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Thread: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

  1. #26

    Default Re: Room 222

    Best of luck to them.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Room 222

    This is their bar... It really is beautiful space:

  3. #28

    Default Re: Room 222

    That is _really_ nice. I know they're probably not shooting for my demographic, but I hate the name because when I saw this thread pop up again all I could think about was the old Room 222 TV show. Same thing the first time I saw the name whenever this was first posted.

  4. Default Re: Room 222

    haha, I did a quick google because that's what I thought as well. And it was Room 227.

    But yes, I too pictured that show when the name/venue was announced. lol
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  5. #30

    Default Re: Room 222

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    haha, I did a quick google because that's what I thought as well. And it was Room 227.

    But yes, I too pictured that show when the name/venue was announced. lol

  6. Default Re: Room 222

    sure, but Room 222 is before my time. hehe.

    I recall 227 during the 80's so that is what I reflected on when seeing the name.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Room 222

    I've been here probably 4 times since it opened. Every time it has been almost empty. I have noticed that they sometimes have an enthusiastic bouncer outside trying to push drink specials etc. on weekend nights. Very '6th Street'-esque.

    Does anyone know how business is doing?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Room 222


    What has been your experience with the food and drink?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Room 222

    It's just got to be tough to overcome the branding. It lacks any identity and you can literally stare at the place from outside and be totally unsure whether it's a club, a restaurant, or a bar. I hope they succeed, but they need new branding.

  10. Default Re: Room 222

    Yeah, and the inside has the same problem. It's actually VERY nice, but lacks any discernible identity. It's just a room. No vibe or character; not even much decor. It's odd. The food was good the few times I've gone, however.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Room 222

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    The TV show was the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title. Room 222 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Me, too. Thought Karen Valentine was coming out of retirement or something.

  12. Default Re: Room 222

    Their brand is certainly hindering their curb appeal. Most people have no idea what kind of business it is.

    I tried to get them to think differently in regards to their brand, but that did not go very far. One of the owners also owns part of the Byford Auto Group, which uses the same red swoosh graphic. Even though one has nothing to do with the other, they were adamant about using it in this concept.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Byford.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	18.9 KB 
ID:	12142

  13. #38

    Default Re: Room 222

    Quote Originally Posted by John Knight View Post
    Their brand is certainly hindering their curb appeal. Most people have no idea what kind of business it is.

    I tried to get them to think differently in regards to their brand, but that did not go very far. One of the owners also owns part of the Byford Auto Group, which uses the same red swoosh graphic. Even though one has nothing to do with the other, they were adamant about using it in this concept.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Byford.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	18.9 KB 
ID:	12142
    Buying a car and drinking at a bar have a ton of branding crossover appeal. Duh

  14. #39

    Default Re: Room 222

    Quote Originally Posted by John Knight View Post
    Their brand is certainly hindering their curb appeal. Most people have no idea what kind of business it is.

    I tried to get them to think differently in regards to their brand, but that did not go very far. One of the owners also owns part of the Byford Auto Group, which uses the same red swoosh graphic. Even though one has nothing to do with the other, they were adamant about using it in this concept.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Byford.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	18.9 KB 
ID:	12142
    Sounds like someone more interested in saving money and maybe accidentally making a bit of a profit instead of doing things right.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Room 222

    Room 222 has re-branded as Fuel and is featuring live music and entertainment:

  16. #41

    Default Re: Room 222

  17. #42

    Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    Had dinner there on Friday night and my pizza was really good and my dining companions liked the burgers they ordered.

    This place deserves more business and is great space.

  18. #43
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    Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    For being at the ground floor of a parking garage (something we all ask for more of BTW), they probably get overlooked a lot. However if I were staying at the Hampton for a week, at least a couple of my meals would come from this place because lazy. And people are lazy, so they're probably getting some business from that segment. There's also those going the low-cost staycation route and this place probably helps with that too.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    For being at the ground floor of a parking garage (something we all ask for more of BTW), they probably get overlooked a lot.
    The previously generic marketing and lack of clear windows probably contribute to them being overlooked more so than being on the ground level of the parking garage. I’m glad they rebranded and hope they find success.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    They will soon be installing a patio along Sheridan which should help with their visibility and to draw in the increasing foot traffic.

  21. Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    Hope they will also think extend the canopy (or replace with something more substantial), which would greatly help define the space. I have always felt the biggest challenge here was defining an entrance and making it obvious there was something there. Heck, if it were my place I would work with the property owner to sawcut the window openings (the facade is not structural in any way) and open it up to a single large CLEAR window opening, or even an overhead door or something else creative. The biggest problem this space has is almost zero relationship with the sidewalk. Deadly in a walkable urban environment.

    All of that said, I completely agree that the food is unexpectedly good and the space inside is very nice, if a bit cavernous.

  22. Default Re: Fuel (formerly Room 222)

    Clear windows would be great. I've walked by there several times after concerts and assumed they were closed, until one time I happened to walk by when someone was opening the door.

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