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Thread: I think we just had an earthquake

  1. #1

    Default I think we just had an earthquake

    at my house. I live off of SW 134th and Penn. Either an e-quake or something very large just blew up about 10 minutes ago. The entire house shook and windows and things in the house rattled for a couple of seconds.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    I live at 134th and May, I thought I heard a car crash outside. I didn't really feel anything such as my house shake.

  3. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    I checked the OK earthquake pages and nothing shows..but the CA pages load instantly after an earthquake.. within minutes.

    I'm not sure how it works here...

    Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory, Leonard OK
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Oil tank battery explosion 149 and S Penn... Grass Fire and 15 yr old boy with 3rd degree burns.. preliminary reports.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Thanks for the info.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Just found out that the 15 yr. old goes to school and is good friends with my daughter and her boyfriend. They all go to Brink Jr. High. He is in the emergency room with 3rd degree burns on his face and arms/hands.

  7. #7

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Just for reference, you can find out near real-time info at Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program. This one was not an earthquake, it appears, but if you think you've felt one you can check here and even give a "shake" report. Fun to check when you're bored too.

  8. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Did anyone find out what the kids were even doing around the thing?

  9. #9

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    If you heard a boom it was definitely probably not an earthquake although now we know what it was.

  10. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    About a month ago when we had a few earthquakes in the same day...
    My husband and I were watching a movie and we heard a loud noise and then the windows shook. I literally thought someone had jumped off of my roof onto the porch, scared the crap out of me. It was an earth quake. I didn't know what it was until the next day the news said what had happened and the exact time it had happened. Earthquakes just seem so weird. I imagine that's how they feel when they have a tornado in California.

  11. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Just found out that the 15 yr. old goes to school and is good friends with my daughter and her boyfriend. They all go to Brink Jr. High. He is in the emergency room with 3rd degree burns on his face and arms/hands.
    That's extremely tragic. I'll be sure to keep this unfortunate stranger in my prayers.

  12. #12

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    The rest of the story. He has a concussion, cracked vertebrae in his neck, 2 broken ribs, broken wrist, lacerated spleen, deflated lung, and 2nd to 3rd degree burns over 45% of his body. But, he is lucky to be alive. They evidently were shooting aerosol cans and one of them(cans) went into a "vent" on the oil tank and set it off. He was on the catwalk beside the tank. They were doing something not very smart, but didn't we all when we were young? Please pray for this young man, he is a good person, just not using his head. His name is Ethan Baker.

  13. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Was it not fenced off?

  14. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    I'll say a prayer for Ethan... the rest of his life will be affected... very sad
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. #15

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    What kind of gun? and no suprevision with a gun? OH MY HELL and the ? was it fenced off?

    Who's property was it? Does this kid own this equipment? IF NOT HE WAS BREAKING THE LAW.. I feel bad for the kid, but put the blame where it needs to go.. THe kid was tresspassing without suprevision with a gun and you want to know how come the catwalk was not fenced?

    The catwalk does not get fenced.

    It is so sad when things like this happen.. I would be devestated if that happened to my child, but there is no way we can blame the Oil Company.

    I bet the Oil Company pays for Dr's bills ( even though they are not to blame) and there still is a lawsuit. I am looking forward to hearing about this more.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  16. Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    I just found out that I have met this kid's mom before many times.

  17. #17

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Does anyone have an update on the boy? Curious if he's going to be OK....

  18. #18

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Yes. He is doing very good and progressing much more rapidly than anyone expected. There is talk he may get to go home in a couple of weeks. Originally, they said he would be in the burn unit for at least 3 weeks. He is suprising everyone, including the doctors. He is a good kid, and a healthy, strong 15 year old and that is making a world of difference for him. Just to set the record straight, the official investigation has concluded, and his cell phone ignited gasses venting out of the top of the tanks. He got a call, answered it and boom. Remember he was on the cat-walk where fumes would be venting. Also, since the gate to the cat-walk was not locked, Chesapeake is assuming full responsability and picking up the entire cost of his medical expenses.

  19. #19

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Poor business another example of one more being reamed...!!!!
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  20. #20

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Yes. He is doing very good and progressing much more rapidly than anyone expected. There is talk he may get to go home in a couple of weeks. Originally, they said he would be in the burn unit for at least 3 weeks. He is suprising everyone, including the doctors. He is a good kid, and a healthy, strong 15 year old and that is making a world of difference for him. Just to set the record straight, the official investigation has concluded, and his cell phone ignited gasses venting out of the top of the tanks. He got a call, answered it and boom. Remember he was on the cat-walk where fumes would be venting. Also, since the gate to the cat-walk was not locked, Chesapeake is assuming full responsability and picking up the entire cost of his medical expenses.
    If he hadn't have broken and entered (a felony), he wouldn't have been in this situation.

    Kudos to the 'peake though. Their PR machine does a good job.

  21. #21

    Default Re: I think we just had an earthquake

    Yes a 15 year old kid did a stupid thing. He obviously should have died for it. I hope hotcutz and john never did anything wrong or stupid when they were young. Have some compassion for another human being and be thankful he is alive. Would you feel better if he had died? Would that be punishment enough? What do you 2(mentioned above) suggest for his punishment?

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