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Thread: Smoking

  1. #1

    Default Smoking

    No wonder I thought smoking was cool when I was a kid.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2015
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Smoking

    Watching Mad Men is another good reminder of how things WERE.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

  4. #4

    Default Re: Smoking

    i like this variation but never had a reason to post it...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Smoking

    Of course smoking is cool. So is riding a motorcycle without a helmet, having unprotected sex with a lot of good-looking strangers, and giving gun-toting cops the finger.

    Being safe, smart, and living to a ripe old age has never been cool.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Smoking

    I've never heard of Spud cigarettes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Smoking

    Don't think Spuds made it big since I have never heard of them but I have heard and tried all the others mentioned in those old commercials.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Smoking

    I remember a cartoon that came on in the mid 60s I think. Tobar the 8th man. I think it was only for one season if I remember correctly. But Tobar was a crime fighter super hero or whatever else he was fighting and after a while he would start getting weak and then out came the smokes. He would fire one up and he had his power back again. This cartoon was targeted at 5-10 year olds and I can tell you that it really made an impression on youngsters back then. I you were a kid and hadn't tried a cig then after watching this cartoon you better believe you were out to get one and try it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Smoking

    Do college kids smoke any more? When I started college in the late-80s, just about everybody smoked when they went out to bars. Including myself. I remember getting Ozium spray to disinfect my car before I went to my parents' house for the weekends. Except it really didn't work.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    Do college kids smoke any more? When I started college in the late-80s, just about everybody smoked when they went out to bars. Including myself. I remember getting Ozium spray to disinfect my car before I went to my parents' house for the weekends. Except it really didn't work.
    Some, sounds like it was down a bit by the time I went in the early 2000's. I doubt for students at the time it was as high as the average for all Oklahomans but it certainly more than one in ten, probably closer to one in five.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I remember a cartoon that came on in the mid 60s I think. Tobar the 8th man. I think it was only for one season if I remember correctly. But Tobar was a crime fighter super hero or whatever else he was fighting and after a while he would start getting weak and then out came the smokes. He would fire one up and he had his power back again. This cartoon was targeted at 5-10 year olds and I can tell you that it really made an impression on youngsters back then. I you were a kid and hadn't tried a cig then after watching this cartoon you better believe you were out to get one and try it.
    Totally off topic, but Tobar is credited at inspiring RoboCop....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    Do college kids smoke any more? When I started college in the late-80s, just about everybody smoked when they went out to bars. Including myself. I remember getting Ozium spray to disinfect my car before I went to my parents' house for the weekends. Except it really didn't work.
    Ha! Ozium. Do they still make that. Doesn't cover up any type of burning vegetation very well.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Smoking

    "Winston taste good like a cigarette should" That was my primary brand and it was advertised heavily back in the day to entice youngsters.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Smoking

    I can't imagine how in the world a cigarette could possibly taste good. Although to be fair I think the same thing about ehh...okay.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Smoking

    Some did. Though I cleared year 11 as a former smoker a few weeks ago, when I did smoke, I was partial to two brands - More and Dunhill. My earliest days as a smoker were primarily Marlboro Red 100's, which in my brain were superior to products offered by either Winston or Camel. My original switch to More was initially financial. They were dark brown, skinny and 120's rather than the far more common 100's. This meant they were different, as as any high schooler knows, different equals bad. Ergo, others in smoker's alley stopped bumming lest they too be seen with a weird smoke. Having known I was a tad weird since back in 3rd grade, the decision merely cut my expenses considerably when the bummers moved on to the shirt pockets of others..

  16. #16

    Default Re: Smoking

    I remember my folks saving those coupons that came with every pack and buying stuff with them.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    Do college kids smoke any more? When I started college in the late-80s, just about everybody smoked when they went out to bars. Including myself. I remember getting Ozium spray to disinfect my car before I went to my parents' house for the weekends. Except it really didn't work.
    I would take any smoking rates that come out these days with a grain of salt. Rates can often look lower than they actually are because of the move to vaping. Smokers tend to think it's a healthy alternative. Also smokers who vape don't consider themselves smokers anymore when they vape.

  18. Default Re: Smoking

    I've always liked you Ken!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Of course smoking is cool. So is riding a motorcycle without a helmet, having unprotected sex with a lot of good-looking strangers, and giving gun-toting cops the finger.

    Being safe, smart, and living to a ripe old age has never been cool.
    I smoked non-filtered Pall Malls for 38 years, three packs a day. I quit in 12/1999 and thought I was going to be Ok. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In November 2012 I was diagnosed with C.O.P.D. and it pretty much ended my normal life. I had been doing a lot of traveling and that came to a screeching halt, I can't even be gone overnight. We pay for our sins. But I still miss them and the day the doctor tells me that I have a few months to live, I will go to the atm and withdraw enough cash to go to the Indian smoke shop in Shawnee and buy enough cigarettes to last me till I croak! Of course, if I had it to do over, I would never have smoked one cigarette, but at this point in my life, as I said, "I still miss them" and it would ease my demise! Now, how stupid is that?
    C. T.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I smoked non-filtered Pall Malls for 38 years, three packs a day. I quit in 12/1999 and thought I was going to be Ok. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In November 2012 I was diagnosed with C.O.P.D. and it pretty much ended my normal life. I had been doing a lot of traveling and that came to a screeching halt, I can't even be gone overnight. We pay for our sins. But I still miss them and the day the doctor tells me that I have a few months to live, I will go to the atm and withdraw enough cash to go to the Indian smoke shop in Shawnee and buy enough cigarettes to last me till I croak! Of course, if I had it to do over, I would never have smoked one cigarette, but at this point in my life, as I said, "I still miss them" and it would ease my demise! Now, how stupid is that?
    C. T.
    Just commenting on how we define "cool". As I said, being safe and smart has never been cool.


    Not Cool:


    Not Cool:


    Not Cool:

  21. #21

    Default Re: Smoking

    I fully understood, I just jumped at the opportunity to show how "cool" my smoking was, and the end result.
    C. T.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Smoking

    speaking of vaping ... are vapers vexing or simply vapid?

  23. #23
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Smoking


  24. #24

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I fully understood, I just jumped at the opportunity to show how "cool" my smoking was, and the end result.
    C. T.
    Well, I've never smoked. I am also a big nerd, so...

  25. #25

    Default Re: Smoking

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Well, I've never smoked. I am also a big nerd, so...
    Well, get with the program man! There's nothing like nicotine stained fingers, and the lovely aroma from a smokers clothes. Really, to tell you how sad some of us ex smokers are, I found out that one of the places that I like to visit and enjoy a beer is going smoke free. The Old Chicago in Edmond. I told them "I can get good beer anywhere, but I come here for the second hand smoke!". Ok, even though I really did say that, I was being somewhat facetious.
    C. T.

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