It's too bad the Devon retail space wasn't built out and the Main St garage space was taken by office space because all of these businesses could move right in. Luck is at the intersection of preparation and opportunity.
It's too bad the Devon retail space wasn't built out and the Main St garage space was taken by office space because all of these businesses could move right in. Luck is at the intersection of preparation and opportunity.
That Devon retail space would be quickly built out at any time.
There is plenty ground retail in the garage near Devon already. Guess what? It's empty........
There's also the ground floor retail space in the new Main St garage that's empty. But for these areas, is it empty because their owners are not ready to lease that space, because they're asking too much, or because there's not enough demand (unlikely)?
There are tenants planned for that space.
Gotcha. I figured that was the case. My question was intended as more of a counter to bombermwc, in an attempt to point out that the space may be "empty" when it's not actually available.
Richard Mize's interesting interview with Mark Beffort, who own City Place, about what's happening with this building.
Mark Beffort is probably First National Center's knowsiest next-door neighbor.
He knows the troubles they've seen at 120 N Robinson, because as the owner of City Place, next door at 204 N Robinson, a skyscraper of the same vintage, he's seen the same kind himself — and fixed them.
"I'm really excited for First National Center. I think it's the most significant historic structure we have in our city, and we all need to get behind it to ensure that it's a successful project this time," Beffort said. "I believe that by the end of the year we'll start to see some plan put together that we all can embrace, and move forward."
Hit with code violations and cut of notices this week. First National Center faces utility cutoffs, code violations | News OK
It's been really bad in that building for quite some time.
Over a year ago I was told management cut back maintenance to far below even basic standards.
The only good part of all of this is the current owners -- as messed up as they are -- absolutely have to sell. I'm surprised they've been able to hang in there this long, but they are to the point of absolutely having to do something with this property.
Contacted the Golden Dragon buffet today inside FNC to see where they are. They couldn't tell me anything other than they will operate from a day-to-day basis. FNC is on borrowed time; once the utilities (water &/or electric) go--it's all over with but the shouting...
I worry about Ken and his wife. They're good people. I work for a department who had been staunchly insisting that we had a lease until June of next year so we had NO plans in place for a serious move. Now, we have to vacate by Wednesday. Heads ought to roll, but won't in Oklahoma.
KFOR's update along with video interviews of some tenants.
?People had to bring their own toilet paper,? Tenants say historic building is on verge of breakdown |
And Steve's update with interview with tenants and the building manger.
Exclusive video of the FNC spokesperson earlier today discussing the rumors of utilities shutoff...
As first reported by Brianna and Steve there is a new bidder here which can complicate the issues.
Court documents hint rival bidder seeks ownership of downtown OKC's First National Center | News OK
I do not believe there is a new bidder. I believe the owners are lying. Again.
Seriously doubt some one would bid millions on this property without having had extensive discussions with the City, as public incentives are going to be a bigger part of this than the purchase price.
But, I also think this thing will close to Goodman in about a month and then everything will start to move forward.
JTF views Devon Tower as an abject failure, Pete.
But JTF views everything in OKC as abject failure.
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