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Thread: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

  1. #1

    Default Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    Rusty Surette one of the producers for KWTV keeps mentioning a newsroom remodel for Channel 9, have we heard any details on what all is happening? New studios and everything or just the behind the scenes areas?

    Along those lines KFOR announced last year they were going to build an all new station building but I haven't heard a peep on that project in some time, ground should have broke or been close to it at least right??

  2. #2

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    what i am hearing is that they are moving everyone to the garage and they are going to remodel the newsroom,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    So when will KWTV start remodeling their newsroom.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    I have always wondered, why are all the news stations out in the boonies in OKC? I know that's where the transmitters are located but a lot of cities have their news studios downtown or at least somewhere visible.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    The news stations are built mainly off of Britton and Wilshire because this area is known to the the highest elevation spot in town. Makes the tv towers built in the 50s and 60s more efficient. Back then land was cheapest there too. KOCO sits on 50 acres

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I have always wondered, why are all the news stations out in the boonies in OKC? I know that's where the transmitters are located but a lot of cities have their news studios downtown or at least somewhere visible.
    That is strange. None of Tulsa’s stations are out in the middle of nowhere, only KTUL-8 isn’t right in town, and it’s just three miles from downtown on top of Signal Hill in west Tulsa. Griffin (KOTV - 6/CW19) has a new showcase building with studios overlooking Guthrie Green in the Brady District downtown, OETA – 11 is in a new building on the OSU Tulsa campus downtown about one block from KOTV, KJRH – 2 is in the middle of Brookside right across the street from where Trader Joes is going and Fox 23/My 41 is in east Tulsa at the Cox media studios.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    KFOR's new building should be done later this year, right?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Local News Remodels and New Buildings

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    KFOR's new building should be done later this year, right?
    That's whats weird, I haven't heard a peep about it, no pics, no blueprints, renders etc.

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