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Thread: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

  1. #1

    Default Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I know we've had threads where we complain about such things before. But it's usually a case of us going off topic. So I thought we should have a thread where we can just vent about such things.

    I'll start:

    I was slowed down on the way to work today by a wreck that happened...wait for it...yesterday. How do I know it happened yesterday? Because I saw the police working it yesterday and I recognized the vehicle from yesterday. For whatever reason, it wasn't towed and removed. It was well into the median and not anywhere near being on the road or being an obstruction. Yet traffic was stop and go for miles. But when we passed that vehicle, the speed of traffic picked up and we were going at least the speed limit if not faster. People were obviously slowing down to rubber neck. It wasn't out of conern for safety. I just can't understand this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Looky Lou's are the worst. I am always worried I'll be slowed down by one in front and rear ended by the one behind me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I have one, too. This morning, some person missed his exit and, instead of just going to the next one and turning around, he darted across two lanes of traffic, across the solid line and cross-hatch, and almost caused four other cars to collide with one another. Common sense has gone by the wayside.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    If I may suggest, pick up a copy of Traffic by Tom Vanderbilt. It will answer every question you have. BTW - spoiler alert. The fact that you know it was the same car both times is why traffic was backed up. He has a whole section just on that. It will forever change how you drive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I will have to read a copy of that. I would really like to find out if there is any rhyme or reason for the way some people drive.

  6. Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I saw someone do something so freaking insane/complicated/stupid/illegal to keep from having to sit at a red light to make a right turn that I don't even know if I can describe it with words..... but here goes.

    I'm at the intersection of SW 119th and Western (Here's a link to Google Map for reference). A 7-11 sits on the SE corner of the intersection. I was following a truck that was following a car in the outside westbound lane. The car in the lead brakes for the yellow light and the truck following, and now signalling to make the right turn, northbound, on to Western, makes a sharp left (south) across 5 lanes of traffic (3 westbound and 2 eastbound) and whips into the 7-11 parking lot. Narrowly misses hitting a person walking to the gas pumps and navigates to the furthest south entry drive of the 7-11 parking lot on Western. Traffic ties them up briefly but they make the right from the parking lot northbound onto Western and then proceed to run the, now, red light for northbound Western.

    I see a lot of idiotic things happen while driving around but this was hands down the most extremely idiotic traffic maneuver I've ever seen anyone make in my life.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    I will have to read a copy of that. I would really like to find out if there is any rhyme or reason for the way some people drive.
    There is most definitely a reason. The book is full of studies, mathmatics, logic, behavior science of large groups, road design, etc... I'll let you in on another secret, none of us are as good at driving as we think we are, primarily because we judge ourselves by the number of accidents or traffic tickets, which is the wrong standard.

    For example, if your lane is closed ahead do you merge as soon as possible or at the last second? Read the book to find out which is better.

  8. Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I judge my driving based on lack of conflicts, avoidance of dangerous situations and slowdowns, and perhaps primarily on how rarely I cause other drivers to have to avoid ME by slowing down, hitting brakes, changing lanes, etc.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I judge my driving based on lack of conflicts, avoidance of dangerous situations and slowdowns, and perhaps primarily on how rarely I cause other drivers to have to avoid ME by slowing down, hitting brakes, changing lanes, etc.
    That is a start but you only know if you inconvenience another driver if they tell you with a honk, middle finger, or gun shot. What about the pedestrian you would have hit if not for some random act of fate which disrupted time by mere seconds, and whom to this day you don't even know you almost killed while you changed radio stations.

    That last part happens way more often than you can imagine.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    The fact that you know it was the same car both times is why traffic was backed up.
    There's a couple of reasons I knew it was the same car. Yesterday, traffic was moving slow as the police worked the wreck. Today traffic was moving slow so I could see a couple of hundred feet in advance, as we crept along, that it was that car. Also, you don't see a vehicle strattling the safety cable everday either, so that stuck out to me.

    When I could see what was causing the slow down this morning, I rolled my eyes and thought, "You gotta be kidding." I had expreienced stop and go traffic (mostly stop) because everyone wanted to look at a vehicle that wasn't anywhere near the traffic.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    And that is where the backup comes from. Everyone in front of you taking their 5 seconds to look at it, and those 5 seconds aren't just counted once, they are counted by each car in the traffic. 5 people taking 5 seconds isn't a 25 second delay, it is a 75 second delay. The math gets pretty cool.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    For example, if your lane is closed ahead do you merge as soon as possible or at the last second? Read the book to find out which is better.
    This reminded me of those old Time/Life book commercials.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Another cool phenomena is the appearance that the 'other' lane moves faster. It doesn't eventhough time wise you are being passed by the other lane 66% of the time. Try to figure that out for awhile.

    The fastest way through congestion is to never change lanes unless you have to, and if you have to do it at the last second. Not only is it faster for you, but it is better for everyone else as well - even if they get mad and threaten not to let you in.

  14. Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    That is a start but you only know if you inconvenience another driver if they tell you with a honk, middle finger, or gun shot. What about the pedestrian you would have hit if not for some random act of fate which disrupted time by mere seconds, and whom to this day you don't even know you almost killed while you changed radio stations.

    That last part happens way more often than you can imagine.
    Thanks for your patronizing tone, but I have a pretty good idea when I have inconvenienced another driver, since paying close attention to such things has been a guiding philosophy of mine for decades. Much longer, in fact, than you have been lecturing me (and everyone else) on this board. If the only way you know that you've inconvenienced someone is for one of your above-mentioned confrontations to happen, YOU, my friend, are not just a part of the problem, you ARE the problem.

    If every driver on the road paid attention to their own merges, lane changes, etc., with the overriding principle that another driver should never be forced to tap their brakes, slow down or otherwise take evasive action due to their own actions, 90% of driving issues on the road would be solved and many thousands of lives would be saved annually.

  15. Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I would also say that if everyone learned to drive on a motorcycle first - including mandatory motorcycle safety classes - before graduation to automobiles the would would also be a much safer place. **** gets a lot more real on a motorcycle, and learning to recognize and avoid dangerous situations becomes much more integral to the driving experience. I can promise that I am a better automobile driver after having spent quite a few years on two wheels.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Sorry you took offense to my comment, I didn't mean you specifically but 'you' in general. Data in that study came from cameras and sensors placed all around several hundred cars on the interior and exterior and then driven by test subjects for thousands of miles. At the end they were asked to rate how well they thought they drove. Then the data was analyzed and the camera images reviewed. Turns out they all drove poorly, and yes that would include me.

  17. Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    My point is that most people drive in such a way as to get there more quickly, etc., when they should instead be concentrating on making the right decisions well in advance, and paying attention to what is happening not just in or around their own car, but also 1/4 mile down the road. Being in the correct lane for their speed and destination, making legal turns to inside lanes instead of outside lanes, properly timing merges, signalling properly, and more than anything else never requiring other drivers to account for driver A's behavior. If I merge at the same speed as the traffic (or even a bit faster), if I don't turn across 2 or 3 lanes in front of oncoming cars, etc., etc., the world is a safer place, I have fewer actually (roughly zero) conflicts, flipoffs, horn honks, less stress, and probably STILL get there at the same time as if I had been driving "me first". I'm not suggesting driving scared, or even slowly (I'm a habitual 5-10 over) and I'm not saying to pull over and let others pass when you're gridlocked; I'm just saying that the overriding rule HAS to be to not get into the way of others on the road.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    There is most definitely a reason. The book is full of studies, mathmatics, logic, behavior science of large groups, road design, etc... I'll let you in on another secret, none of us are as good at driving as we think we are, primarily because we judge ourselves by the number of accidents or traffic tickets, which is the wrong standard.

    For example, if your lane is closed ahead do you merge as soon as possible or at the last second? Read the book to find out which is better.
    Kind of in between. You get as close to the merge point as possible. But, that is assuming people will let you in and you MERGE with traffic, not haul ass and fit in causing traffic to slow down.

    In traffic jams, you want to have a proper following distance that will allow you to keep a constant speed even though traffic is stop-and-go in front of you.


  19. #19

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by OkiePoke View Post
    Kind of in between. You get as close to the merge point as possible. But, that is assuming people will let you in and you MERGE with traffic, not haul ass and fit in causing traffic to slow down.

    In traffic jams, you want to have a proper following distance that will allow you to keep a constant speed even though traffic is stop-and-go in front of you.

    Absolutely. I always keep a little distance between my car and the one in front of me, but that's also because my Accord is a manual and I hate downshifting and upshifting an unnecessary amount of times. It's a lot easier and less stressful to just maintain a constant speed and only change lanes when it is necessary.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Having a right fair understanding of what it can cost to need my services, or the services of someone like me, I have to say my driving is considerably different than in my younger days.

    I'm frequently 30-45 minutes ahead of my must be on site by X time. I've learned to use the time after arrival for those things that used to be crammed at to be done up to the last possible second before I departed in a rush to beat a clock. Added bennie, most of the officers I meet today are in courthouses, parking lots of the same, or grabbing a cup of joe while I am grabbing a soda. Definitely not the way I used to meet up with officers. How ya doing today makes much better conversation than Hi, I can explain.

    I still have to deal with accidents, but these days it's after the fact and by being helpful to someone who needs assistance, not wondering in a bit of a daze how the bleep did that just happen or exhaling while musing dang, that was way way too close for comfort.

    Step 1 was admitting I was part of the problem.
    Step 2 was to start paying more attention while I was behind the wheel. Yes, there was a time I was one of the hordes of cocky so and sos who sat utterly convinced we could out drive the world with only half an eye on the road. A kiddo's first, and fortunately minor, fender bender will change a man's attitude fairly quick.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Some schools must already be out for summer. Traffic during the commute to work today was far less heavy. I can always tell when school is out because traffic is so much better going to work.

    I, by no means, think that I'm a perfect driver. But I do plan ahead while I'm behind the wheel, thinking about where I need to be to make my next move in traffic. I pay attention to the traffic and what other drivers are doing or what it looks like they're about to do. A lot of times you can tell what a driver is about to do by where there car is in the lane and their speed. I try not to do things to other drivers that I wouldn't want done to me. But I also usually realize it when I make a bonehead move.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    I don't understand the personal attack on Kerry. He has done a lot of study on urbanism (and all things concerning). Everyone doesn't have to agree with him (I know how he feels) but his opinions are educated opinions and there's a big difference.

    I appreciate his reference to the book. I just bought the Kindle version for $11.99 at Amazon. 4 out of 5 stars and 200 reviews.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    As if the entire vicinity of The Intersection from Hell (Memorial and Penn) wasn't bad enough, already: for the last few days there have been uniformed and safety-vested Charity Beggars in addition to the regular dumbasses, dolts and dweebs clogging the roadway. Please note that I didn't mention "drivers" because I only saw about two of them.

    One of the "Collection Agents" actually had the audacity to stray from the safety of the median and wander, with a semi-dazed look on her face, between the lanes of cars headed northbound and stopped at the light. Had I been approached by one of these do-gooders, I would have had to say: "Sorry, I can't feel right about contributing to the enabling of another traffic hazard."

    I feel better now. Thank you.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    As if the entire vicinity of The Intersection from Hell (Memorial and Penn) wasn't bad enough, already: for the last few days there have been uniformed and safety-vested Charity Beggars in addition to the regular dumbasses, dolts and dweebs clogging the roadway. Please note that I didn't mention "drivers" because I only saw about two of them.

    One of the "Collection Agents" actually had the audacity to stray from the safety of the median and wander, with a semi-dazed look on her face, between the lanes of cars headed northbound and stopped at the light. Had I been approached by one of these do-gooders, I would have had to say: "Sorry, I can't feel right about contributing to the enabling of another traffic hazard."

    I feel better now. Thank you.
    I know what you mean about the people collecting money in that area.

    The fire department is having their 'Fill the Boot' campaign right now raising money for MDA.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Offishul Driving/Traffic Complaint Thread

    If you have a question about which lane is the faster, just get in the lane I'm NOT in.

    Well, if Memorial and Penn is the intersection from hell, allow me to nominate a couple for dishonorable mentions. Mac Arthur between I-40 and Reno is ridiculous. My other non-favorite is I-240 (I like to call it 74th just to rile people) and Penn.

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