Imagine two things: (i) you are given the reigns of the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust for one day; and (ii) any retailer in the country will take your call. What company do you call, and why?
Imagine two things: (i) you are given the reigns of the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust for one day; and (ii) any retailer in the country will take your call. What company do you call, and why?
Kroger, hands down. Having a large grocery chain with deep pockets like Kroger in the market would be a game changer.
Many people in OKC are tired of Wal-Mart, but Homeland isn't a very nice alternative and quality locals like Crest and Uptown Market have been slow to expand. Kroger entering the market would be a huge increase in quality and choice for the consumer and would also finish off Homeland. Large chains also may be more apt to take risks on locations, like downtown for instance.
Nordstrom or Ikea.
Frickers because I don't make it to Ohio that much any more.
If I could change liquor laws as well I am bringing in Spec's from Houston
Definitely Nordstrom. It's one of those bell weather retailers that would validate the city to others.
OKC would definitely benefit from Krogers. They are quality stores, have good store brand products and they invest large amounts of money to upgrage and modernize. They have also opened new central Denver locations
Hoping that one day they decide to buy out Homeland. I like that they invest in their stores and also place locations strategically so they are convenient no matter where in the city you are. They are in all surrounding states but aren't in Oklahoma. It's understandable why they aren't in Tulsa because they have Reasor's which is also a great store, but OKC has only a few stores in the entire metro on that level. They would kill it here because they fill a niche that isn't being filled.
Spec's for beverages, Wegmans for groceries(better than Krogers and same chance of coming to Oklahoma).
Container Store. The end.
Container Store (still miss the "mini" shop that was in Casady Square ), Central Market, and Mr G's (liquor store)
Zara, Uniqlo, Kroger, Restoration hardware ( to OKC) , Crate and Barrel.
The premise is a little different but this thread is basically the same as this one.
Top 5 stores (retail, grocery or otherwise) you wish we had in OKC - OKCTalk
I would put a Powell's City of Books somewhere in Midtown.
I would love for them to bring in one of their mega automobile dealerships. Maybe OKC could be the first place to build one of their new SUPER DUPER- MEGA dealerships. 4 to 5 miles of nothing but paved parking lots as far as you can see, and 200,000 to 300,000 new and pre owned automobiles for me to choose from at one location. Household domestic brands for the LOL poors......and high line imports/exotics for the more refined customers, all at one location. Spend a few Saturdays a month looking for new vehicles, without having to be inconvenienced by driving to multiple locations in Dallas, or Denver etc... A location anywhere north of Memorial road, and West of Penn would be an absolute dream come true!
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