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Thread: New Motorcycle Thread

  1. Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    No pipe burns on scooters! Only asphalt burns.

    Regarding a helmet, for around-town stuff I seriously recommend a Biltwell 3/4 helmet with a bubble shield. From a vision standpoint it;s like wearing no helmet at all. Fresh air on your face at all times, but not slamming your face. I got one last year and I'm completely converted. I usually wear a full-face Nolan when I know I'll be riding highways.

    I don't wear leathers below the waist, but instead have Kevlar cargo pants and a pretty extensive (and expensive) selection of leg armor, hip//tailbone armor, and upper body armor. I also always wear either a leather jacket or armored mesh jacket depending on temps outside. I definitely gear up on the motorcycle. The scooter, not so much. Of course, that's mostly residential and CBD rides for me to and from work, etc. Most of my scootering is of the neighborhood street variety.

  2. Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    This is the Biltwell Bonanza I have, except mine has a clear bubble shield. I've been thinking about getting shields with other tints (there are a ton), as they only run about $20.

  3. #28

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    I hate to say it RadMod, But I'm getting there. As many people as I see running red lights, distracted by texting, GPS entering, phone calls, eating, applying make up, reading, fighting with the kids, ... you name it ... basically doing everything behind the wheel BUT driving, I have to admit that I am getting a little gun shy these days. The wife and I have been talking about getting a convertible, and I love classic/vintage cars as well. I did have my eye on a slick '56 Dodge Coronet .. tritone black, white and coral , beautiful. I love riding bikes though, and I know as soon as I got rid of it, I would miss it.

    But in the mean time.... I had a nice ride with the wife this past weekend. There were a lot of bikes out, and beautiful weather. I too ride sans helmet sometimes when I'm just putt putting around, not far from home, but I always wear a helmet when riding farther distances and in the dark.

  4. #29

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Shorts? Never for me. Even with jeans I've got scars on my leg from pipe burns. I true to wear leathers when possible. Helmet I'm more on the border. Around town, the helmet restricts my vision and hearing so much that I feel it increases my chance of a wreck significantly. Long road trips/highway? Helmet.
    Best Avatar, ever, for the concept, described. =)
    Yet, even today, I remain a proponent of Head Protection Freedom of Choice.
    I guess the combination of Henry Bellmon and Oklahoma after Colorado
    Made a difference. =)
    Not to mention Harleys as compared to BMWs as compared to RoadWay/TransCon/Leeway. =-)
    (nor a general confusion of cybermotivatedmorons that seems to multiply exponentially)

    btw: the night of the "Memorable Lane Cross-Over, out by Draper Lake" (back in '76) I chose to wear a helmet. It looked like a Denver Cop Helmet. It didn't look like a German Helmet. It was probably a wise choice.

  5. #30

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    I did a solo ride around Overholser yesterday; that's a pretty relaxing ride.
    I used to do that regularly when I had a bike. I live just a few blocks away. I do miss riding.

    In other biking experiences, I saw a dead guy in the middle of the road covered up with a sheet and a wrecked bike on the interstate in Jackson MS about a week ago. Sobering, to say the least.

  6. #31

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    I don't throw a leg over a bike without my full-face helmet on. I have a leather jacket, and a textile jacket with armor, and my riding gloves. I don't have any protective pants yet; thinking about getting some basic textile pants with knee protection to wear over my jeans when commuting. And so far my Iron Rangers have served as pretty decent riding boots, although I'd like to get a dedicated pair for riding.

    I did take the MSF BRC, and when I have time I would like to take the other courses.

  7. #32

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    I used to do that regularly when I had a bike. I live just a few blocks away. I do miss riding.

    In other biking experiences, I saw a dead guy in the middle of the road covered up with a sheet and a wrecked bike on the interstate in Jackson MS about a week ago. Sobering, to say the least.
    Dang. That's not right.
    Someone wasn't paying attention to driving.
    nor even steering.

    So . . . Does even "Peleton" welcome carbon fossil creators?
    (feeble attempt to Accept the "Bicycle Lane" paradigm. =)
    (which, of course, is beyond questioning)
    (in terms of OKC on the downside of Oil Money)

  8. #33

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    I just heard (on NPR and BBC) that an entire planeload of tourists crashed into a mountain.
    I know that death by motorcycle is preferable to that alternative.
    In any case.

  9. #34

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Best Avatar, ever, for the concept, described. =)
    Yet, even today, I remain a proponent of Head Protection Freedom of Choice.
    I guess the combination of Henry Bellmon and Oklahoma after Colorado
    Made a difference. =)
    Not to mention Harleys as compared to BMWs as compared to RoadWay/TransCon/Leeway. =-)
    (nor a general confusion of cybermotivatedmorons that seems to multiply exponentially)

    btw: the night of the "Memorable Lane Cross-Over, out by Draper Lake" (back in '76) I chose to wear a helmet. It looked like a Denver Cop Helmet. It didn't look like a German Helmet. It was probably a wise choice.
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.

  10. #35

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I have to also mention a saying that I learned "Dress for the slide, not the ride". I know, it doesn't sound very nice, but it's true. Wearing the proper riding attire will go a long way in minimizing injuries when (not if) you go down. And I am a firm believer in classes. I took a class provided by the Edmond Police and it was really good. I was amazed at how much more I enjoyed riding after the class.
    C. T.
    Well Typed, Young Sir.
    (at the risk of being misinterpreted)
    (and, as previously averted/duly noted

    Pavement Rash (to the second degree)
    is avoidable.
    With proper dressing.
    On a Motorcycle.
    (if some asshole
    on a cellphone is texting,
    steer clear.)

    Edited to Add:
    Wud Up to Yo Mama and (/y)) De Veras Amigo.

  11. #36

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.
    I hope that a simple "Like" will suffice.
    (except'n for the difference twixt ironic and iconic =)

  12. #37

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.
    Preach it Brother: Safety in Traffic is a Good Thing
    (yet choose not to text this message)
    (especially while riding a motorcycle without a helmet)

  13. #38

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    This is the Biltwell Bonanza I have, except mine has a clear bubble shield. I've been thinking about getting shields with other tints (there are a ton), as they only run about $20.

    I'm not quite sure that "Snazzy" sums it up . . .

  14. #39

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I just heard (on NPR and BBC) that an entire planeload of tourists crashed into a mountain.
    I know that death by motorcycle is preferable to that alternative.
    In any case.
    Yeah, things happen. It did make me consider the same ^ types of options, since I was on my way to some risky fun. Adventure before dementia!

  15. #40

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Yeah, things happen. It did make me consider the same ^ types of options, since I was on my way to some risky fun. Adventure before dementia!
    Would "Amen" be an appropriate response? =)
    (in the interests of transparency, I watched the documentary "Gimmie Shelter"--second rate cinema vertie, involving the Rolling Stones, the Crowd, and The Hells Angels--and their motorcycles--last night. Now I'm "chillin'" with a fine cigar from the Dominican Republic to balance out the idiocy of the past (and the future). Is that so wrong? (I'd love to have my SoftTail Pseudo Chopper lurking in the garage behind me, but it would simply be gathering dust ^)

  16. #41

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    My son's brother-in-law was a professional motocross rider and at one time was rated 19th in the country (still not good enough to make any real money). He knew how to take care of himself and was never seriously injured. When he retired at age 25 (typical for motocross), he bought a Harley and rode it without a helmet. One night he lost control at the I-44 entrance at Northwest 10th, hit the guard rail and he survived, but now he is forever 14. I believe in the right to choose, but I also believe people should be responsible, my son and his wife have spent a lot of time helping her brother and now he is in a facility where he will probably spend the rest of his life.
    C. T.

  17. #42

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.
    Yo . . . Amigo . . . I think that the proper word [as compared to "ironic
    ] is bulls****. Ain't it? No "racism" nor culturalism implied nor intended.
    It's sort of a retired biker code thing . . . =)

    Akin to Grey Hair beats Skin Color 24/7/365.
    And Harleys are always better than Suzukis. =)

  18. #43

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    (Waxing Nostalgic) . . .
    We used to love to run the Peak-to-Peak Highway just about every weekend. Sometimes we went all the way from Estes Park to Idaho Springs, but usually we would hang a left on one of the various "side canyon" roads that eventually led back to Boulder. The South St. Vrain was especially nice, as I recall. As good as all that was, I have to say that the best trip ever was over Trail Ridge Road. (this was all done on a 1970 BMW R75/5 . . . I wouldn't have trusted the Sportster I bought, later, to complete the trip. btw: The Honda 750 that a pal of mine was riding started having minor carburetor breathing issues near the crest of Trail Ridge. The BWM had no issues at all. =)
    I got used to fuel injection on the Triumph and never had an issue when bringing it up here from Austin. I haven't had any issue with the C14 either. My friend's 97 Blackbird is carb'd but he has had 100,000 miles to get it sorted out. His much newer Fireblade is F.I. so it isn't an issue.

    The last time we took the road along the St. Vrain it was still messed up some from the floods last fall. Definitely improved over then but had some issues.

    My cold motorcycle gear makes pretty good snow gear, I wore it when we went to Copper Mountain last week.

  19. #44

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    I just recently installed a new Memphis Shades windshield on the VTX and have been looking into buying a set of Tsukayu Strong bags, with the quick release mounts. Anyone had any experience with these, or Tsukayu in general?

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  20. #45

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.
    I find that motorcycle riders of all stripes have those type of riders. For every harley rider I've seen scoff at another's choice of bike, I've seen 3 sports bike riders do the same. People just prefer their brands.

    Now I will scoff at someone who spends $10-15k to get something that looks just like a Harley (but without any future resale value and long term availability of parts). I mean, someone wants to throw their money away on some knock off wanna be v-twin bagger, fine, but it doesn't make them less foolish.

    I can say that as a group rider, we generally don't encourage sports bikes in our formations. Nothing against the bikes themselves, but they don't do as well in tight coffin formation on windy roads. We put the sports bikes in the back. With the trikes.

  21. #46

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    For years I've told myself that when I grow up, I would buy a Harley ... It hasn't happened yet. No question, there's some darn nice ones out there, box stock. and they really are an investment. But I get as much enjoyment out of riding at 1/3 the cost,... or less, and arguably better reliability. I've never bought a brand new bike, and never lost money when I sold. Not on a street bike anyway (dirt bikes are a different story) ...... I either made a little bit or broke even. And I'm cool with that.

    I never really cared to ride in large groups. Years ago I did it a few times, and while they really weren't organized club rides, I didn't like some self professed group leader telling me how and where to ride, plus dealing the other hot doggers. I know organized rides have rules and the leaders don't tolerate B S. I'm not knocking large group riding at all. For those who like it, more power to you. Enjoy this hobby/sport in what ever way that makes you happy. It's just not for me.

    l like to ride in groups no larger than 4 or 5 , or by myself, or with the wife on back. In fact, I spend far more time riding by myself than at any other time. It's like therapy for me.

  22. #47

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    The only Harley I have on my radar is the Iron 883; I prefer a more standard riding position. We used V-Star cruisers in the MSF, and I'm really not a fan of throwing my feet forward after takeoff.

  23. #48

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Anyone know of a quick way to go about getting a title 42?

  24. #49

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    Speaking of which, I always thought it was ironic that many Harley riders touted "freedom of choice" when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not, but scoffed at an individual's freedom to choose to ride something other than a Harley.
    One of my favorite T-shirts said "I'd rather push my Harley than ride a rice-burner". I have only owned Yamahas but I would have enjoyed a Harley as a second bike.
    C. T.

  25. #50

    Default Re: New Motorcycle Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    One of my favorite T-shirts said "I'd rather push my Harley than ride a rice-burner". I have only owned Yamahas but I would have enjoyed a Harley as a second bike.
    C. T.
    On a visit to Arkansas, as a "yoot", in the vicinity of Fayetteville . . . in the direction of Goshen . . . my BMW that I rode all the way from Denver to OKC in one day with a strong wind from the north all the way across southern Colorado and that wasteland known as Kansas even unto a rest stop by the side of the road in some tiny burg that remains nameless (on my way to Arkansas, via OKC) my bike ran out of gas. At night. And mighty are the hills east of Fayetteville as you push your ride back to your girlfriend's Dad's house, that you are visiting. But I made it. =) I guess the lesson here is that it may be easier to push a Suzuki 250, and a Harley is acceptable . . . yet pushing a BMW exhibits class and determination. Oh! almost forgot: this was before cellphones and/or GPS to automatically call for assistance were invented.

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