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Thread: Where are they now?

  1. #1

    Default Where are they now?

    Anyone look familiar from this Hollywood photo?

  2. Default Re: Where are they now?

    Ben McCain......What's he in?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Where are they now?

    bruce campbell is the best... i'm looking forward to seeing this one (my name is bruce)... know when it's coming out? -M

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where are they now?

    Look closely......both brothers are there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where are they now?

    "My Name is Bruce" is supposed to be coming out in October. It's still in post-production and there may be a few minor reshoots. However, a release date near Halloween is still in the works.

    Also, Bruce Campbell has a cameo in Spiderman 3, which will be out this summer.

    Have you seen him in the new Old Spice commercial? You can find it on YouTube.

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