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Thread: OKSea

  1. Default Re: OKSea

    From yesterday:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_7001.JPG 
Views:	166 
Size:	585.5 KB 
ID:	10165

  2. #303

    Default Re: OKSea

    Thanks for the picture updates. Coming along nicely, but seems to be taking a little longer than I would expect (I guess they have a lot of retro-fitting to do).
    Good stuff.

  3. Default Re: OKSea

    They started painting the containers.

  4. #305

    Default Re: OKSea

    Here's a photo from https://twitter.com/TylerBHolmes:

  5. Default Re: OKSea

    Bar top getting installed:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	AD.jpg 
Views:	102 
Size:	159.9 KB 
ID:	10219

  6. Default Re: OKSea

    I think they're going to want to do murals on the shipping crates. The massing needs to be broken up.

  7. #308

    Default Re: OKSea

    Look at the renderings at the top of the page.

    There will be all sorts of graphics.

  8. Default Re: OKSea

    I did just that. The particular red crate I was talking about made me scroll up to see if any additional lettering or window cuts would cover it, but they're actually left more blank than I first realized. In the rendering the corrugated ribboning looks more interesting than in real-life.

    You've really become the unflinching anti-challenger, lately. just kidding.

  9. #310

    Default Re: OKSea

    Steve's update.

    OK Sea preparing for launch in Oklahoma City | News OK

    The Deep Deuce development, made of shipping containers, is expected to welcome its first customers in May in Oklahoma City.
    This is an interesting aspect about Anchor Down.

    On the ground floor, the bar is already in and will soon be ready for set up of Anchor Down to begin.

    “We’re ready to go,” said Joey Morris, Anchor Down co-owner. “We’re waiting to get in there and put our touch on it. We’re thinking based on the weather probably by May 1 for opening. We’re still developing the menu and beverages.”

    The decor will match the industrial nature of the shipping containers, Morris said. Anchor Down also will feature items salvaged from the Rock Island Plow building that McKown is redeveloping nearby in Bricktown. Among the materials being re-used are wood flooring and hanging doors.

  10. Default Re: OKSea

    This is one of the developments I think I'm most excited about.

  11. #312

    Default Re: OKSea

    A couple of shipping containers being repainted and used? I mean this is cool, but....

  12. Default Re: OKSea

    But corn dogs...

  13. #314

    Default Re: OKSea

    Yeah, there isn't a good dog place in the city. I'm interested to see how they are.

  14. #315

    Default Re: OK SEA


  15. #316

    Default Re: OKSea

    Thanks PluPan! This is starting to look really, really cool.

    Does that sidewalk in the first photo take you down to the improvised stairway across the rr tracks?

  16. #317

    Default Re: OKSea


  17. #318
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    Default Re: OKSea

    Actually, I took the improvised stairway on Monday, and it does not line up with the sidewalk, which was a surprise to me. I wonder if there be a new improvised stairway or something because the sidewalk appears to go right up to the ROW.

  18. Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Actually, I took the improvised stairway on Monday, and it does not line up with the sidewalk, which was a surprise to me. I wonder if there be a new improvised stairway or something because the sidewalk appears to go right up to the ROW.
    There are two sets up steps over there. The wooden temp ones and some that on have the top and bottom steps that I guess they haven't gotten around to finishing yet. I would assume the sidewalk leads to the new ones but I'm not sure.

  19. #320
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    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    There are two sets up steps over there. The wooden temp ones and some that on have the top and bottom steps that I guess they haven't gotten around to finishing yet. I would assume the sidewalk leads to the new ones but I'm not sure.
    Oh I see, didn't catch that. I'll check it out next time I'm over there which should be pretty soon.

  20. #321

    Default Re: OKSea

    I posted a photo of the stairs a long time ago. But there has been no changes since the photo:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post

  21. #322
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    Default Re: OKSea

    Oh... well I'm not sure I would have gone that way had I seen it. I was in work clothes and not jungle attire :-)

  22. #323

    Default Re: OKSea

    They are painting the graphics:

  23. Default Re: OKSea


  24. #325

    Default Re: OKSea

    I soo want to like this, but so far I'm liking the concept more than the product. Hopefully as it finishes it will look a lot cooler.

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