Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
If I had any say in the matter it would go something like this:

Consolidate unnecessary school districts.

Start at the top of the school administration and reduce salaries and get rid of redundant positions.

Re-evaluate distribution of monies going to schools (push more money towards academics and academic facilities as opposed to sports facilities)

At that point, hopefully there will be enough money savings to increase teacher salaries to be competitive with Texas.

Remove teacher tenure (i feel it promotes complacency).

Provide incentives for students to pursue degrees in education

Finally, if the above doesn't get me anywhere, I would reallocate tax money to schools, and if that isn't possible, raise taxes a small percentage. People scoff at raising taxes a little, but if we really want change and if we really want to move from the bottom of the pack nationally, we may have to pay in a little more (this is last case scenario obviously).
I agree with most of your suggestions, but do you have any evidence that tenure actually causes laziness. Most studies I've seen have not seen a correlation. What tenure does is provide teachers comfort in knowing they can teach about evolution or controversial issues, things that they should be doing, without losing their job because of political reasons.