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Thread: New Motorcycle Thread

  1. #51

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    So goes the old saying, .... "It costs just as much to run 'em on empty as it does on full"

  2. #52

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    On a visit to Arkansas, as a "yoot", in the vicinity of Fayetteville . . . in the direction of Goshen . . . my BMW that I rode all the way from Denver to OKC in one day with a strong wind from the north all the way across southern Colorado and that wasteland known as Kansas even unto a rest stop by the side of the road in some tiny burg that remains nameless (on my way to Arkansas, via OKC) my bike ran out of gas. At night. And mighty are the hills east of Fayetteville as you push your ride back to your girlfriend's Dad's house, that you are visiting. But I made it. =) I guess the lesson here is that it may be easier to push a Suzuki 250, and a Harley is acceptable . . . yet pushing a BMW exhibits class and determination. Oh! almost forgot: this was before cellphones and/or GPS to automatically call for assistance were invented.
    Long term plan is to get an adventure bike and rig up a jerry can mount. Even my 250 is a bugger to push.

  3. #53

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    The only Harley I have on my radar is the Iron 883; I prefer a more standard riding position. We used V-Star cruisers in the MSF, and I'm really not a fan of throwing my feet forward after takeoff.
    I always called it the "giving birth" position.

    Growing up on the enduros of the mid-70's the whole forward controls thing is just a foreign concept to me, my feet still go to the spot right underneath me when riding with forward controls.

    We never rode in a tight formation, always a staggered formation.

  4. #54

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    I always called it the "giving birth" position.

    Growing up on the enduros of the mid-70's the whole forward controls thing is just a foreign concept to me, my feet still go to the spot right underneath me when riding with forward controls.
    It's probably a knee thing for me, I need those forward controls. On any ride longer than 30 minutes I can't hardly walk if I can't extend my knees out in front of me.

  5. #55

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    My son's brother-in-law was a professional motocross rider and at one time was rated 19th in the country (still not good enough to make any real money). He knew how to take care of himself and was never seriously injured. When he retired at age 25 (typical for motocross), he bought a Harley and rode it without a helmet. One night he lost control at the I-44 entrance at Northwest 10th, hit the guard rail and he survived, but now he is forever 14. I believe in the right to choose, but I also believe people should be responsible, my son and his wife have spent a lot of time helping her brother and now he is in a facility where he will probably spend the rest of his life.
    C. T.
    I'm really not arguing against this. I hope nobody takes it that way. I've had friends with similar brain injuries happen as both MC riders and bicyclists and it's hard to see. I just have a different perspective to add as to why I, personally, don't wear a helmet.

    While it wasn't due to any crash but to a disease my dad spent the last 35 years of his life with a perfectly functioning brain but an almost totally useless body. For him, as it would be for me, life like this was a living hell. The only reason he wasn't in some institution all those years was the fact that mom was a nurse. Now, picture the most careful rider you know and I guarantee you I'm at least as careful if not more. I'm a very conservative rider. If it's possible to be too conservative a rider I'm on the border. I have no plan to crash the bike. Still, I realize it could still happen. But my biggest fear is that if it did a helmet would protect my brain but my body or the connection between brain and body would be badly, permanently damaged. Just like dad. If I'm in a bad enough crash to sustain serious injury I pray that He just takes me home. It may be an odd way to look at it but it's how I feel.

    And yes, in my avatar I'm wearing a helmet. That was taken on the ride Channel 9 has been doing the past couple of years. They require a helmet.

  6. #56

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    It's probably a knee thing for me, I need those forward controls. On any ride longer than 30 minutes I can't hardly walk if I can't extend my knees out in front of me.
    Same here. In my youngers days, I liked the standard bikes, and the "Attack" position that they offered, which allowed better control. I still like them, but my knees are worn out too, and I like the ability to stretch them out periodically with my semi forward controls and floorboards.

  7. #57

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Now, since my last post was a downer. I'll change direction. I love riding and I love dirt track racing which you can't see in OKC anymore. I've decided to combine the two. Last year I rode to Lawton and to Salina (OK not Kansas) for ASCS series races last year. This year I'm going to ride to Mesquite and Wichita Falls, TX and Park City and Hutchinson, KS for races there.

  8. #58

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    WOW! I rode to work this morning for the first time with new LED bulbs in the headlight and driving lights. An amazing difference. The white light took a few miles to get used to but man are they bright. They light the road much better and reflective street signs light up a quarter of a mile away. I'm glad they are making bulbs now without having to replace everything and spending BIG dollars.

  9. #59

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Is wind scary on all bikes, or is it just because mine's small that I feel I'm being thrown around?

  10. #60

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Is wind scary on all bikes, or is it just because mine's small that I feel I'm being thrown around?
    Larger bikes definitely handle the wind better. That being said, it's a matter of getting comfortable. I've been riding when it's so windy I've felt like I was riding at a 45 degree angle while going straight (from leaning into the wind).

  11. #61

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Speaking of bikes, I'm looking at upgrading from up to a Street Glide in the next couple of days. If I do I'll post some pics. I've been wanting one for a while.

  12. #62

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Larger bikes definitely handle the wind better. That being said, it's a matter of getting comfortable. I've been riding when it's so windy I've felt like I was riding at a 45 degree angle while going straight (from leaning into the wind).
    I had that happen riding with my wife on the back heading to Boulder from Estes Park, it was accelerating off the fact of the flatirons and made for a pretty tense ride. We stopped and ate in Boulder and let the wind die down some. It was a much nicer ride home after that.

  13. #63

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Is wind scary on all bikes, or is it just because mine's small that I feel I'm being thrown around?
    High winds are definitely better handled on a heavier bike. Your 250 weighs in probably around 280-300lbs, while a typical Road Glide tips the scales at around 780-800lbs. My VTX1800 weighs in at around 760lbs .... Big difference in the wind over a small bike.

    You will also really notice the weight difference when you're on a two lane highway and a semi truck passes you from the opposite direction.

  14. #64

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Speaking of bikes, I'm looking at upgrading from up to a Street Glide in the next couple of days. If I do I'll post some pics. I've been wanting one for a while.
    Good choice. I hope you do it. This also reminds me that I need to take some new pics of my Heritage. The old ones are before the chrome fork lowers, trunk bag and without the windshield which never comes off anymore.

  15. #65

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Looks like I'm going to need a bigger bike if I want to commute on gusty days. Too bad bikes cost money.

  16. #66

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    If I don't post anymore its because my wife kicked me out and I have no internet. Just bought an ultra.

  17. #67

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Looks like I'm going to need a bigger bike if I want to commute on gusty days. Too bad bikes cost money.
    Living there you get used to it, I was away long enough in Austin and now Denver that when we get an Oklahoma like wind I notice it. When we get the winds accelerating off the Foothills it can get like a gust front in Oklahoma. I had a ton of wind to deal with in Kansas and Oklahoma driving to/from OKC weekend before last but I was in my car and it still blew it around.

    One thing you have to learn is to not ride "tight", you have to allow the wind to push you around some and have your arms loose enough to adjust to gusts and guide the bike more with your legs.

  18. #68

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    If I don't post anymore its because my wife kicked me out and I have no internet. Just bought an ultra.
    Good choice, I have an Ultra

  19. #69

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    If I don't post anymore its because my wife kicked me out and I have no internet. Just bought an ultra.
    I've seen posts in other discussions so I guess you're OK with the wife.

  20. #70

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Yeah, she's let me live so far. She's not as much of a fan of the new bike as I am due to her height and how it fits her, but she's warming...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  21. #71

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Yeah, she's let me live so far. She's not as much of a fan of the new bike as I am due to her height and how it fits her, but she's warming...
    Good looking scooter ... and family.

  22. #72

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Looks like I'm going to need a bigger bike if I want to commute on gusty days. Too bad bikes cost money.
    W P, I've been thinking about rolling out of mine for something else. My wife gives me a hard time and tells me that I change vehicles more than I change underwear.

    PM me if you may be interested.

  23. #73

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Nice looking bike and Fam.

  24. #74

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    W P, I've been thinking about rolling out of mine for something else. My wife gives me a hard time and tells me that I change vehicles more than I change underwear.

    PM me if you may be interested.
    I would if it wasn't a pipe dream; until my wife finishes nursing school and lands a job, no new wheels will be purchased. I'm lucky to have the one I have now.

  25. #75

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    I would if it wasn't a pipe dream; until my wife finishes nursing school and lands a job, no new wheels will be purchased. I'm lucky to have the one I have now.
    Kids are grown and divorced so I'm keeping my toys

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