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Thread: FlashBack RetroPub

  1. #201

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Film Row is going to become awesome! This seems like it will be a really cool place.
    The district is really going to develop quickly once the 21C Hotel is completed next year, along with a potential music hall and restaurant just south of the building. Both of which will be right across the street from us. I'm also hearing talks about residential housing outside of the Hall Capital properties. Best part is that a lot of these empty properties don't have to currently deal with residential zoning if you do want to open up just a bar, which was a problem for us in districts like Midtown and Plaza, even Uptown.

  2. #202

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Heard about this today sounds great. How do you maintain all the equipment? Do the games rotate?

  3. #203

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    For the time being the entire collection will fit in our space, but once we get over 40-45 games we will have to start rotating games in and out. We will be working with a local arcade repair person for any maintenance on the games.

  4. #204

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Met JRod1980 at the space yesterday and they are getting pretty close with the interior finish-out.

    The space is actually quite large and since there is no kitchen, almost all of it will be devoted to games (tons of them!), a long bar and a small dance floor. Also, they plan to add a patio in the back down the road.

    They still have to get their final inspections and permits but this shouldn't be much longer.

    Until you go stand at this space you don't realize how close it will be to the 21c, the new music venue and all the Hall Capital stuff. This is going to be very cool and happening area in the very near future.

    (Jose asked me not to take photos of the interior until they are ready to open.)

  5. #205

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    They posted a photo of one of their long walls covered w/ games on their Insta. Maybe give them a follow and check it out!

  6. #206

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Donkey Kong!

    Yes, when I was in there on Sunday they were starting to line up the games. The space is very long and deep and they are going to have tons of space in there for the consoles.

    Very excited about this. I smell a homerun.

  7. #207

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I am Ready for them to take my money!

  8. #208

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub


  9. #209

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

  10. #210

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    dibs on galaga! -M

  11. #211

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I'm super excited about this as well. I sold our old 80's family TV to jrod1980 and can't wait to see it in action again. Had a lot of memories on that TV at my grandma's as a kid.

    I'm hoping he remembers he said I could get in on the soft opening event!

  12. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I am also very excited about this place. Beer and video games? Yes please.

  13. #213

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Does anyone know if the bar is planning to be smoke free?

  14. #214

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I believe I read that was the plan was to be smoke free.

  15. #215

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Yes, I believe it will be non-smoking only.

    Their longer-range plans include a back patio.

  16. #216

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I don't care if a bar has smoking in it, but I'd think with all the machines, it only makes sense not to be smoking. Just one more thing that can adversely affect the games.

  17. #217

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    We will be a non-smoking facility and that includes vape smoking. We are getting closer, all the games are now moved in and the rest of the furniture will be moved in this weekend.

    whatitis, you're tv isn't working, so if there is a magic touch we need to have let me know. I was hoping to get a couple of nintendo games in this weekend in between moving furniture.

  18. #218

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Out of curiosity, why would people ban vape smoking? It's just flavored vapor. Seems kinda snobby to me.

  19. #219

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Out of curiosity, why would people ban vape smoking? It's just flavored vapor. Seems kinda snobby to me.
    Keep telling yourself that

  20. #220

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Not to get off topic, but people still vape?

  21. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCretro View Post
    Not to get off topic, but people still vape?
    Considering you can't throw a rock in Oklahoma City without hitting a vape shop..... I would say yes... yes they do

  22. #222

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Considering you can't throw a rock in Oklahoma City without hitting a vape shop..... I would say yes... yes they do
    talking to a banking friend, he said it was insane how many loan applications he gets from people wanting to open vape shops. apparently the profit margin is insane, not surprisingly considering it's highly unregulated stuff being imported, no telling what the hell is in that stuff. but hey, it's just flavored water right?

  23. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub


    I'd say Oklahoma is the Mecca for vaping.

    Around the country, there are an estimated 5,000 vape shops. But Oklahoma, with 6 percent of those shops and a little more than 1 percent of the United States population, has a disproportionate share.

  24. #224

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Out of curiosity, why would people ban vape smoking? It's just flavored vapor. Seems kinda snobby to me.
    We made the decision to be smoke free regardless of the product and we are sticking with it.

    I personally don't enjoy walking into a cloud of vapor when I'm out and about in OKC, because I don't want to be breathing whatever is in the flavored water.

    We are also extending the no smoking to our patio once it opens and to the front outdoor entrance area.

    Snobby or not, it's how we have chosen to operate our establishment and we believe more patrons will appreciate it.

  25. #225

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    We made the decision to be smoke free regardless of the product and we are sticking with it.

    I personally don't enjoy walking into a cloud of vapor when I'm out and about in OKC, because I don't want to be breathing whatever is in the flavored water.

    We are also extending the no smoking to our patio once it opens and to the front outdoor entrance area.

    Snobby or not, it's how we have chosen to operate our establishment and we believe more patrons will appreciate it.
    This patron appreciates it! and there is nothing tackier than a bunch of people standing outside your business smoking in my opinion.

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