete was saying the steel in the background is the Criterion?
    It's been a month since the last picture in this thread and now, so its possible Bellaboo is correct and going off what he saw in person. Steel structures can go up very quickly.

  21. #171

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    I'll try and take another photo from that vantage point with the steel up for the hotel.

    And it won't be long before both the AC and Hyatt Place are coming out of the ground as well.

  22. #172

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    It's been a month since the last picture in this thread and now, so its possible Bellaboo is correct and going off what he saw in person. Steel structures can go up very quickly.
    It's the Springhill I saw, and it is a steel structure taller than the Criterian, which is to the west. I saw from 235 after work today.

  23. #173

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    It's the Springhill I saw, and it is a steel structure taller than the Criterian, which is to the west. I saw from 235 after work today.
    Never doubted you!

  24. #174

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Never doubted you!
    Hey I know you didn't. It's just surprising how it appeared out of nowhere and it has a steel skeleton, I was expecting wood. Maybe Pete will post a pic soon.

  25. #175

    Default Re: Bricktown SpringHill Suites

    Just took these; last photo is the Criterion:

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