I grew up in Nebraska and was just a baby when Starkweather and Fugate went on their killing spree but I remember my dad telling me that in the towns surrounding Lincoln people would be on the rooftops with rifles in case they came into their small town. Starkweather got what he deserved and I think Carol Ann was guilty as hell and should have been put on Charles's lab when he got the chair, but she only served 17 years and is a free woman now.
The State Fair disappearances was extremely sad and scary. Day after day, week after week, month after month of the pictures of those girls on TV, the police and public searching everywhere...nothing.
The Orbachs. I wonder what happened to the son?
I just came across some history re the Stafford case in my research as historian for the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office. https://m.facebook.com/badgeandbrass
Bradley "Shipwreck" Wynn Urban Archaeologist, Historian, & Author
back then the DW and boys lived in the Sandpiper South Apartments. Can't remember what they are called now. I was an aircraft fueler working for the city of OKC. Was working a very strange rotating shift and I did pass by that joint the night and close to the time of the murders. Still get a funny vibe going by that area even to this day.
I should be over it by now, but that entire Sirloin Stockade Murder situation makes me just as sick as the day it happened, and is exactly why I can't be against capital punishment for crimes like that, Sorry if that is offensive to certain sensibilities, yet that's the way it is. Frankly, I'm offended by the fact that it took the State decades to give Roger Dale Stafford his just desserts.
I know a gentleman, whom I hold in the highest regard and for whom I have the utmost respect, tell me that he believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that Verna Stafford was the "trigger person" during the massacre. He has worked in a professional capacity for years at Mabel Basset and has had years of interaction with her. He says that she is the personification is pure evil, and was the brains behind all of their escapades. Just thought I'd throw this in, for what it's worth.
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