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Thread: Union Wood Fired Grill (formerly the Meat Market Refectory)

  1. #26

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by ksearls View Post
    Actually, before it was anything else, it was Luther's BBQ. I know that because when it first was built and opened, it was my first job; I worked the drive through window.

    Peaches Records and Tapes was on the same corner.
    I still have a Peaches wooden crate!

    This restaurant really looks nice. That area has a little of everything but, as turnpup already mentioned, it's almost all fast food.

  2. #27
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Don't know what is included in the "area", but Michael's Grille and the George are pretty nice restaurants and just up/down may a short ways. Dot Wo and Vito's are pleasant enough. All are local and good quality. Couscous Cafe isn't upscale, but is good. Nomad is tired, but isn't bad, and is local too. Junior's might be considered in the area, I guess. And, if you consider that a lot of the area upscale diners come from the Nichol's Hills, Glenbrook area, the competition is also Coach House, Metro, West, Cafe 401, and Bellini's. I guess it depends on what is considered the area. If it is just the corner of 63rd and May, there isn't any upscale dining on that corner.

    This will be a good addition and if truly upscale I guess the closest is probably the George, Michael's and Ranch (maybe Junior's)

  3. #28

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I still have a Peaches wooden crate!

    This restaurant really looks nice. That area has a little of everything but, as turnpup already mentioned, it's almost all fast food.

    Zorba's, Dot Wo, Ted's. Hardly fast food.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by rte66man View Post
    Zorba's, Dot Wo, Ted's. Hardly fast food.
    That's why I said "almost all fast food."

  5. #30

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    La Baguette and the Ranch are also in the area, and sounds like they'll offer a service similar to La Baguette's butcher counter. It's kinda of in a weird location, or at least for what I expect for an upscale restaurant.... but so are La Baguette, Ranch and to an extent Michael's. If the food and ambiance are good it should do great.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Was also a Spencer's Smokehouse for a few years after they broke away from Gary Dale's.
    Don't see how I missed this post! Sorry for the double post earlier, everyone...

  7. #32

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Don't know what is included in the "area", but Michael's Grille and the George are pretty nice restaurants and just up/down may a short ways. Dot Wo and Vito's are pleasant enough. All are local and good quality. Couscous Cafe isn't upscale, but is good. Nomad is tired, but isn't bad, and is local too. Junior's might be considered in the area, I guess. And, if you consider that a lot of the area upscale diners come from the Nichol's Hills, Glenbrook area, the competition is also Coach House, Metro, West, Cafe 401, and Bellini's. I guess it depends on what is considered the area. If it is just the corner of 63rd and May, there isn't any upscale dining on that corner.

    This will be a good addition and if truly upscale I guess the closest is probably the George, Michael's and Ranch (maybe Junior's)
    Yes, there are restaurants in the area. It's the middle of the most densely populated area of Oklahoma City, after all.

    But it's still woefully under-served by good restaurants. All of the places mentioned are limited; either they are older and tired (Nomad, Juniors) or are only open for dinner (Ranch, Vito's; George just added lunch) or closed on Sundays (most) or don't offer full bar and almost none offer breakfast (La Baguette is about the only exception).

    This place will serve breakfast, lunch, dinner and late dinner seven days a week and have a large full bar and weekend brunch. They are also spending half a million dollars just on the renovation, not including art and other expensive extras. It will seat 220, have valet parking, etc., etc.

    There is nothing like this in the area.

  8. #33
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    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Half a million dollars? You'd think they could spring for something more than freeware autocad for the design then.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    Half a million dollars? You'd think they could spring for something more than freeware autocad for the design then.
    Much bigger projects often don't bother with 3-D renderings at all, or at least don't invest much in the quick-and-dirty ones they do generate.

  10. Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Ehhh, half a million doesn't go as far as you would think. Or as far as I used to think. 10grand for renderings here, 100k for equipment and setup there. The new grease trap code for 1000 gallons + new sewer tap puts you back 20k...If they put half of one on their building permit applications it's probably more like a cool mil.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    ^ This.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    The name confuses me. I had to google the definition of "Refectory". Why mash up the slang term of "Meat Market" with an obscure word "Refectory" that has yet to make its way across the Atlantic and into the lexicon of Okies?

  13. #38

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by IanMcDermid View Post
    Ehhh, half a million doesn't go as far as you would think. Or as far as I used to think. 10grand for renderings here, 100k for equipment and setup there. The new grease trap code for 1000 gallons + new sewer tap puts you back 20k...If they put half of one on their building permit applications it's probably more like a cool mil.
    Right, the $.5 million is only the building permit which does not include furniture, fixtures and equipment, nor A&E and other costs.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Do they have a projected open date?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by Okcdiner View Post
    Do they have a projected open date?
    Late summer / early fall.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    I know what a refectory is, but separating "meat market" and "refectory", they seem like an odd combo. The Refectory is a cool name. I'd leave off the Meat Market part, with its negative image for women.

  17. #42
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I'd leave off the Meat Market part, with its negative image for women.
    lulz, wat?

  18. #43

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    I noticed Saturday they are already working on the building. looks like they are cladding the sides with Foam assuming they are going to do a EIFS on the exterior and they added some decorative doors to the back side.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I know what a refectory is, but separating "meat market" and "refectory", they seem like an odd combo. The Refectory is a cool name. I'd leave off the Meat Market part, with its negative image for women.
    betts...come on you can't be serious. I agree that just Refectory sounds better, but your reason is ridiculous.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    They are moving pretty fast here:

  21. #46

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Some recent photos... They are putting a ton of money into this place:

  22. #47

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Holy smokes that last picture makes me excited. That's some great branding right there.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    I'm told the interior will be stunning.

    Should have some photos of that soon.

    They hope to have a soft opening in August.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    Sweet. This is right by me too.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Meat Market Refectory

    not "next door", but close enough to be dangerous!! bring it on!!

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