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Thread: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

  1. #26

    Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    Wont name any names but they have been complaining about a relatives house which just needs a new coat of paint, which we're doing. But have noticed a number of people on their block have had notices placed on their doors telling them to fix their house or pay a fine. I get that people need to keep their homes in good shape but to harass people is a little much, especially when a lot of these folks are just getting by. Most of the people on this block are trying to make progress on their homes which is good but thirty days is not a good enough amount of time to get things done especially in the heat of summer.

  2. Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    The city has been making a push this year (or at least it seems that way) to force people to get their homes up to code....that does mean making sure that the paint isn't peeling and in general, doesn't look like crap. If it is peeling, then it's been that way for years and 30 days is a good incentive to get your butt moving. If you talk to the city, they often will give you an extension, but it does involve people getting off their butt and making an effort. The city is just tired of people in the area continuing to let those homes fall further and further behind. All the effort in the world to brand the area wont mean anything if the homes crumble. Before you get all huffy, also remember that the vast majority of those homes in that state are not owned by the occupant...ie are rental properties. And you'll also see that a high percentage of the homes have converted to siding to avoid this very issue over and over. I also have a relative in the neighborhood and we helped renovate that home from the studs up...which included us constructing an addition (which most of those homes have...or a converted garage...I mean 2 bedroom houses and 1 bathroom....come on).

    So while I appreciate the difficulty in this, I also tend to side with the city on getting this stuff done.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    I'm not denying that homes in that area need to be fixed up I just think the city needs to lay off a bit on the demanding tone of the notices. And as for my relatives house we're working on painting its just a little hard when you got the heat and the city breathing down your neck plus my relatives work hours. I'm probable just letting off steam ranting, I don't fault the city for wanting things to look nice, just how they go about getting it done. In the end the house will have a fresh coat of paint and look much better then it does now. And the reason it got the way it did is because said relative recently went through a divorce and a job change which led to a few things on the home to fall in to disrepair because of lack of time to do any fixing.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    I am more in favor of the city organizing a volunteer and/or donation effort to paint and fix up these houses (owner occupant only) than trying to do it by code enforcement.

  5. Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I am more in favor of the city organizing a volunteer and/or donation effort to paint and fix up these houses (owner occupant only) than trying to do it by code enforcement.
    They tried that already in the late 90s. They also tried partnering with said group to go around and fix up some of the worst homes facing main roads when they went up for sale...sort of half/flip them. You can see that some of those efforts panned out, but just as many of the new owners quickly let them fall into disrepair. This type of plan requires people to stay on top of things, but when you do a plan like this, the "unmotivated" can then expect someone else to do it....or they simply don't care unless someone else is doing it FOR them.

    Personally, I feel like the city's approach is the correct one. If it got bad enough that the city noticed, then it was long-since past excuse time. Sometimes, you need the pressure of the city on you to make you get off your duff and "get 'er done". We went through the same thing with my grandmother-in-law's home after she passed away. The city noticed it after an estate sale. But like I mentioned above, we called the city and explained what we were doing, they gave us an extension of 60 days. The home really did need attention...and it already did have siding. But the painted portions were in pretty bad shape. We knew, but like you said above, it wasn't the first thing on our mind. But to be honest, we probably would have left it for the next owner had we not gotten the notice. It actually probably helped the home value for the eventual sale because of the work we did....and it was really half a day of the family pitching in and getting it done.....WELL before the deadline.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Original Mile Revitalization Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I am more in favor of the city organizing a volunteer and/or donation effort to paint and fix up these houses (owner occupant only) than trying to do it by code enforcement.
    On Midwest City's website they have something called Operation Paint Brush that helps with those who may not be able to do it. I'm not sure if people that need this are aware.

    "The Code Enforcement Division also administers Operation Paint Brush. This program will supply paint and equipment to paint the exterior of a residence. In addition, we can provide volunteer groups to do the painting for qualified residents who are not capable of doing the work themselves."

    Code Enforcement | City of Midwest City

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