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Thread: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

  1. #26

    Default Re: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

    Quote Originally Posted by MsProudSooner View Post
    I've always heard that the bad thing about Beagles is that if they ever get out of your yard, they will start following an interesting smell and you'll never see them again.
    That would certainly apply to the beagle I had growing up. He was a ramblin' son of a gun and hard to keep in the backyard. We used to call him, "Hound-ini" because he could escape from anywhere. lol He was also LOUD! When he was baying, we could hear him on the other side of town. The flip side was that he had a ton of personality and was a fun companion for a couple of rowdy boys.

  2. #27

    Default Re: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    When I had my Corgi I lived in the country and if the neighbors dog came over he would chase him off but never go past the property line. I never know how he knew where to stop.
    Same here! How did she know? I could have understood it if she was born or at least raised on my land, but she was over ten years old when I got her. You could tell she had been bred for years, too bad the owner/breeder couldn't take better care of a female that took good care of him. He/she dumped her and six pups on Air Depot, just North of Hefner and my son brought them home.
    C. T.

  3. #28

    Default Re: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

    My experience is that bassets are very talented singers. They have great resonant sonorous voices. They sing good and loud...well loudly anyway.

  4. #29

    Default Re: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

    Bassets are some of the most pleasant dogs you will find. Very laid back. Easygoing. They like to wag their tails. And drool. Oh boy, do they drool. You will have to work at keeping them clean because they slobber all the time. But they'll be perfect for kids.

  5. #30

    Default Re: What can you tell me, good or bad, about Basset Hounds or Bagle Hounds?

    We had a beagle as a kid. Nice enough dog but loud. I love Bassets but they do often have health problems. Corgis are cute, especially if you like dwarves (they look like canine dwarves, to me). Oklahoma summers are hard on any dog - make sure they have water and shade - maybe a kids' wading pool for them to cool off in - but catch them at the door. If they are going to be a single dog, I'd advise against a puppy. Pups are destructive as part of developmental thing but left alone, they get bored and can really make a mess. An older dog with a history you can learn about might help you find one used to being outdoors. Taking an indoor dog and leaving it outside ain't right. Like people, they get acclimated to a certain lifestyle. The problem with an outside dog is that if you want one that is lovey dovie, they aren't really going to be happy to be kept alone. Some dog breeds are more family oriented than others and being outside is going to be harder on them than more independent dogs. Are you sure she wouldn't be happier with a cat?

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