Bike racks actually make a lot of sense. A few years back OCART made this its first goal as an interest group. Unfortunately, those in power at the time, weren't very transit oriented. Talking to them about improving transit, was kind of liek trying to talk to Luther Trent or Karen Carney about the need to build the East Concourse at the airport. They just didn't get it. Fortunately, young blood from the "creative class" is taking over our city government now. Our mayor, Mick Cornett, is jsut one example of this "young blood." I think he's more open to discussing the need for commuter rail transit for our city.
By the way....a rail trolley system wasn't needed for Salt Lake either. If oyu've ever been there, you'd see that it wasn't anymore needed than ours was. It still would've been nice to have a railed trolley system serving the downtown area and Meridian Hotel district.