Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
They want to move downtown for a reason - because it is becoming a great place to live, work and play. People and business new to the area should enhance it, not detract from it. They are planning 3X as much land dedicating to parking as they are to the office space. That is so far off the chart of acceptable I don't know where to begin. If they have plans to add more buildings then just plant grass there for now. OKC has a really bad track record with this kind of stuff and previous parties ruined it for everyone.
Addressing your final point first, no, OKC has a really bad track record of tearing down dense urban fabric and replacing it with nothing. *That* is the main abhorrent track record.

Moving on, Planted grass is worse than parking. I've never walked by a lot of planted grass that wasn't a park in an urban setting. I have walked by many a surface parking lot. There's a reason you don't see a planted grass lot in urban settings…especially considering that this is on the periphery of today's downtown, your idea to deny someone renovating an existing building simply because they're not doing more is asinine.

And lastly, they're not new to downtown and have owned the land for quite some time, so they're finally moving on something to enhance the area and you want to contest because it's not immediately utopian urban development?

A denial would be incredibly myopic and irresponsible. If they don't develop the lots themselves, I promise you they will sell to someone who will in the next 5-10 years for a hefty profit.