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Thread: What are you doing this weekend? #5

  1. Default What are you doing this weekend? #5

    I almost forgot again! I might be checking this out:

    03/01/07- 03/31/07 NAPOLEON: AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT
    This exhibit showcases rare, personal belongings of Napoleon, as well as some of the most famous depictions of him by the greatest artist of the time. With more than 250 objects, paintings, prints, documents and furniture from the imperial palaces, the exhibition will shine a light on the extraordinary life of one of historys pivotal figures.. Phone: 405-236-3100
    Location: Oklahoma City Museum of Art

    Perhaps next weekend, I am a broke mofo right now. But a romantic meal at the cafe and a stroll through the museum would be a nice thing to do soon. I'll be hanging out with friends tomorrow night and waiting for a call on the job I thought I was for sure getting, now it's just a maybe. Glad I put my 2 weeks in at my current employer......!

    Anyway, so friends Friday, going to the circus on Saturday night, and hopefully getting my car fixed by Sunday. That's it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    I'm goin back to Missouri (yay) to hang with my boyfriend's friends celebrating his 23rd birthday. They call me old! I'm not that old! Say I'm craddle robbing because he's only a year older than my younger brother. geez.

    Pine Street in the burg... Heroes restaurant/pub where my FAVORITE Band from Springfield is playing---they also played my 24th bday party last summer---the super duper awesome AMSTERBAND.
    Ever heard Ozarkian music that just touches your soul? Then you've never heard Amsterband!

    Ok, so my boyfriend doesn't know that Amsterband's playing but he won't mind if I sneak out of The Warehouse and go a couple doors down to Heroes to hang with the fellas that rocked my dad's farm

    Tonite--sleeping. Have to leave 4am to make it in time for doggies Vet appt with his old vet.

    Tomorrow---AMSTERBAND-a-licious..........goin for the foot-stomping experience AGAIN!

    Sunday---I'm cheap so I'm changing the oil in my car since I will have my parent's garage to do so I hate living in apartments and having to go to a "jiffy lube" or something like that to do something I know how to do myself!

  3. #3

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Whole lot of nothing unfortunately....Staying in tonight and either going to see Reign on Me (Whatever that Sandler movie is called) or hitting Dan McGuinness sat. night

  4. #4

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Tonight - the new Mark Wahlberg flick (Shooter?)
    Sat - Dry: week wacking all around the house, cutting the barnyard grass, patch a gap in the neighbors fence Wet- attack the primary chaincase leak on motorcycle #1
    Sun - church, then cheer on Courtney Paris, Jenna Plumley, et al and whatever my beloved bride has for me to do.

  5. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Today: Went shoe shopping with a friend; later, a martini and apps at the Boulevard in Edmond and a movie at a friend's house
    Saturday: Daytime...nothing, probably laundry and some cleaning...evening, bowling with friends in MWC
    Sunday: Lunch with my mom and sis maybe at Red Lobster in Norman.

    Not sure if I'm really ready to see a lot of people yet but I'm going to try. I'm really not sure if I'm ready to go back to work as some of the stresses have already hit today (getting emails about payments for newspaper, mistakes in the yearbook that can't be fixed, etc) and all I want to do is crawl under a rock and cry because I don't know if I can handle all of it yet.
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    bandnerd, something traumatic happen? Don't want to bring up bad memories if so, so no need to answer. Sorry if it was rude for me to ask.

  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Tonight: Not at thing, but relax. I worked all day at our cabin at church camp, so I am exhausted.

    Saturday: Work day at the church at 8 AM. At noon, I hopefully get to pick up my lawnmower from the mechanic and mow a couple of yards....make that three yards. Then....rest.

    Sunday: Church....nap.....choir rehearsel......church

  8. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Same old weekend duties, have kids, watch kids fri sat and sun, though a new girl I met am trying to go out with if can ever get that worked out.

    Sat night might hook up friends karaoke system have some drinks and have my own american idol home edition.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Saturday : work adn prom dress shopping..

    Sunday: family pictures
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  10. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Oh, oh, what type of dress is your daughter looking for?! Sounds fun to me but probably not fun for you, lol. Let me guess, something black?

  11. #11

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    I haven't got a clear answer on what kinda dress we are looking for..

    NO!!!!!!!!!! I love shopping...she is kinda big and that I am worried about .. I dont want her to get upset that we cant find a great dress, but we will..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  12. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    I'm not a little person and I found great dresses at Macy's. They carry all sizes. The trick is figuring out what shape is going to look best on her body. For me it is A-line dresses, strapless dresses, or deep v-neck dresses. The A-line really helps hide my ginormous hips, and the strapless or deep-v allows me to show off some of my better assets...shoulders and collarbone

    If all else fails, they make some pretty darn good suck-it-in for hours kind of underwear these days! Have fun!
    Still corrupting young minds

  13. #13

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    My daughter has a big middle so ?? I am not sure what kinda style will hide that. We will soon find out!!!

    There is a store at Crossroads Mall that sales all kinda pretty dresses...I am realy excited about her going to prom.. I missed out on alot when I was her age.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  14. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    An empire waist might work, something that flows away from the bust and doesn't cling to her. She won't want any "mermaid" style dresses, or anything straight up and down.

    Maybe this? Macy*s - Juniors/Thisit.com - Morgan Beaded Strapless Gown with Back Lacing

    Adrianna Papell Sequin Grecian Halter Dress - Dresses - Nordstrom.com

    I have this one and love it...mine's in ivory:
    Jessica McClintock Lace Trim Satin Gown - Dresses - Nordstrom.com

    JS Boutique Strapless Mesh Dress - Dresses - Nordstrom.com

    prom dresses, plus size prom dress, plus size dresses From Sydney's closet


    I am by no means an expert, but I do buy a new formal gown every year for the formal events we attend for the hubby's fraternity and law school. I'm usually a size 12, and I understand the frustration of trying to find a dress in a model-thin world!

    Good luck today!

    Also remind your daughter--great accessories and shoes make the outfit
    Still corrupting young minds

  15. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Great advice Bandnerd.. how did your formal event turn out anyway? Did you have fun?

    There is a nice undergarment called Spanx.. I went to Dilliard to try to find it before my trip but they didn't have it.. so you might have to check Ebay or some other places. Macy's didn't have it.

    But it supposed to be a lifesaver and make clothes fit better.

    eBay: SPANX® Higher Power Higher Power slims, smoothes nude D (item 320094090381 end time Mar-24-07 12:37:27 PDT)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    We had a good time at both events this year! It's rare that I get all gussied up so it's fun to have my girls over to do my hair and go to things like that.

    I didn't go to prom in high school so I've been making up for it for the last...oh...6 years
    Still corrupting young minds

  17. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Sorry to hijack this thread.. maybe we do need a Woman's Issues forum.. I'll ask Todd..

    Check the price out on this: It may not be formal enough but how cute is this?

    Macy*s - Juniors/Thisit.com - My Michelle Mesh and Lace Halter Dress
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #18

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    she loves them all.. thanks so much bandnerd.. you gave us perfect ideas.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  19. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Quote Originally Posted by HOTTCUTZ View Post
    she loves them all.. thanks so much bandnerd.. you gave us perfect ideas.
    Glad I could help!
    Still corrupting young minds

  20. #20

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    ok... this thread's gotten way too girly.

    friday, i took off work and fixed barbecue pretty much all day... smoked three beef briskets for a friend's highschool church camp thing. took them down to camp east of norman that evening and hung out with a few friends and fifty-some-odd highschool kids.

    today... i'm recovering.


  21. #21

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    mmm... never such a thing as to girly... and I think you just offended my internet feelings..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  22. #22
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? #5

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    ok... this thread's gotten way too girly.

    friday, i took off work and fixed barbecue pretty much all day... smoked three beef briskets for a friend's highschool church camp thing. took them down to camp east of norman that evening and hung out with a few friends and fifty-some-odd highschool kids.

    today... i'm recovering.

    This sounds exactly like my Wenesday night/Thursday. Since this week was Spring Break, then I took the week off. Wednesday night, the youth from my church had a sleepover at the church, and then we got up the next morning....went to Grace Rescue Mission, and then to Celebration Station.

    When the youth do a sleepover at church or at camp, there is no such thing as sleep. Wednesday night, the girls slept in our fellowship hall and the boys slept in the next building. Both the boys and girls did not go to sleep until around 4 AM. The sponsors were there, but we "slept" in a different room. The mattresses we had were so hard, that I might have gotten 4 hours of sleep.

    I went all day with the students, and since I was a sponsor, and needed to set the example, I wound up working harder than most of them. Even though I was sleep deprived, I did not get to bed until around 11 PM., and had to be back up at 6 AM Friday. I then spent all day Friday working at our cabin at church camp.....getting back to town around 6:30 PM.

    Went to bed at around 10:30 last night, and had to be back up at 7 this morning to go work at the church. We worked til about 10:30 this morning, and then I went home. I was so exhausted, I slept for about 2 hours. I then got up and went and mowed three yards.

    Now, my back is tired and my legs are sore. I am ready to call it a night and pop a few ibupofren. I'm not as young as I used to be, but I still have a blast.

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