I see that some have come over. Who is all here?? The main problem here, this place is addicting and there's so many other subjects to post on. Now as long as we can keep copsmom at bay, this may be a great place to blog. LOL
I see that some have come over. Who is all here?? The main problem here, this place is addicting and there's so many other subjects to post on. Now as long as we can keep copsmom at bay, this may be a great place to blog. LOL
Watch out for both copsmom's!
Seriously Katt, have you noticed they have kind of shyed away from our old forum.
where did yall come from?
"You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White
Guthrie News Leader Sound off boards, got sick of getting deleted. If the paper did not agree with your comment, whether it was rude or not, it was axed. We even had one deleted because they disagreed with the old editor to the paper. Just a major mess. We still go and post over there until we can talk everyone into coming in here.
Marko, Yeah I noticed Copsmom hasn't been around in quite sometime, maybe they are off RVing or something. Or worse, they could be MOVING back. Lord help us all. LOL
Well I guess none of the rest of the G.N.L. crowd is going to make the switch?
I know fishy cameover too, old habits die hard I guess. I like cruising around this place, pretty good stuff in here.
Hey, it's great to have all of you on OKCTalk. There are always some great discussions going on, and even a few debates.
If we disagree with each other, it is done in a respectful manner. Even if the moderators and/or the administrators don't agree with what you say, as long as it is not against the TOS, then what you say won't be deleted.
There are also lots of very friendly people on this forum, and since this is a family oriented forum, we like to keep things clean. Because of our "family friendly" forum, we have many City Leaders that come to our forum and read many of the posts. This is like the information highway. There are many knowledgable posters that know many different things about the City, so chances are, you may read it first on this forum before you read it in the paper or see it on the news.
Once again.......to all of you Guthrie-ites,![]()
Well you know I will follow you guys here. Whats the deal with the newsleader deleting posts? Hmmmmm typical mentality. Oh well. I think if we all keep harping on this site then a lot more will come on over. Glad to be here.
The deletes on G.N.L. got way out of hand since the editor left.
They not only do not know how to run a newspaper, their moderating skills are akin to something one might come across in the "Hooterville Weekly Gazette."
Hey I am glad to see that someone else knows about "Hooterville". Ask one of the county Deputies and they will laugh thinking you are joking. HEHEHEHE I tell them Damn they even have their own water tower. So how are things everyone?
Hey Jman, welcome. You still want a chocolate lab, she needs some work. She was so use to living in a kennel with other dogs, she doesn't trust people well. She's not agressive, just runs from you. She accidently got away from me the other night, we couldn't catch her for crap, finally the next morning (because she didn't wander too far) She got back in the kennel and I ran and shut the door. She's happy with other dogs and when she's in a fence, but outside and people just scare the crap out of her. I just have too much to really work with her, I'm getting another newly certified Dog next week so I can get him broke into going to school. She's really a sweet dog, I don't want to give her up but it's not fair to her either because I just don't have the time.
Man I would love to but to be honest I dont really want to mess with a dog that runs away scared. I have had 2 of my last dogs that were that way. I just rescueed a lab/ golden retriever from Edmond animal shelter and she is the sweetest thing you can tell she has been abused but she is good with kids and not aggressive but man o man she was scared when I brought her home. For about 3 weeks she wouldnt come to anyone but me. Now I guess she snapped out of it because she runs around the yard and plays and comes to my little boy and just lays there and lets him scratch her belly. So it worked out for us and for her. Hell my wife even lets her stay inside. The last dog she let do that was Bayter and that was only because he was my Ok County dog. But he just chilled in the corner when inside. So anyways, I just dont really have the time or energy to train and chase a new dog around. Thanks for the thought though. I like this okc talk site it is pretty cool I have been reading a lot in Edmonds page. SO why is not many of the others coming over????
They are afraid! LOL!
Marko and everyone, welcome to OKCTalk... glad you all found this place.
Please tell your buddies that there is nothing to fear over here!
There is a wealth of info here.. and just like any board, we have our characters and our disagreements but most of the time, they are short lived and we move on.
Please invite them, we love to see new members!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
I'm here now. Well, been signed up since last month or so, but honestly forgot. lol
You are forgiven...![]()
Hello Brook I Am Glad To See You Came Over. Sorry For The Caps.
Hello...I am here finally. I am the one who originally requested they put Guthrie on this site and then I had trouble logging in. Didn't think anyone was coming over here in the meantime....so now it's growing...Good! Will try to come over here more too.
Ok I am here. I have no clue how to use this site. However, I got farther than last time now I can actually see the posts. I may need some special instructions from you guys.
We will help you out!
hello all!!!!!
I'm here. (haleyred23 at GNL) I've been a member here at OKC Talk for awhile though, just not very active.
For some reason GNL would NOT approve my account. Over and over they denied membership. When I emailed to ask why they never responded. I finally had to invent a new person and email address to get approved. (I came up with haleyred23) It was strange that for no apparent reason they denied my account, but I don't dare say anything about it there!!
Ya never know what goes on at GNL!
It is not ran or moderated very well as you have found out obviously. Too bad a few more of them won't move over also...
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