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Thread: Panhandlers

  1. #1

    Default Panhandlers

    I know this has been discussed a lot on this site, but wanted to bring it up again. My wife and I went to San Antonio and Austin a few weeks ago stopping in Dallas as well and didn't see nearly as many panhandlers there as we do in OKC. Even Tulsa is much better than OKC.

    At major intersections within the core of OKC (23rd and Penn, 23rd and Classen, 23rd and Broadway, I-44/Hefner Parkway and anywhere with a light, NW Expressway, in general, I-35 and major intersections and I-40 and major intersections) there seems to be at least two, sometimes four per intersection.

    I drive 44 from 23rd to Expressway every day and see four panhandlers at both major intersections on my way to work every day.

    Is there a ruling in the city that they need to have permits or is it just a free for all?

    Why are there more panhandlers here in OKC versus other major metro areas in Texas? Is it simply that we are at the crossroads of 40 and 35 so it is easier to get here, make some money and go on their way?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I do tend to agree that OKC can be a bit lax on these things, but panhandling ordinances are largely toothless and difficult to enforce.

    I'm also not sure I agree that OKC is far and above worse than Dallas, Austin, or SA. I can't speak for SA, but Dallas has a pretty serious panhandling issue along the exits off Central and 35E. Personally, I've been approached several times at gas stations.

    Last time in Austin I was actually pretty surprised at the level of panhandling, and I was in a fairly nice part of town (Barton Creek mall area). The thing that stuck out to me was they definitely were "professional bums" and tweakers, not down-on-your-luck people you get in other cities. My guess is you may not see certain things like that because you probably stuck to the tourist areas in these cities.

    One thing someone in law enforcement told me was that OKC does get a lot of hitchhikers, modern day nomads, and "end of the road" types that come and go through town just based on the city's location. Go to any of the big truck stops west of town along I-40 and you'll see what I'm talking about. I would be hard pressed to say that fact alone makes panhandling worse here.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Companies like Curbside Chronicle have helped, but they are designed to help the down-on-your-luck homeless vs. the "professional bums and tweakers". The easiest way to stop panhandling is to stop giving them money.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I used to give to panhandlers quite frequently but after a couple of experiences with one in the parking lot of belle isle wal mart{same story several months apart} it soured it for me. If someone looks truly in need I have no problem with giving and that doesn't include men that look able bodied.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I see the same people nearly every day on my route to work and then home again. One old boy has been at it for a couple of years now with a sign saying he lost all in a fire including his son. If it's one I don't recognize, I don't mind helping, but when it's the same ones day after day for weeks, months and yes, over a year, then it's obvious they are pros. And then I really loved the guy that I saw at I-40 and MacArthur that had a big key ring hanging out of his pocket with several keys along with a car key fob. Or the couple I saw way out east on I-40 that had a nearly new Mini Cooper hidden behind some trees across the road from where they were panhandling.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    We don't give to panhandlers, but I have to say I found one of them fascinating. Well, actually it was her cat. This lady panhandles at the intersection of May and I-44 with her cat in tow. All that noise and clutter, and the little cat just sleeps on a pad next to her. It was crazy! I rolled down the window and asked her about it. She said she had it since it was tiny. It had been abandoned by its mother so she fed it with an eyedropper until it could eat solid food. She said the cat's always been that tame.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I've noticed a new trend in panhandling. I've been hit up twice here recently inside a store shopping. Once at lowes and another time at target. The come on both times was a car broken down sob story. Yet another point in Amazon's favor.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I've noticed a new trend in panhandling. I've been hit up twice here recently inside a store shopping. Once at lowes and another time at target. The come on both times was a car broken down sob story. Yet another point in Amazon's favor.
    Within the last month this has happened to me twice as well. Once inside Walgreens and the other time was at Home Depot. And yes, same broken down car story.

    Another note I tried to hire a "will work for food" person and they simply told me that they make more in a couple of hours than I could afford to pay them. I was offering $100 for a days work cleaning up a dirty warehouse.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Anybody remember this from a few months back?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    They're at all intersections at 39th/44 and May as well. I guess the corners got full there bc I see them at 36th and May now too.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I work out at Gold's Gym on 23rd and Penn and have for about a year. About once a month I get hit for money in the parking lot. One time, a lady asked me for money for groceries for her three kids. I told her I would not give her money, but would be willing to buy her whatever she wanted to up to $50 at the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market which is in the same parking lot. She said she needed to buy somewhere else, closer to home. As I pressed she walked about cussing me.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    The two and 39th/44 and May are a couple. they have worked it for a good while and they are a mess. they have a dog and a cat and I have a lengthy story I don't think is appropriate to post but of them taking advantage of someones kindness and basically squatting in their home and robbing them blind.

    I'd say Dallas has as many or not more. but I think ours is on the rise. I have seen turf wars on 23rd and penn of them fighting over the corner or median. its crazy

  13. #13

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Yeah. To everyone who says they occasionally give. Don't.

    Give to a homeless shelter, give to organizations that help homeless people. Giving it directly to the person is the worse thing you can do. The ones that really need the help are very rarely actually panhandling. I have been approached a lot and I always tell them I don't have cash but I can go and fill up their car or get them food/groceries and they never want that. People truly in need will take whatever you offer. There are a lot of organizations out there that really do help, just find some.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    well how people give is a personal choice.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    If they have kids or critters with them I am an easy touch. It is a personal choice that no one should have to defend their actions. For or against.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    And here I thought this thread was going to be about people from Guymon.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Some places ban panhandling with a dog or a cat because the pandhandlers know that people will feel more sorry for them and the animal. Its a classic ploy

  18. #18

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    I stopped counting long ago the broken down car folks from out of town, and the part was delayed and the motel has drained them so no food or diapers, etc. Exceptionally rare for one to accept the offer to let's go in and get you and child something to eat then go get diapers.

    As far as folks coming, staying a bit and moving on, I've seen many folks who are regulars at certain spots and not appearing to be the least bit transient.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Last time in Austin I was actually pretty surprised at the level of panhandling, and I was in a fairly nice part of town (Barton Creek mall area). The thing that stuck out to me was they definitely were "professional bums" and tweakers, not down-on-your-luck people you get in other cities. My guess is you may not see certain things like that because you probably stuck to the tourist areas in these cities.
    Having lived in Austin for 4.5 years (recently--within the last 10 years), I agree that Austin panhandling is significantly more widespread there than it is here and it is much more organized. The pastor of my church in Austin used to reach out to the Austin homeless population. They are quite organized; while there are some stragglers, etc., a good chunk operate on a shift schedule at key intersections that they set up themselves, and in some cases they split their daily earnings with each other. A couple of the leaders of the homeless community were quite well known, and at least one has tried to run for Austin City Council in the past.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Its pretty bad along Penn from 122nd all the way to the Quail Springs mall. Same people everyday. Only people on the street I will give money to is a firefighter with a boot. One time I saw a lady with kids at the Penn Walmart and I just happen to need to stop at the Moore Walmart and saw the same lady. How did she afford to travel all the way to Moore if she needed money?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Why, by using a portion of the money she collected while at the Penn Wal-mart of course

  22. #22

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Unless if they physically attack you I don't see why they are a problem. Sure its annoying being approached (people talking to you in general is usually annoying these days) but its really easy to just say no and move on. Its a lot harder being homeless than it is being asked for spare change.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    aye, but that presumes one is being approached by someone who is homeless, and that is very often not the case.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I've noticed a new trend in panhandling. I've been hit up twice here recently inside a store shopping. Once at lowes and another time at target. The come on both times was a car broken down sob story. Yet another point in Amazon's favor.
    Probably more an indication of the temperature it is outside, outside they get more traffic and less chance of being kicked out by security, but with highs in the 90s this week much of the time would be pretty miserable.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Panhandlers

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Unless if they physically attack you I don't see why they are a problem. Sure its annoying being approached (people talking to you in general is usually annoying these days) but its really easy to just say no and move on. Its a lot harder being homeless than it is being asked for spare change.
    When the Harkins Theatre first opened the grifters were pretty aggressive.

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