When I was a kid in the 70s, we didn't have anywhere near the technology we have now. I remember how scary it was, when the sirens would fire off, that awful wailing noise, and we'd hunker down in the (very dank-smelling, very creepy) basement of some neighbors on the next block. The men would stay upstairs in the garage and smoke cigarettes and talk. The women and children were forced to just sit and wait. I remember staring at all the rows of home-canned fruits and vegetables down there. My greatest fear was that our house would be blown away. I guess nobody told me about insurance.
Fast-forward to NOW. I'm fascinated with storms, perhaps because of my early fear of them. OKC Talk's discussion, as well as Venture's chat room, are my go-to places when there's inclement weather. I take a calm, scientific approach to everything. Never panic. But for some reason, my little girl (who is 8) gets really scared when this stuff happens. Take tonight, for instance. The minute it started to hail, she jumped up from the dinner table and ran down to the basement den. She started (almost in tears) begging me and her daddy to come down there with her. He acquiesced (just to placate her), but I stayed up here.
I very calmly and logically attempted to keep her abreast of things as they happened. When it started hailing really hard, I reported on it. When the sirens sounded, I let her know that it was only because it was in Oklahoma County, but not for our immediate area. I made sure she knew that the Moore tornado was not anywhere near us, and that there wasn't anything (save the hail) else that would happen tonight. She asked me to bring her her bicycle helmet. She wasn't freaking out or anything, but she was clearly scared beyond what she should've been.
What can I do, if anything, to help her not have to feel like this every time there's a storm? I thought she'd be all right in light of my scientific approach to things, but it still seems like this is an issue for her.