I figure OKCTalk is as likely to have an answer for this than anywhere else. Fairly recently (probably sometime in the last 5 years), a good chunk of the stoplights in the CBD were replaced with new black signals that are mounted horizontally instead of vertically. This happened in the past few years or so; I remember when I was a kid they had traditional yellow, vertically-mounted stoplights. It seems like this is limited to just the CBD area; I've seen newer installations outside of the core that are the traditional style.
Is this done for a practical reason (higher winds in the CBD due to buildings, perhaps? I've noticed the backplates are curved as if to make them more aerodynamic) or some sort of attempt to make downtown feel 'special'? I hope it's not the latter...there are better ways of doing that. The horizontally-mounted signals are a little disorienting as you move from the rest of the metro with its vertical-mount signals to downtown. I would also argue that the continuity that using the same signal design throughout the city provides is a more useful "placemaking" accent than having different signal types. The intersections of SW 104th/Western and Robinson/Sheridan are obviously very different visually, but having the same signal design both places makes it obvious they're meant to be part of the same city. The standard OKC signal design is pretty distinctive; OKC uses yellow while all of the suburbs use black.
These same signals also have a black-and-white street name sign on them, which I find less appealing than the traditional white-and-green signs with the city seal, but I suppose that's a personal aesthetic judgement. More worrisome is the fact that the signs seem to use a mishmesh of traditional FHWA Series fonts and Clearview, the latter of which is explicitly not approved for use on black-and-white signs.