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Thread: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

  1. #1

    Default Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

  2. #2

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    It's amazing to see what a tremendous job Disney is doing to promote and bring new, fresh life and vision to Star Wars. As a fan of Star Trek, however, it also makes me sad to see how Paramount seems to be bungling the upcoming 50th anniversary of Star Trek. Nothing against Star Wars, but it's just sad to see all the potential just kinda slipping away for Trek, with the overhaul of writers, delay in the production of the 3rd JJ reboot movie, and what seems to be an overall sense of "meh" from Paramount about it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Is this the good version or the Lucased version?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Is this the good version or the Lucased version?
    It's going to be the Blu-ray rips.

    Regarding the enhanced special editions vs the original theatrical editions, I can see both perspectives. I wish they would just settle this once and for all and release a boxed set that contains both versions.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Not interested until they also offer the OT as it was originally theatrically released and in pristine condition.

  6. Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Han shot first.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    It's amazing to see what a tremendous job Disney is doing to promote and bring new, fresh life and vision to Star Wars. As a fan of Star Trek, however, it also makes me sad to see how Paramount seems to be bungling the upcoming 50th anniversary of Star Trek. Nothing against Star Wars, but it's just sad to see all the potential just kinda slipping away for Trek, with the overhaul of writers, delay in the production of the 3rd JJ reboot movie, and what seems to be an overall sense of "meh" from Paramount about it.
    While I understand where you are coming from, at least Paramount has been producing Star Trek movies recently and has more in the pipeline, CBS owns the rights for new Star Trek TV series and has not done anything with that for a decade now.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    While I understand where you are coming from, at least Paramount has been producing Star Trek movies recently and has more in the pipeline, CBS owns the rights for new Star Trek TV series and has not done anything with that for a decade now.
    What is considered canon now? The new Star Trek movies or the original TV series? Its kind of like Sony and Marvel when dealing with Spiderman. Sony is about to reboot Spiderman yet again so Spiderman can be part of the current Avenger universe.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Star Wars to be released in Digital HD on April 10th

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Han shot first.
    Greedo didn't even shoot.

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