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Thread: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

  1. #1

    Question Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Yes, I picked the "Health & Fitness" section to post about Makeup.

    That is because I've been battling acne for years, NO I haven't seen a dermatologist cuz I'm poor people like that I also have a purple-redish birthmark on my face as well as freckles that I try to cover up. My skin is obviously sensitive and prone to break-outs. I've done the "diet-change," drink more water, get more sleep, try to be less stressed--because according to the entire world THAT'S why I have acne problems. I've even used that ProActive stuff and it Destroyed my face, as well as some MaryKay and Avon Products.

    I keep turning toward this product that YES I've seen on daytime TV infomercials.

    Bare Minerals

    Has anyone used this Mineral Makeup? Is it really as good as it appears to be?

    I don't want to spend $60 on something that's not gonna improve my skin condition. I firmly believe that a more beautiful Outer Me will cheer up the Inner Me and maybe I will be a lil more confident in meeting new people.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Bare Minerals is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am addicted to it. I have large pores on my face and most makeup looks caked on.. I love the fact that I can put it on and it looks natural. It dont clog my pores and I dont sweat it off..

    Trust me you will addicted also..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  3. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    You have a beautiful face!

    Anyway, I haven't tried Bare Minerals but looking at the commercials, it wouldn't even come close to the type of coverage I like to have.. it's called Bare Minerals so it looks like bare skin.. I also have small freckles even after wearing 55 Sunscreen... hubby says their cute, I'd sand them off with sandpaper if I thought it wouldn't scar.. hate them, hate them!

    Anyway, two things .. I saw an acne machine at Walgreens which kills the bacteria with heat .. it costs about $150..but if you think about all the money you've spent over the years and this works.. it's not much money to have skin cleared.. I'm going to get one if my teen starts breaking out.

    A Better Way to Treat Acne: Heat Treatment of Skin Lesions

    Another product I've used and loved is Physicians' Formula.. Check it out.. here is their mineral line: Although I used the old creamy formula foundation.. non clogging, w sunscreen.. loved it..

    Physicians Formula
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Sorry Hottcutz.. we were posting at the same time.. like I said, I've never used it so don't listen to me.. I'm not an expert .. hottcutz looks great so maybe you should give it a try.. look on Ebay.. see if you can get a better price.. of course, only get new - sealed in packages, not expired cosmetics on Ebay.. due to cooties and such..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post

    Another product I've used and loved is Physicians' Formula.. Check it out.. here is their mineral line: Although I used the old creamy formula foundation.. non clogging, w sunscreen.. loved it..

    Physicians Formula

    You're the second person that's recommended the Physician's Formula to me today! I was chatting with one of my friends back home (she is the "prissiest" friend I have, lol) and she said she swears by that stuff.

    I'm thinking I should try it out instead of this whole Bare Minerals thing as that's gonna cost at least $70 with shipping and all. I'm too poor to take that leap but I think I can swing the $10 - $20 at the department store.

    Where do you get your Physician's Formula makeup? Calli told me to try Target.

    Also, do you use the liquid foundation and the loose powder? Is is a one or the other or both? I didn't have the chance to ask her, she had to go to class.

  6. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    They put that on my for my wedding day. It was okay, but I don't use it normally.

    I know this may seem personal, but have you tried birth control? I didn't have great skin when I was younger...but man, bcp's really can control acne. Plus that whole contraceptive thing...great if you don't want kids right now

    Planned Parenthood is cheap, if you are interested. You'll have to get an exam I think to get the pills, but it's about $90 (according to my last visit several years ago) and the pills will cost anywhere from $25/mo to $25/every three months, depending on how they write the script. My doctor writes them for every 3 months at $25, and most doctors will do that for you. If you have health insurance, there are a lot of good gynecologists out there who can help!

    Plus, at our age, it's crucial that we make these girly visits every year, anyway!
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Ya, I'm on the pill that's supposed to help your skin clear up but I haven't seen any real changes. My doctor's stubborn so I'm on the same thing I've been on for the past four years.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I have used bare minerals and thought it felt very "heavy" on my face. I like to use Clinique Continuous Coverage to cover any "problem areas." I have used it since a teen and have switched to other products since, but kept switching back. It is just meant as a coverage and not as a foundation. I am kind of a big fan of the Clinique product line.....so, I am a bit partial.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I currently use the clinique powder. I like it but I'm still searching for a skin friendly foundation. I tried the clinique liquid foundation but it still felt pretty heavy.

  10. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    You can get Physicians' Formula at Walgreens.. matter of fact, they have a sale right now - Buy one get one Half off! (at least it was two days ago)..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I used Proactiv for over a year before I gave up and went to the dermatologist. I think the only reason my face cleared at all w/ Proactiv was because it actually motivated me to wash my face in the a.m. and p.m. and before that I think I was just a smelly little teenager. lol. When I went to the dermatologist, he is the PA at Craig Abbott's office, he gave me antibiotics and a prescription of Differin gel. Within a couple of months my face was clear of all the major acne and I just had a break out every once in a while on my chin, that is always my problem area (probably because I touch it all the freaking time). But now that I tan I never break out because of the dryness of my skin. That probably doesnt sound good but I would rather be tan and acne free.

    I had microdermabrasion done like 3 times and it really works to rejuvenate your skin and clear it up, but the effects only last about a week or two. I only paid $45 a time when I went to do that. My mom used to have dark discolorations on her face and arms and the same physician used laser treatment to lighten them. They're gone now, it broke up the pigment that was clumping together and now her face is free of the dark spots that once drove her crazy. I was pretty impressed by it.

    I don't think there is such a thing as a makeup that helps clear your skin. I feel like that's another reason my skin stays clear now, I dont wear makeup (except mascara and blush or bronzer). As far as looks go, I would like to spend a lot of money buying Merle Norman products, once you go get a makeover there, you will want their products, they have awesome coverage. I would also like to get my hands on some MAC cosmetics.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I have problems with my chin as well (again.. from touching my face). I tanned a couple years ago when I was living with an avid tanner/athletic gal. She had really oily skin and would drag me to tanning. It did help quite a bit. Its just kinda scary too since I've had sun poisoning in the past and I have to take it REAL slow when I start tanning. I can't wait to get back into it though. When I have a steady paycheck and a better grip on all the bills I will definately start tanning again.

    I've also found that I break out MORE if I don't wear makeup. Its like my pores are super-exposed to dirt. I've been making myself put makeup on even if I'm just spending the day at home with my dog because I really want my skin to clear before I start work next week (well, as clear as I can get it at least).

    Regardless, I always get "sensitive skin" products that are oil free, fragrance free, and now I'm the new owner of some of the Physicians Formula stuff

    Guess I'll give ya'll an update in a few weeks or so

  13. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelicfly View Post
    I've also found that I break out MORE if I don't wear makeup. Its like my pores are super-exposed to dirt. I've been making myself put makeup on even if I'm just spending the day at home with my dog because I really want my skin to clear before I start work next week (well, as clear as I can get it at least).
    I was the same way until I made myself stick to going without for about a week. Now when I put on my makeup my face will break out every time in about a day or two afterwards.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I don't think I have enough will power to go without makeup!

    I feel like I get stared at! In fact, when I was a kid my birthmark made me sooooo self-conscious.

    Kids would ask me if it was a hickie (sp?) ---sure, a hickie... on my face (gosh!)
    Elderly people thought that I had a bruise on my face like someone hit me!

    No one ever figured out it was a birth mark. When I was a baby it covered up half of my face, thank goodness it shrank. Don't think I could handle having half of my face purple.

    Trust me, if it were just the freckles fighting to be seen, no problem. Freckles are often cute. The acne, acne scars, and the birthmark have top priority!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    I do not use foundation at all.. I airbrush tan and that is my foundation. But I dont like alot of makeup either.

    I am very big as the natural look. I use blush, mascara and lip liner with gloss ...

    When I do play dress up I use bare minerals. That is how I can save some money I only use their coverage for special occasions and I get it off their website, but only order it 3 or 4 times a year. It last a long time even using it daily
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  16. #16

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Hey Angelicfly - just wanted to let you know that Ulta carries the Bare Minerals line. You can go test it to decide whether it's worthy of the splurge! The girls in Ulta are generally really helpful, too, so they may have some good suggestions for you.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonergirl View Post
    Hey Angelicfly - just wanted to let you know that Ulta carries the Bare Minerals line. You can go test it to decide whether it's worthy of the splurge! The girls in Ulta are generally really helpful, too, so they may have some good suggestions for you.
    Thanks! I googled it and found a one located in the Quail Springs Marketplace. I haven't been there yet but a good girl friend of mine is coming down April 13-15 and she's the perfect shopping companion!

    Thanks again!

  18. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Oh yeah, Memorial and Penn across the street from Sam's Club in the Ross/Office Depot/Lowe's Center - strip mall ... next to Michaels.. it's fun to go there and play.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  19. #19

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Oh yeah, Memorial and Penn across the street from Sam's Club in the Ross/Office Depot/Lowe's Center - strip mall ... next to Michaels.. it's fun to go there and play.
    Cool I wrote that down on my list of places to check out with my girlfriend

  20. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    The Ulta is next to Michaels.. you probably will want to take her to Quail Springs Mall and North Park Mall- if you're on a budget, they have Dollar movies and Pablanos is always good Mexican food.. that's on the corner of May & 122nd

    Penn Square Mall is nice but you have to take her to Bricktown Friday/Sat night and ride the canal boats and check out Bricktown Brewery .. they have pretty good food, reasonably priced and the beer is good. After eating you can hit some clubs.. check out this site :
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. #21

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    The Ulta is next to Michaels..

    Talk about heaven on earth...Being able to get all your cosmetic products in one store and then being able to shop for fabrics literally just steps away

    Can hardly contain my excitement

  22. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    For the ultimate thrill, the shoe store is in the same place!

    Easy180, my work here is done. I'm glad to see your feminine side being brought to the forefront.. I'll come pick you up, let's go shopping - I need a new purse. lol
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?


    I have one lil problem as far as taking her to Bricktown. She's only 20 years old. We met thru work... I was Assistant Manager and she's a Shift Supervisor so its just kind of one of those things that sometimes hold us back from really going all out.

    I can't wait for her to turn 21.

    I love breweries. dang. I don't think she's a club person either she's picky like that. I don't really have a group of clubbers anymore. I think I left them when I left college. Bah.

    I also tend to hang out with people my mom's age. The 35-45 range. My mom is flippin cool! She'll go to the brewery with me! She's always up for beer tastin'--I've introduced her to several American beers, lol.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Oh yeah, Memorial and Penn across the street from Sam's Club in the Ross/Office Depot/Lowe's Center - strip mall ... next to Michaels.. it's fun to go there and play.
    How can you skip Books-A-Million???????/

  25. Default Re: Ladies! Have MAKEUP advice?


    I really want that. Anyone else think it's cute? (the top)

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