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Thread: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

  1. #276
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    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    The Devon Tower was initially planned for 925 feet - 54 stories before the development was downsized -4s to 844 feet. Dallas Bank of America Plaza stands 921 feet.

    There were some posters on a site (see link below) that didn't believe the Devon Tower would be constructed; just imagine a skyscraper in OKC taller than any structure in Dallas? One poster called OKC a suburb of Dallas (LOL).

    OKC Devon Energy Tower (925 ft, 54 st)

    Optimism is high that we will see some kind of structure (building or space tower) constructed comparable to the Devon Tower prior to 2025.

  2. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think a lot of people around didn't think it would get built. They couldn't fathom how it could be built while their economies were tanking and that it would be in OKC. And lookie here, we're looking at building another 30 floors of expansion for them.

    I like to think of the Devon as the big giant OKC Middle Finger to the rest of the country. SUCK IT! lol

  3. #278

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    I think a lot of people around didn't think it would get built. They couldn't fathom how it could be built while their economies were tanking and that it would be in OKC. And lookie here, we're looking at building another 30 floors of expansion for them.

    I like to think of the Devon as the big giant OKC Middle Finger to the rest of the country. SUCK IT! lol
    Good post, and true to an extent. An even more accurate statement is that it is also a big middle finger because it is surrounded by midgets and desperately needs some taller buildings to balance things out. I was in Tulsa over the weekend for a kids state wrestling tournament and absolutely loved their downtown at night. The buildings had awesome lighting, some very nice crown work and lights that accented and I had never really noticed it being like that before. Please, please OKC take some notes and do the same. Color me impressed with the way Tulsa brings to life those buildings and I give them kudos for that. I was looking at them while thinking of the Cotter Ranch and other buildings and was like things need to change in DT OKC in that area.

  4. #279

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?


    This is an example but not as impressive as what I saw this weekend. I wish I had taken some pictures, I had no idea it looked that nice.

  5. #280

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post

    This is an example but not as impressive as what I saw this weekend. I wish I had taken some pictures, I had no idea it looked that nice.
    The short one on the right with the really bright crown, used to to use different colored lights based on the weather forecast along time ago.

  6. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post
    ...I was just posting an interesting topic and put it on 2 threads, not multiple ones...
    Multiple - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    Multiple adjective mul·ti·ple \ˈməl-tə-pəl\ : more than one

    And while Rover's not the forum police, I suspect if they were here they would tell you to stop with the name calling and cut out the generally abusive tone of the post I just partially quoted.

  7. #282

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Multiple - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    Multiple adjective mul·ti·ple \ˈməl-tə-pəl\ : more than one

    And while Rover's not the forum police, I suspect if they were here they would tell you to stop with the name calling and cut out the generally abusive tone of the post I just partially quoted.
    Thank you Urbanized, 2 can also be categorized as "a couple of threads" without giving the impression that I have several posts out there. No offense but that was a bit of over kill for me just posting a couple of thoughts on 2 threads. If anything, he really needed to just not state it that way or even at all because it when you think about it he is just being a "Richard" plain and simple. You can read between the lines on that one.

  8. #283

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Also, telling someone to calm down who got a little too worked up about my thoughts on 2 posts is not an abusive tone. I said have another cup of coffee and a movie quote from "Stripes" when they say "calm down Franciss" to the guy who was a little too worked up. Geesh, that is a bit ridiculous to say that. I don't even see my previous post or Rover's, not sure what happened to it.

  9. #284
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    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think if we could recreate Tulsa's skyline here in OKC, THAT would make Dallas and KC jealous.

    There, I fixed the tie in and made the comments relevant. LOL

  10. #285

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    I think if we could recreate Tulsa's skyline here in OKC, THAT would make Dallas and KC jealous.

    There, I fixed the tie in and made the comments relevant. LOL
    Thank you "Richard". Like I said, I just posted it in a couple of threads. I am sorry it was not the best match and I shared a couple of thoughts. With all the people who get off topic on multiple threads, you really kind of overacted on this one. Anyway, with what you just said, I would like to see OKC do some of the lighting on the buildings like Tulsa does because it actually is quite nice. That was basically the intent of my posts- on all of those 2 threads.

  11. #286

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I hesitate to post this because I don't want what I think is a decent idea tainted by my inability to master Google Sketchup, but this is an idea I had, taking from the 1000 foot oil derrick tower that has been suggested in the past, with something that is (hopefully) a little more artistic. The idea is the Crosstown Tipi, an expressionistic, skeletal, curved/spiraled tipi that straddles the Oklahoma river and I-35. The height may be 750 feet, 1000 feet, 1250 feet, but have an obvious pronounced impact on the skyline, acting as our Space Needle/Gateway Arch/Calgary Tower. Build a modern technologically marvel based on a traditional habitat associated with our native heritage, playing off "Don't you all live in tipis?!?" stereotypes, while being a new tourist attraction.

    However it is meant to be functional as well, as the poles will have escalators to lead to a platform for people to walk across both the river and I35 from the Boathouse District (and by extension, Bricktown) to the AICCM once completed. And any hopeful significant development on the southside of the OK River opposite the Boathouses. The lower platform could provide another place to watch regattas and other river activities. There would also be an additional observation deck 700 feet or so where the poles meet. Probably would be difficult to have stores or even a restaurant, but maybe a bar at the lower platform and travel advertisements for everything OK has to offer.

    Someone with better art skills will be able to translate the concept better than I can and beautify it, making it more palatable to the skeptical. The five poles should curve more and pull into each other more, tightening in the center while still creating enough "gap" for the visual skeletal effect. The lower platform is too high. And the placement is imperfect, obviously, with one pole right in the middle of the southbound I35 (when its meant to take the space between the north and southbound paths) and another in the river itself. It's feasibility to build in reality would be a big challenge, obviously, construction over the busiest bridge in OKC, but really if that first platform can be built construction equipment can use it to build the elevation. I really don't think something like this would work in a field or park somewhere--it's functionality to provide a walking path from one destination to another is the justification for its existence.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Crosstowntipi.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	151.8 KB 
ID:	10257Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crosstowntipi2.jpg 
Views:	127 
Size:	159.0 KB 
ID:	10258

  12. #287

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAW View Post
    I hesitate to post this because I don't want what I think is a decent idea tainted by my inability to master Google Sketchup, but this is an idea I had, taking from the 1000 foot oil derrick tower that has been suggested in the past, with something that is (hopefully) a little more artistic. The idea is the Crosstown Tipi, an expressionistic, skeletal, curved/spiraled tipi that straddles the Oklahoma river and I-35. The height may be 750 feet, 1000 feet, 1250 feet, but have an obvious pronounced impact on the skyline, acting as our Space Needle/Gateway Arch/Calgary Tower. Build a modern technologically marvel based on a traditional habitat associated with our native heritage, playing off "Don't you all live in tipis?!?" stereotypes, while being a new tourist attraction.

    However it is meant to be functional as well, as the poles will have escalators to lead to a platform for people to walk across both the river and I35 from the Boathouse District (and by extension, Bricktown) to the AICCM once completed. And any hopeful significant development on the southside of the OK River opposite the Boathouses. The lower platform could provide another place to watch regattas and other river activities. There would also be an additional observation deck 700 feet or so where the poles meet. Probably would be difficult to have stores or even a restaurant, but maybe a bar at the lower platform and travel advertisements for everything OK has to offer.

    Someone with better art skills will be able to translate the concept better than I can and beautify it, making it more palatable to the skeptical. The five poles should curve more and pull into each other more, tightening in the center while still creating enough "gap" for the visual skeletal effect. The lower platform is too high. And the placement is imperfect, obviously, with one pole right in the middle of the southbound I35 (when its meant to take the space between the north and southbound paths) and another in the river itself. It's feasibility to build in reality would be a big challenge, obviously, construction over the busiest bridge in OKC, but really if that first platform can be built construction equipment can use it to build the elevation. I really don't think something like this would work in a field or park somewhere--it's functionality to provide a walking path from one destination to another is the justification for its existence.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Crosstowntipi.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	151.8 KB 
ID:	10257Click image for larger version. 

Name:	crosstowntipi2.jpg 
Views:	127 
Size:	159.0 KB 
ID:	10258
    I could get on board with that. Anything that OKC does that says " I am more than just ok" I am all for. I actually like where you are going with that and I'm sure someone could come up with some really cool designs. It would be a unique landmark that people will identify with and make it ours as well as serve a purpose for those districts. I like the idea, maybe someone could take this and run with it.

  13. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post
    Thank you "Richard"...
    Huh. "Richard"? Whatever could THAT mean? Is Rover's real name Richard? Or were just being "clever"?

  14. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post

    This is an example but not as impressive as what I saw this weekend. I wish I had taken some pictures, I had no idea it looked that nice.
    I guess its a matter of taste. I've always found Tulsa's downtown to be bland and boring. Its a very showbox-ish downtown with most of the buildings being the same white-faced international style structure with a few interesting things sprinkled in. Tulsa has historically had the height advantage and there's a long story to go with that which is still being played out today.

    One thing you can say about OKC is that we have a wide variety of styles represented in our skyline. There really aren't any two that are the same. And we've done better and worse jobs at times, of lighting our downtown. Tulsa, like OKC, has some towers that slap some lighting around the top and call that it. In Tulsa 1st Place and West 7th are both examples of that along with OKC's Cotter Ranch. Its just the type of lighting I'm not impressed with....it does make an improvement but its still lipstick on the old pig.

  15. #290
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    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Since this is now another Tulsa vs. OKC thread, I'll bite. Tulsa's skyline would be very average if not framed by the river. Almost every shot you see is long lens across the river. Since it sits inclined with a few trees, it makes a nice photo op. However, Tulsa isn't Vancouver, or even Calgary. And, I would argue that it isn't even OKC at this point, and surely won't be when we complete the Hines, Clayco, CC Hotel, 3 10 story hotels in Bricktown, and maybe even others. So, those who want to cling to Tulsa is better will have at most 3-4 more years before it is obvious to EVERYONE that it just isn't so. Probably isn't even now.

    So, Dallas and KC might not be jealous, but I will be willing to bet Tulsa will be.

  16. #291

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I really dislike Tulsa's downtown. They haven't had a skyline advantage since 2012 in my opinion. I do like the way their BOK tower is lighted and I agree with others that OKC could take some cues from that, but other than that, their skyline does nothing for me. That's not to say it isn't impressive for a metro area of under 1 million, but a lot of that can be contributed to height and their river setting rather than the impressiveness or the diversity of their buildings. Tulsa's strength is its neighborhoods and districts outside of the immediate downtown area. I also agree that anybody who wants to cling to the idea that Tulsa is better has about 4 more years to do it.

  17. #292

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Does anyone have any input or thoughts on JAWS idea on the Crosstown Tipi? It actually is intriguing and it would be unique to OKC and add to the skyline as well. I think someone could come up with a great design and it that it would be awesome.

  18. #293

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post
    Does anyone have any input or thoughts on JAWS idea on the Crosstown Tipi? It actually is intriguing and it would be unique to OKC and add to the skyline as well. I think someone could come up with a great design and it that it would be awesome.
    I dislike it only because its too large. I would support a smaller version of it. I don't think something like that should be the tallest building in the city.

  19. #294

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Don't like it. Really gaudy. It needs to serve a purpose, and it doesn't.

  20. #295
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    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I dislike it only because its too large. I would support a smaller version of it. I don't think something like that should be the tallest building in the city.
    Good point Chris!

    Something smaller but comparable to the size of the Devon Tower in the range of 850-1,000 feet--with a lighted observation deck that complements the Skydance Bridge. This would be more impressive that the St. Louis Gateway Arch.

    Get something like this on 2017 MAPS IV projects.

  21. #296

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Don't like it. Really gaudy. It needs to serve a purpose, and it doesn't.
    Does the St. Louis Arch serve a purpose?

  22. #297
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    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Does the St. Louis Arch serve a purpose?
    The St. Louis Arch is the gateway to the west.

    A project (monument) of this magnitude could certainly be a game changer for Oklahoma City. An 800-feet version could probably be constructed in the price range of $100 million. It would serve as a midway or crossroads point of the United States (north, south, east & west).

  23. #298

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Does the St. Louis Arch serve a purpose?
    A memorial to the Louisiana Purchase.

  24. #299

    Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    I think I have read this thread in its entirety and, short of someone buying the Cotton Gin and converting it to some sort of high rise residential/mixed use with upscale shopping and dining on the ground floors, I really cannot envision anything that might even cause a flicker of notice from Kansas City or Dallas.

  25. Default Re: Development that will make Dallas and KC Jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by soondoc View Post
    Does anyone have any input or thoughts on JAWS idea on the Crosstown Tipi? It actually is intriguing and it would be unique to OKC and add to the skyline as well. I think someone could come up with a great design and it that it would be awesome.
    I think the idea of an observation tower near downtown is a great idea. I don't particularly care for that design and as others have said, I feel its too large. It's an interesting idea to have it go over the river for sure. Over the highway isn't something id go for though. Only because it severely complicates future highway construction projects in an incredible way.

    As far as it being a teepee, I don't really like that at all. That was only a structure used by nomadic groups and is really a stereotype that most tribes did not follow. I think I would rather see a derrick if we had to pick an object to scale up. Although a traditional "needle" structure would be fine with me too. Can you imagine if the Skydance was blown up about 1000% and had an observation deck...hahaha. Plop it over the river instead of the highway.

    I've always been a fan of a push to construct a tower, I'm just not sure where I would put it. Definitely on the north side of the river, but bricktown, downtown, DD, where I just don't know. I feel like Bricktown would be the obvious place since it would be an attraction and so you'd want it in the foot traffic district.

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