Instead of sending the Hall Capital thread off on a tangent, I would like to dedicate a thread that specifically deals with the Classen Blvd corridor and any development that directly fronts the street. I feel a serious discussion needs to take place ASAP to start figuring out what actions need to take place to enhance what Classen brings to the table in Oklahoma City.
First, let's establish why it's important:
A. It connects from North to South, the following notable locations:
- Nichols Hills and NW 63rd/Western (Chesapeake, MidFirst, Glimcher's NH Plaza + Classen Curve + Future Development)
- Belle Isle + Penn Square Mall + 50 Penn Place + NW Expressway + Classen Circle
- Memorial Park + NW 36th St. + thousands of smaller lot single-family homes (within walking distance, this spanning nearly the entirety of the road)
- Asian District
- Oklahoma City University
- Uptown 23rd Street
- Gold Dome
- Old American Fidelity Campus (Rick Dowell)
- Classen School of Advanced Studies
- Key inner-city neighborhoods such as Mesta Park, Gatewood, Putnam Heights (further North)
- The Plaza
- NW10th Street
- St. Anthony's Complex
- Arts District
- Film Row
- Farmer's Market
- Wheeler District
B. It has been identified as an early route expansion for the street car in ACOG's 2015 commuter corridor study: It would prove to be a major ridership area, and if OKC indeed invests near a $1B for this route alone, Classen needs to be a top notch street and will of course bring TOD in a major way.
C. It intersects NW Expressway which is one of the busiest corridor's in the entire state, and is therefore one of the most important arteries that brings people in from the NW to downtown.
D. It remains WOEFULLY undervalued and therefore things can be done to establish guidelines right now that will help for the future.
Here are the steps I would like to see the city take in the next few years:
1. Initiate a comprehensive analysis of the corridor: Commercial strengths/weaknesses. Walkability/Bikability/Drivability. Quality of public transit, and potential impact of future public transit. Historic Buildings. Etc. Etc. Etc.
2. Create a long-term plan that enhances the corridor as a multi-modal artery (walking, biking, driving, street car) that attracts development that is mixed-use in nature.
3. Create guidelines that match the plan and a design review corridor that has oversight to make sure that development that takes place does so in a healthy manner
4. Identify every building that fronts Classen and is historically/architecturally significant so that ideas can begin to form on how to best incorporate those buildings into the overall design. Some of these buildings will present a challenge, but if we address it before any questions come up, we'll be in better shape.
I feel like this is a good start to the discussion. Classen is billions of dollars away from being world class, but when you consider how many major points of interest it feeds, it is certainly worth that kind of investment.