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Thread: StarFlyer

  1. #226

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    There are other places it could go, but it won't have the same result, and I doubt he'll find anything that's profitable. I'm in bricktown right now typing this, and I'm more in favor of it than ever. All up the canal it's just bar after bar, and then you come to the entertainment portion with the arcade under construction, ball park, and the movie theatre on the other side. It really is the perfect location and would fit in great. Not much room right there for anything else of note anyway.

  2. #227

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Pete, I hope you can convince him to locate this in Bricktown. And I think we'll show up to support.

    It took me a few days, but I've come around in my support for this.

  3. #228

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by shavethewhales View Post
    There are other places it could go, but it won't have the same result, and I doubt he'll find anything that's profitable. I'm in bricktown right now typing this, and I'm more in favor of it than ever. All up the canal it's just bar after bar, and then you come to the entertainment portion with the arcade under construction, ball park, and the movie theatre on the other side. It really is the perfect location and would fit in great. Not much room right there for anything else of note anyway.

    And I truly believe that most -- including the Bricktown Design Review Committee -- are still trying to get their minds around this.

    I just had a long and very interesting conversation with Brandon Arthur. This isn't dead yet.

    More to come.

  4. #229

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    One bit of info I can share is that Mr. Arthur's proposal -- which was communicated to the committee -- included a brick wall at the base, with a brick kiosk and restrooms.

    He emphasized it be be "classy" and "very nice", not some sort of temporary carnival ride.

    He also communicated that he wanted to put a huge "Bricktown Flyer" sign on the top to help advertise the district.

  5. #230

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I would want to see this "classy" design before changing my position. Do not like the idea of a carnival-looking ride being in every TNT shot from now on -- and you know it would. Hokey pokey Okie.

  6. #231

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    The more and more I think about this, the more I like the idea.

    We need a festive vibe somewhere in the city. This could provide that. The district does not need to be dominated by that vibe, but in conplement.

  7. #232

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I would want to see this "classy" design before changing my position. Do not like the idea of a carnival-looking ride being in every TNT shot from now on -- and you know it would. Hokey pokey Okie.
    duuuuuuude, did you not see the video of the one in England???

  8. #233

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I'm with Soonerguru, it just screams comical to me. If there were any other location more perfect for it, I'd choose just west of the Bricktown Riverwalk Park.

    At this location it would pull crowds from both Bricktown & the Oklahoma Riversports Complex AND it would put more value on the Co-op site, as well as our favorite site, the Lumber Yard.

  9. #234

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    One bit of info I can share is that Mr. Arthur's proposal -- which was communicated to the committee -- included a brick wall at the base, with a brick kiosk and restrooms.

    He emphasized it be be "classy" and "very nice", not some sort of temporary carnival ride.

    He also communicated that he wanted to put a huge "Bricktown Flyer" sign on the top to help advertise the district.
    This is a fantastic addition. This would be a solid location. If it is done right, then it would be a landmark that we can all be proud of. If it's not done correctly, then it could be that "tall ugly thing sticking out of the ground". I'm 100% for a high profile landmark that is artistic and monumental for that location. If done correctly, then it will be that attraction that always has a line to it. If it is to be of smaller scale, then maybe move it to a different location....just west of the Bass Pro. ....either way, it should be a nice addition.

    We can still have our "1,000 ft. Energy Tower" by the River.

  10. #235

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    This is a fantastic addition. This would be a solid location. If it is done right, then it would be a landmark that we can all be proud of. If it's not done correctly, then it could be that "tall ugly thing sticking out of the ground". I'm 100% for a high profile landmark that is artistic and monumental for that location. If done correctly, then it will be that attraction that always has a line to it. If it is to be of smaller scale, then maybe move it to a different location....just west of the Bass Pro. ....either way, it should be a nice addition.

    We can still have our "1,000 ft. Energy Tower" by the River.
    I would love a 1,000ft Energy Tower, but it would be better if downtown, not by the river.

  11. #236
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: StarFlyer

  12. #237

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    So is this completely dead? I thought I saw he was taking his design somewhere else nearby.

  13. #238

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Last I talked to him he was confident of finding another site; I got the impression it would be in Lower Bricktown.

    Then, he stopped returning my messages.

    Pretty sure it's dead.

    Ironic because the site he originally proposed is directly next to the mini golf site and Brickopolis, which would have provide great synergy and family fun in a small area along the canal.

    Still think that is a great spot and don't see the issues, especially since it would be temporary.

  14. Default Re: StarFlyer

    I've heard second-hand from more than one person that while he's not actively pursuing it right now he hopes to revisit the idea at some point.

  15. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Last I talked to him he was confident of finding another site; I got the impression it would be in Lower Bricktown.

    Then, he stopped returning my messages.

    Pretty sure it's dead.

    Ironic because the site he originally proposed is directly next to the mini golf site and Brickopolis, which would have provide great synergy and family fun in a small area along the canal.

    Still think that is a great spot and don't see the issues, especially since it would be temporary.
    Sounds like a fantastic development for people who hate real development.

    Meanwhile this is one of those infamous "Four Corners" that refuse to develop in the heart of Bricktown that make me scratch my head every time...

  16. #241

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This really needs to be brought back up again to the Bricktown design commitee and city council approval. I'm sure it would pass just because it would be great for this very small corner location. This would be a GREAT anchor piece in a "ENTERTAINMENT" district. Look at the developments since July the whole project proposal was brought up by bad timing. Timing is everthing. You look at the recent developments in this district. The Family entertainment center being built right next door, The miniature golf. The development is already across from Bricktown Ballpark, Movie Theater and Bowling Alley. Plus lower bricktown you have Bass Pro, The Chevy Events center and the new Criterion. Adding this to the line up of bricktown attractions. Really this guy should really start up this project.

  17. #242

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This ride would be an excellent tie in with Brickopolis and the put put course. They really should bring it back to the table.

  18. #243

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Sounds like a fantastic development for people who hate real development.

    Meanwhile this is one of those infamous "Four Corners" that refuse to develop in the heart of Bricktown that make me scratch my head every time...
    Exactly. This is a highly valuable piece of land right where the canal turns the corner and they wanna put a mini golf course on it and this stupid flyer contraption next to it. This is a prime spot for a nice development with some retail an possibly living units up above. Bricktown sorely needs retail but we just keep putting in new restaurants.

  19. #244

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Bricktown sorely needs retail but we just keep putting in new restaurants.
    The coming residential should make that more likely.

  20. #245

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Exactly. This is a highly valuable piece of land right where the canal turns the corner and they wanna put a mini golf course on it and this stupid flyer contraption next to it. This is a prime spot for a nice development with some retail an possibly living units up above. Bricktown sorely needs retail but we just keep putting in new restaurants.
    That parcel has been sitting as a grass lot for years. If a developer thought there was money to be made on it wouldn't they have developed something by now? A few people on here have explained why the canal facing property isn't as prime as it would seem. The upgrades to the Santa Fe Station should help it out some.

  21. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Exactly. This is a highly valuable piece of land right where the canal turns the corner and they wanna put a mini golf course on it and this stupid flyer contraption next to it. This is a prime spot for a nice development with some retail an possibly living units up above. Bricktown sorely needs retail but we just keep putting in new restaurants.
    Who is "they"? This attraction was proposed by someone not from Bricktown, and then rebuffed and denied by Bricktown property owners and BUDC, yet you are citing it as an example of how Bricktown stinks. Sortof a no-win situation for and unreasonably harsh assessment of Bricktown, if you ask me.

    By the way, there are retail spaces planned in the Steelyard and in the structured parking to be constructed on the SW corner of Sheridan and Oklahoma. Brickopolis will also be home to new retail.

    As one of the few people ever to create from scratch and own a retail store in Bricktown - and the only poster on this board to do so, to my knowledge - I can tell you that the biggest obstacle to retail has probably been the giant uninterrupted floor plates in the old warehouse buildings, which are not properly scaled for most retail. Building owners understandably don't want to carve them up for 500-1500 sq ft retail operations, possibly compromising the rest of the floor for other development.

    The new spaces being planned and constructed will help tip the scales for retail. It's coming.

  22. #247

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    There will actually be quite a bit of retail and service space at Steelyard: 20,000 square feet.

    That's a lot of space and while it may take some time to fill it, great credit to Gary Brooks for including that into his plans. Way more retail space than any urban housing development to date.

  23. #248

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Who is "they"? This attraction was proposed by someone not from Bricktown, and then rebuffed and denied by Bricktown property owners and BUDC, yet you are citing it as an example of how Bricktown stinks. Sortof a no-win situation for and unreasonably harsh assessment of Bricktown, if you ask me.
    Where did I say Bricktown stinks? Point that out to me. Where in my post am I giving a harsh assessment of the entire district? Show me.

    All I'm saying is, that it's a great piece of property in a prime location. Something better could be done with it other than a mini golf course and a six flags ride.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I can tell you that the biggest obstacle to retail has probably been the giant uninterrupted floor plates in the old warehouse buildings, which are not properly scaled for most retail. Building owners understandably don't want to carve them up for 500-1500 sq ft retail operations, possibly compromising the rest of the floor for other development.
    But right now it's an undeveloped plot of dirt. If a building were built there, it could be divided up however the developer saw fit. It wouldn't be an old warehouse, it'd be brand new. Hopefully built to look old.

  24. Default Re: StarFlyer

    NOBODY IS INSTALLING THE SIX FLAGS RIDE. NOBODY. Yet you talk about "they", as if it is the whole district behind it, and as if it is an approved project.

    Regarding the mini golf, it is a temporary activation of a long-empty space, until real development emerges. This is no different than Bleu Garten or the Holiday Pop-Ups in Midtown. It is simply temporary space activation and place making. If you have a better idea for that plot of land, perhaps you pursue a development agreement with the owner.

  25. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    ...But right now it's an undeveloped plot of dirt. If a building were built there, it could be divided up however the developer saw fit. It wouldn't be an old warehouse, it'd be brand new. Hopefully built to look old.
    If that canal corner ends up being nothing more than a 1-2 story building with retail, it would be a major fail. That corner should and will likely be home to a large development, hopefully with a hotel or housing component. Those types of deals are complex and take time to put together. The owner has tried earnestly on several occasions, but they have slipped to his fingers and gone elsewhere in the district. There will come a time when that is the most desirable land remaining in Bricktown, and it will be developed. Meanwhile he invested in a great building across the canal that was designed in a way that will enable easier development on the canal corner property when it comes along.

    Complain all you want about miniature golf, but that won't be the longterm future of that space, and in the meantime it will activate the canal and a previously dead space, and will make for thousands of happy families and memorable date nights.

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