SAE's HQ is mandating that by March 9th, pledging be ended for good. Easier said than done, I think, but Sig Ep has done okay with Balanced Man... so why not?
SAE's HQ is mandating that by March 9th, pledging be ended for good. Easier said than done, I think, but Sig Ep has done okay with Balanced Man... so why not?
I really applaud Boren and how he has handled this. Great leadership.
just disgusting on every level.
There's been confederate flags hanging in that house for decades. It just looks worse right now because of what happened at ou. SAEs chapter president last year is an African American. Thats not to say it's not in poor taste because it is but its only news because of ou. Confederate flag hanging is pretty stereotypical fraternity behavior and southern behavior in general.
I called the house and the have taken it down. A lot of this is the o'colly trying to get clicks.
Who was hurt by the chant? Every kid with hope in their heart that things are changing for them - that maybe they'll be accepted for who they are as a person and not rejected because of the color of their skin. That they'll have the same chance for a good job and salary as the white kids singing and clapping on the bus. My heart hurts for those African American kids who, while they can be proud of what happened at Selma, are simultaneously reminded that a very short time ago they could be beaten with impunity - that very few people in that part of the country cared if they were - that they could be screamed at and spit on for simply walking over a bridge.
This kid will not have a felony on his record. He will not go to jail. He does not have to live with the knowledge that he killed a human being. Eventually he will be, at most, a postscript in history. Will he accept that what he did was inexcusable and reprehensible? Will it change the way he views others? If it does, then this undoubtedly very hard lesson will make him a better person. That's a good thing. If he finds a way to blame others and it doesn't change his heart, then he has earned whatever fallout comes from this throughout his life. If I were his parent, I would see my job as making him understand why what he did was so wrong, and how his thinking needs to change. I would ask him, if he understands why what he did was wrong, to make a public apology to students of color at the University.
On another note, as I mentioned earlier, our fraternity cook for the last 20 years is black and ironically will not have a job because of this. Some of the OU SAE alumni have created a gofundme account to basically allow those of us that aren't directly involved in the fraternity accounting group, to help give him a severance. If anyone here knows Howard, are alumni of OU SAE, or just would like to help a great person out, please consider contributing a few dollars to this fund. He's a hell of a guy that we all love and it makes it even more ridiculous that those idiots (who he feeds every day, every week of the school year) chanted that.
I guess now we've actually created two:
Actually Betts those kids you are talking about will not be hurt now. That chapter is now closed and those students will probably transfer schools. Every single fraternity in the nation at chapter tonight will probably talk about this and remind their members that a chapter was just taken down by a 7 second video in less then 24 hours.
That kid may not have the guilt of killing someone but he now has a scarlet A he's going to have to walk around his entire life. Not to mention the fact that today he's been receiving death threats. That's not to say he's the victim he's not, he brought this on himself but does the punishment fit the crime? As soon as his name is posted online he's done. He may be a postscript in history but anytime he tries to get a job this will pop up with his name on it. No one is going to touch him.
Those kids your heart hurts for are going to be fine. This chapter is gone and every other chapter in the nation just got put on notice. This behavior will change or go underground.
I do agree with you though about him apologizing. However he needs to apologize to everyone not people of color. If we strive for a post racial society then there isn't color, there's just people. So he needs to apologize to people and the people he's apologizing to are the ones who were offended by his actions. Then he should probably go do volunteer work in the inner city.
It's just my opinion. You could very well be correct. I've been impressed how quickly both ou and SAE acted in this matter.
Ya know, the sad thing about this is....people act like fraternity members are the only people inclined to say such a word.
Unfortunately, the word is part of the English language, has its place in history and is apparently timeless because again and again, history repeats itself.
I just read on Twitter that a player has decommitted from OU, citing personal reasons. Would he still have taken the same course of action if this video had not surfaced?
I think the real problem here is that there is still a divide in America and the old generation of thinking has been passed on. It is an old way of thinking by both sides. Racism is like a compass--it can go any which way, all that matters is where you point.
The other issue with this is certain "word" usage..obviously we all know the word here and without me even mentioning it, it still popped into your head and if you've thought it, you've said it, whether it was in secrecy or out loud for everyone to hear. It's something that CAN NOT be erased...which is unfortunate...because the word is used in praise by the very race that curses it.
As much as I hate OU in sports, I'm really disappointed to see OU in the limelight because of some stupid kids that have no excuse for what came out of their mouths. I don't usually get so wrapped up in things but it puts a bad taste in my mouth and the sad thing is, if it didnt happen at OU it would have happened at some other college because obviously this is a nationwide issue.
Waka Flocka has canceled his concert at OU.
Personally, I long ago lost my hopes that racism in this nation was on its way out. In the late Fifties, I was a semi-regular at a little BBQ joint called "Tony's" located just a block or so west of the old Moon Junior High, run by a pair of black men named Tony and Leah Potts. It was a truly color-blind place; they served only BBQ and camp coffee, and had whole layers of regular customers, of every skin color. We went to enjoy ourselves with friends, and made new friends in the process. Most of the time Tony had a Miles Davis record playing on his hi-fi, but one evening a quartet from OCU showed up to try out their act. It was one of only two times I ever heard Mason Williams in person -- the other time was a week or so later when I invited the quartet to come to my home to record an audition tape for the Oklahoman's record reviewer, John Acord, to take to Mercury in NYC (they rejected it, BTW).
I had learned in Korea that it was the color of a person's character that mattered, not that of his skin.
So when I moved back to OKC in 1962 from a brief encounter with southern California, I deliberately chose to buy a house near NE 44 and Everest so that my three young sons could grow up in an integrated neighborhood. That was a hope that failed.
As blacks moved into the area, white families -- especially those with children -- moved out. By the time my older boys were in the 3rd and 4th grades, they were the only white kids left in Longfellow school. And they were subject to even more violent racist actions than I had ever expected. I was personally threatened, in my own front yard, by a pre-schooler wielding a pitchfork almost as big as he was. My oldest son had his arm broken by a slightly older boy who lived across the street. And when I called police, I found no support. "If you don't like it," the officers told me, "just move away."
The consequence is that now all three of my sons, through bitter experience, have become polarized about such things -- and I see that polarization reflected throughout our nation. Racist leaders -- of all colors -- trumpet the differences and demand retribution. As Orwell noted, some are more equal than others.
I'm sure that this comment will cause me to be labelled as racist by some -- but we have to face the fact that almost nobody, these days, cares about true equality, or searching for the person hidden beneath the outward appearances.
Sure, we have bad cops, and racial profiling exists. Almost 60 years ago when I was following the police beat, the OCPD was totally segregated -- and the black community feared the black officers far more than they did the white ones! Police work, unfortunately, has long appealed to bullies as an easy way to practice their arts with public approval. I've known many good cops; the bad ones are a distinct minority -- but they exist, and come in all colors. That's no reason for professional racists to stir things up.
But as I said, my hopes for an end to racism died long ago -- on the day that I left the northeast quadrant and followed the rest of the white flight. Nothing seems likely to resusicate them...
Last edited by Jim Kyle; 03-09-2015 at 01:02 PM. Reason: spelling errors
These guys disgraced nobody but themselves; this childlike behavior brought the whole group down. It's a shame that anyone would participate in this type of activity--it's obvious that this was rehearsed by the ones who participated.
Salute OU President Boren who took swift action along with SAE's national body which governs this fraternity to condemn this type of activity.
As Oprah is fond of saying, "Can't wait for all the old racists to hurry up and die."
But here you have young college kids with absolutely no connection to any of the crap from the old days, and they still choose to perpetuate it.
It also serves to highlight the fatal flaws in the oft-repeated argument: "Hey we passed equality laws, the playing field is now level. I don't want to hear anything more about racism."
I won't speak for everyone else, but I'm not going to let these imbeciles define me, this state, or the University of Oklahoma.
They are dumb, young, and immature. We say this about nearly all college kids. They just happened to chant this song and it was posted on the Internet, it was a matter of minutes before something like that can start a fire. Not excusing the language they used, but I'm one of those who thinks words are just words, and yes, words can hurt, but things tend to be blown out of proportion too often anymore.
Naturally, the mainstream media has taken hold and is using it to continue the race baiting that is alive and well in this country, sadly.
I couldn't ask President Boren to handle this situation anymore beautifully than he did, with such quick decision that truly showcases his leadership.
OU will get hit for now, ignorant people will hold onto this and use it as some type of ammunition against not only the Sooners, but this state as well. Let them, because they are the ignorant ones. Every state has racists, every state has these dumb fraternities and with their equally dumb chants.
As for the students themselves, they need to be punished, not just the fraternity, and I imagine President Boren will be looking to exercise that to some extent.
As for the comments about the flag... Are we still needing explanation and defense of it? People can say it's a symbol of racism, but it really isn't. Especially in 2015, it's become the symbol of southern pride, not slavery or racism. I know people who own the rebel flag and aren't racist at all, they just evoke pride in being southern.
Now see, that is just stupid. Instead of facing the adversity, you cancel your revenue stream? I'd go in there if I were Waka, preach a message, and then go about your normal business. But no, you're going to punish your fans by cancelling a concert that was going to be enjoyed by your actual fans who say the same word you say regardless of their skin color. Makes no sense. He might as well cancel every concert on his tour list because there's probably bigots in those places too.
I'm not sure you understand this. He was planning on holding it at the SAE house, which is now no more. Its logistics.
And your right, there are bigots everywhere he will perform, but as of now there are bigots here who joked about lynching n****** from trees and it was caught on film. OK just needs to take this hit and learn from it right now.
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