Re: BaldSpots Extensions
I watched the video and I have a difference of opinion from Anthony David's. The tracks were glued to close to the scalp, but what caused the hairloss is the tracks were not removed in time and moved up like they were supposed to be. You can tell the client wore the extensions way to long. When you glue extensions in your hair, it can cause dreadlocks. The only way to get those out is what A.D.'s did they removed then along with the dreads.
I never glue complete tracks to the head. We always use individual tracks 1/4 inch from the scalp. There is never a reason to glue full tracks to a head of hair.
The stylist that speclializes in extensions should know this. I would think she is fully responsible for the hair loss. However the lady will grow her hair back. The hair folicle is not suffocated.( I laughed when I heard that). The extensions pulled the hair out with the extensions I seen it all to many times.
Word of advice go back every 6 weeks to get your extensions removed and moved back up on the hair shaft. And never let them glue a whole weft to your hair.
I wore extensions for 4 years and had them removed the proper way and moved back every 6 to 8 weeks never had hairloss like that. I also do extensions (individual ones ) and never caused hair loss ..
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