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Thread: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

  1. #151

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    This thread is almost comical. The top 1/10 of 1% who own a hugely disproportionate amount of our wealth, must truly laugh at people like some of these posters that try to throw in a successful person making executive wages with those of the investor class and the hoarders of wealth. They really don't need to be held up as virtues of "success." They are killing our republic! I think more than a few of you made one too many trips to the old Enterprise Square museum and bought all that propaganda.

    The simplicity of thinking, that sounds like an 8th grade economics class taught by material provided by WalMart and the United States Chamber of Commerce, is mind boggling. The obscene statistics are everywhere, yet you bring up how we are merely envious, or need to open up a passbook savings account, set a little aside each paycheck, maybe take an extra job (or two) and we can be part of that "successful" oligarchy, too!

    You take a million people in this city - and statistically - the one tenth of one percent is 100 people owning more than the 999,900 put together (wealth - not income). Of course, we can't do that in a literal way in our city - but that should bring it home. Though, we could pretty much come up a list of close to 100 if pressed.
    You must be talking about China.... lol

  2. #152

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Let's do this: OKC Population - 610,613. OKC Per Capita Income - $25,629: Total Earning of every man. woman, and child in OKC = $15,649,400,577 In case you are having trouble, that is $15.6 billion
    Net Worth of Harold Hamm: $11.4 billion (and keep in mind Harold Hamm's income is also in the per capita number which skews it up).

    Now granted that is net-worth vs. income but it wouldn't surprise me if the collective net-worth of the bottom 600,000 is very close to $0.

    So back to GE - They have annual revenue of $150 billion. So when they come to OKC asking for a handout what percentage of that handout should be paid by HH?

  3. Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    hoya, JTF, zookeeper, I'm not "ignoring" anything, and I don't "need a new chart." If you had bothered to actually READ what I posted instead of making kneejerk argumentative posts, you would see that I was very specifically responding to mugofbeer's post - WHICH I QUOTED - that was making comments regarding tax rates for people making $20k vs people making $200K. Twist and spin all you want, but for the post I was responding to my numbers are unimpeachable.

  4. #154

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Let's do this: OKC Population - 610,613. OKC Per Capita Income - $25,629: Total Earning of every man. woman, and child in OKC = $15,649,400,577 In case you are having trouble, that is $15.6 billion
    Net Worth of Harold Hamm: $11.4 billion (and keep in mind Harold Hamm's income is also in the per capita number which skews it up).
    Now granted that is net-worth vs. income but it wouldn't surprise me if the collective net-worth of the bottom 600,000 is very close to $0.

    So back to GE - They have annual revenue of $150 billion. So when they come to OKC asking for a handout what percentage of that handout should be paid by HH?
    Let's look at reality here - Harold Hamm's net worth lost almost $5 Billion since last fall. Does that skew it going down ?

  5. #155

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    So last year HH alone had more money than the other 610,612 people earned collectively?

  6. #156

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    HH losing $5 billion in net worth would have no impact on per capita income, unless he gave himself a raise to make up for it.

    Alas, I am saddened and dismayed that there is so much support today for a return to the medieval fudal system.

  7. #157

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    I am amazed at the love of socialism and the supporters of wealth redistribution in his thread.

  8. #158

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    I am amazed at the love of socialism and the supporters of wealth redistribution in his thread.
    So in your mind there are just two economic options, your version of capitalism and socialism? That's it, no other choices to pick from?

    Ever heard of Austrian Economics?

  9. #159

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    So last year HH alone had more money than the other 610,612 people earned collectively?
    Why does it matter and why do you care that he made that much money? There isn't anything wrong with making money. In building his empire....how many jobs has he created and how many families make a living due to their breadwinner being employed there? What would we be doing with all the empty space in their building? There will always be a rainmaker and worker bees. Yes he makes an obscene amount of money but in doing so, he has positively affected the economy by creating jobs.

  10. #160

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    So in your mind there are just two economic options, your version of capitalism and socialism? That's it, no other choices to pick from?

    Ever heard of Austrian Economics?
    The Austrian school is not well represented here, nor on many online forums, which I find very shameful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Why does it matter and why do you care that he made that much money? There isn't anything wrong with making money. In building his empire....how many jobs has he created and how many families make a living due to their breadwinner being employed there? What would we be doing with all the empty space in their building? There will always be a rainmaker and worker bees. Yes he makes an obscene amount of money but in doing so, he has positively affected the economy by creating jobs.
    This is why I was trying to be careful with my statements made previously.
    Because at the end of the day, I won't make a villain out of someone for making money, not gonna happen from me.
    HOWEVER, going back to my points before, when that person, or persons, start manipulating or literally buying off our elected representatives and begin crafting public policies, that's when I begin to have issues, for many reasons obvious.

    That's also why I made a simple example that if we could have a flat sales tax for all, with no income tax for those making less than $1 million, and a flat rate of 10% for those who are, I think that could be agreeable grounds for many. Of course, this is just thinking for ways of compromise as what I truly believe would never be instituted... Hint, I follow the Austrian School.

  11. #161

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Influence public policy? You mean like HH trying to hand select the head of the Oklahoma Geological Survey so he could cover up the connection between well injections and earthquakes?

  12. #162

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Why does it matter and why do you care that he made that much money? There isn't anything wrong with making money. In building his empire....how many jobs has he created and how many families make a living due to their breadwinner being employed there? What would we be doing with all the empty space in their building? There will always be a rainmaker and worker bees. Yes he makes an obscene amount of money but in doing so, he has positively affected the economy by creating jobs.
    He can make all the money he wants, I'm just saying that based on his wealth compared to everyone else in OKC, he should be paying a much larger share of the tax burden than he is. Wouldn't you agree?

  13. #163

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    I am amazed at the love of socialism and the supporters of wealth redistribution in his thread.
    Im also amazed at how poorly we rank compared to other developed countries in categories like educational achievement, infant mortality rates, economic mobility, and other things that are tied to high income inequality.

  14. #164

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Maybe those babies just need to pull themselves up by their bootie straps. [/Sarc]

    I can see our entire society slipping into a Spartan type society. Thank goodness 2020 happens before that.

  15. #165

    Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    hoya, JTF, zookeeper, I'm not "ignoring" anything, and I don't "need a new chart." If you had bothered to actually READ what I posted instead of making kneejerk argumentative posts, you would see that I was very specifically responding to mugofbeer's post - WHICH I QUOTED - that was making comments regarding tax rates for people making $20k vs people making $200K. Twist and spin all you want, but for the post I was responding to my numbers are unimpeachable.
    Okay, forgive me then. For some reason I thought your post was supposed to be in some way relevant to the discussion of taxes on billionaires. I did not think we were supposed to read it for the very limited purpose of only comparing income taxes on people making between $20K and $200K. You know, because none of us were really talking about that.

  16. Default Re: GE may move its HQ after Connecticut passed state corporate tax increases.

    Well, that's what mugofbeer was talking about. I quoted the post. Go back and read it again.

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