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Thread: Union Bus Station

  1. #51
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    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Could add a whole new definition of being a bus-boy.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

  3. #53

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	my photos 023.JPG 
Views:	121 
Size:	8.85 MB 
ID:	10044
    Shot this the other day, Such a shame. Would've made a great restaurant....

  4. #54
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    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    there was some equipment near the bus station this morning and a number guys walking around the structure measuring and pointing and such. Not sure what they were doing exactly but it didn't have that cheery vibe.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    ... a number guys walking around the structure measuring and pointing and such. Not sure what they were doing exactly but it didn't have that cheery vibe.
    Fitting it for its coffin. RIP.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    there was some equipment near the bus station this morning and a number guys walking around the structure measuring and pointing and such. Not sure what they were doing exactly but it didn't have that cheery vibe.
    I'm sure they were making plans to remove the sign, as they are doing that today at the Lunch Box.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    The trial on the demolition of this property is set for June 24th and estimated to take 3 days.

    It will be a bench trial; no jury.

    The relief that Shadid is asking is that the bus station not be demolished; although the court can't require renovation, that would certainly be the result.

  8. Default Re: Union Bus Station

    I asked this on another thread but could never find it again, and I don't think there was a reply anyway.

    SO what's the significance of the station? Why all the fuss to keep it? The structure isn't some great example of any style from a previous era. If it is, it's the most pathetic example of one I've ever seen. It's barely used, doesn't really fit today's needs for a bus station (if we even had sufficient traffic to warrant it) and is a great example of something in prime real estate holding up construction. With other structures in the area, such as the Walnut St. bridge, there was actual historic activities related to it and what it represented...so much that we had a ceremony for it's demo and rebuilding. I'm not aware of anything that happened at the bus station that is significant.

    If I'm wrong in that, please please let me know. I'm currently on the "doze it and get it over with" camp. But if some new information were added to add to the "keep it" camp, then I would rather know that information before I say whether or not I would change my mind. I just don't feel like much has been said as to WHY we should be keeping this dump.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I asked this on another thread but could never find it again, and I don't think there was a reply anyway.

    SO what's the significance of the station? Why all the fuss to keep it? The structure isn't some great example of any style from a previous era. If it is, it's the most pathetic example of one I've ever seen. It's barely used, doesn't really fit today's needs for a bus station (if we even had sufficient traffic to warrant it) and is a great example of something in prime real estate holding up construction. With other structures in the area, such as the Walnut St. bridge, there was actual historic activities related to it and what it represented...so much that we had a ceremony for it's demo and rebuilding. I'm not aware of anything that happened at the bus station that is significant.

    If I'm wrong in that, please please let me know. I'm currently on the "doze it and get it over with" camp. But if some new information were added to add to the "keep it" camp, then I would rather know that information before I say whether or not I would change my mind. I just don't feel like much has been said as to WHY we should be keeping this dump.
    The bus station is the least impressive building on that block to me. I don't get the love affair either. I'd much rather save the Auto Hotel & Hotel Black & sacrifice the bus station.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    This is from the report by the City Planning Department that recommended it not be demolished:

    427 West Sheridan (Union Bus Station), 1941, Moderne Style

    This building is without question one of the most endearing legacy resources of downtown. It is best known for the distinctive projecting vertical neon sign that reading “Union Bus Station” that welcomed travelers from across the country for over 60 years. Character-defining exterior features include bands of blue glass tile, glass block, curvilinear wall corner, and cast stone coping with a unique geometric motif.

    According to the 2013 Intensive Level Survey of Downtown, this building is individually eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, as follows:
    This building retains excellent integrity from its original period of construction and continues to clearly convey its architectural association with the occurrence of Modern Movement Styling in downtown Oklahoma City. It retains all seven National Register aspects of integrity.

    It was recognized in the Intensive Level Survey of Downtown as “an excellent example” of mid-20th century Moderne Style and of road-related transportation development in downtown Oklahoma City.

    Greyhound bus service began in Minnesota in 1914 and by 1927, bus travelers could cross the country from New York to California in less than six days. When the Union Bus Station opened in 1941, travel by bus had overtaken rail transit in popularity. The aerodynamic, streamlined motifs of Moderne – sweeping curves, long horizontal lines, and towering signage – were the perfect architectural expression of this new style of travel as Greyhound built new terminals across the country.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    The place is a dump. Its time to move on from it.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by gurantula35 View Post
    the place is a dump. Its time to move on from it.


  13. #63

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Except, it could easily be renovated and be home to a new downtown RePUBlic.

    Imagine how cool that would be and help to tie in this part of the CBD with the burgeoning west downtown area such as Film Row and 21c.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    So say the building is kept, are there even interested parties that want to buy this place and do something seriously extraordinary with it to justify keeping it? Sounds like something a bunch of architects, designers, and Ed Shadid would get off on, but outside of the cool looking sign, 99% of the city thinks the building is not worth sparing. I just don't get it. The buildings across the street I understood, this one I don't.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    So say the building is kept, are there even interested parties that want to buy this place and do something seriously extraordinary with it to justify keeping it? Sounds like something a bunch of architects, designers, and Ed Shadid would get off on, but outside of the cool looking sign, 99% of the city thinks the building is not worth sparing. I just don't get it. The buildings across the street I understood, this one I don't.
    The current owners had a tentative deal for RePUBlic to open there.

    There is open space on the corner that is completely useless; another corporate plaza no one will use. So, just shift the building and the parking garage over and renovate the bus station.

    They just want their plaza and the big parking garages.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    So say the building is kept, are there even interested parties that want to buy this place and do something seriously extraordinary with it to justify keeping it? Sounds like something a bunch of architects, designers, and Ed Shadid would get off on, but outside of the cool looking sign, 99% of the city thinks the building is not worth sparing. I just don't get it. The buildings across the street I understood, this one I don't.
    The bus station really doesn't do much for me. However... there are a lot of people who would buy that building and turn it into something special. They were just not allowed to do it.

    What is happening here is this:

    1) Devon purchased the land through Nick Preftakes to build a parking garage.
    2) Preftakes ran out all the occupants of the buildings and let them deteriorate to their current state, in violation of city codes.
    3) Devon revealed plans that don't follow the city's design guidelines and would demolish historic buildings.
    4) Despite all that, the city okay'ed it, because it is Devon.

    You can't say "well if this was such a good structure, someone would have done something with it already" when you give tremendous preference to a wealthy buyer, and you don't require them to follow the same rules as everyone else.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    The bus station really doesn't do much for me. However... there are a lot of people who would buy that building and turn it into something special. They were just not allowed to do it.

    What is happening here is this:

    1) Devon purchased the land through Nick Preftakes to build a parking garage.
    2) Preftakes ran out all the occupants of the buildings and let them deteriorate to their current state, in violation of city codes.
    3) Devon revealed plans that don't follow the city's design guidelines and would demolish historic buildings.
    4) Despite all that, the city okay'ed it, because it is Devon.

    You can't say "well if this was such a good structure, someone would have done something with it already" when you give tremendous preference to a wealthy buyer, and you don't require them to follow the same rules as everyone else.


    and by the looks of the postings. many people bought what they were selling. I am sure many people would have loved to buy it and do something with it if they had the opportunity. People would have rented space in Hotel Black if they had the opportunity. but they were ran out to serve a "greater" purpose and now we are being told how worthless everything there is and lets put up some parking garages.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    The bus station really doesn't do much for me. However... there are a lot of people who would buy that building and turn it into something special. They were just not allowed to do it.

    What is happening here is this:

    1) Devon purchased the land through Nick Preftakes to build a parking garage.
    2) Preftakes ran out all the occupants of the buildings and let them deteriorate to their current state, in violation of city codes.
    3) Devon revealed plans that don't follow the city's design guidelines and would demolish historic buildings.
    4) Despite all that, the city okay'ed it, because it is Devon.

    You can't say "well if this was such a good structure, someone would have done something with it already" when you give tremendous preference to a wealthy buyer, and you don't require them to follow the same rules as everyone else.
    Thanks hoya.

    Pete, when you say "current owners", is that not Nick Preftakes?

  19. #69

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Hoyasooner reminds me of The Oracle at Delphi. (except more accurate on the way things are . . . and will be.)
    (that was a compliment. sorry for any mistranslation.)

  20. #70

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Pete, when you say "current owners", is that not Nick Preftakes?
    It was Nick Preftakes who had struck a tentative deal with RePUBlic, then changed his mind for some reason.

    Nick had reached out to several local restaurant operators and liked the RePUBlic idea the best.

    Then, after deciding to scuttle the bus station, he went back to restaurant owners asking if they'd be interested in new space. I don't think RePUBlic is interested in the new build.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    It was a good fight to save it, sits a little far back from the corner though. Wish the BLACK HOTEL were on this corner instead.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    Quote Originally Posted by gurantula35 View Post
    The place is a dump. Its time to move on from it.
    It could be great if renovated. Same with One North Hudson and the Motor Hotel. Downtown OKC has so much empty land that there is no viable reason to have to demolish more history for parking. Devon's entire complex could fit in the empty space within the Preftakes Block. They could do what they do in any other city and incorporate the parking below the tower, which would also satisfy those who want to see more height. The Bus Station could then become a restaurant or diner and the Motor Hotel and One North Hudson could be renovated into residential. That would be a truly amazing use of this block.

  23. #73
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    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    My opinion, for what little it's worth in this case, is that this was the one thing we could even reasonably try to save without a crazy amount of effort. If we fail, not as big a perceived (re)loss, and "at least we tried to save something". If we succeed, then we saved SOMEthing and semi-credibility is restored.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    I think this could actually be a great location for two separate restaurant or retail locations rather than just one. The south side with the Art Deco facade could be the entrance for one smaller business, and the west side could have a separate entrance for a second larger business. Also, since the west side of the building has such a significant setback from the street, you could build out the west side so that it butts up to where the sidewalk should be. Then to further enhance street interaction there, you could reserve areas on either or both sides of the build-out to serve as outdoor patio space.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Union Bus Station

    To me, the problem isn't just that the bus station is being razed, but what's replacing it: sterile parking garages. This area will have very few older buildings left and all new buildings and parking garages will create a dead zone. If this bus station was renovated it could be a fantastic source of activity and provide a sense of history for the area. If the bus station had been renovated into a RePUBlic I bet it would have been one of the hottest spots in OKC. Instead, this part of OKC will soon be dull, uninviting, and generic.

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