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Thread: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

  1. #1

    Default Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    I really hate to hear about this. On the Okie Mod Squad group thread on Facebook... apparently the old "wave" bank is fenced of and about to be demolished.

    Arguably, it is probably hard to find another use for the structure other than a bank, however this is another loss of architectural elegance that is hard to swallow.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    This is part of the OKC Public Schools new headquarters.

    No demolition permits have been issued... They also fenced off the main building right next to it, so I'm not so sure the drive-thru will be razed.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    These photos were done by Carry Anne photography for Midtown Vets.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Midtown Vets 1.jpg 
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ID:	11182   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Midtown Vets 2.jpg 
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Size:	64.7 KB 
ID:	11183   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Midtown Vets 3.jpg 
Views:	720 
Size:	74.7 KB 
ID:	11184   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Midtown Vets 4.jpg 
Views:	746 
Size:	107.5 KB 
ID:	11185  

  4. Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    Yeah I have been worried about that place for a long time. After the bank vacated, the previous owner demoed the matching drive-thru that was attached to the building itself across the street. The combined number of lanes for both was significant, and shows how different banking used to be, much like the scores of teller windows in the Great Banking Hall at FNB illustrate yet another era in banking. They demoed the attached lanes to create more surface parking. Won't be surprised at all to see it meet the same fate.

    Like UP says, it would be a challenge for adaptive re-use, but it could be done. I always envisioned glass panels enclosing the lanes, cut to follow the lines of the scallops, with the teller structures being opened up to one another and linked together. Seems like it could be a cool office building or retail structure if done well. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    There is actually a spiral staircase in each teller booth that steps into tunnel that apparently connects all of the booths. I would not be surprised if there is an actual vault down there. A different era!

  6. Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    Yeah, and I was told at one point that the tunnel connects across 5th(?) to the main bank building. Not sure of the veracity of this though.

  7. Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    The property surrounding the lanes is quite massive in comparison to the structure itself. The scalloped-roofed teller building probably only takes up about 5% of the property's footprint. A creative developer could infill around the structure and make it a focal point for the whole development. Instead we'll likely get asphalt.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Yeah, and I was told at one point that the tunnel connects across 5th(?) to the main bank building. Not sure of the veracity of this though.
    Call it the Conncourse and it will be there forever

  9. #9

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    I love Mid Century architecture, and I've always thought that old motor bank (do they still call them that?) was really a cool structure. I hope that it doesn't get demolished.

    That F-85 Convertable looks right at home there. It looks like the same car that I photographed sitting at a former used car dealership at Park Place and Broadway.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    Aren't those pictures awesome! Cary Anne, the photographer, has some real talent.

    So does anyone know what the actual detailed proposal is for this site?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    • From School Board Member Laura Massenat-

    • Laura Massenat This property was donated to OKCPS at the time of our purchase of the 615 N Classen property. The thinking was that the needed auditorium to house a board meeting room would be built on this property, while the building at 615 would be renovated to house our administration. The recent fencing only indicates an effort to protect the property and show that renovations will soon be underway at 615.
      23 mins · Unlike · 1

    • Laura Massenat The decision has not been made to demolish the tellers' drive thru, but it will likely be more difficult financially to keep it. Please advise if you have ideas on who might support the effort to keep it intact.
      21 mins · Like · 1

  12. #12

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    I can't imagine they will keep it. It sits right in the middle of that property.

    By the way, even though it looks mid-century the drive-thru and the adjacent bank building were constructed in 1978.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Historic Mid-Century Motor Bank on Classen apparently about to be Dem'od

    The building was expanded in 1978. Here's the history of the bank:

    OKC Mod » Central National Motor Bank

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