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Thread: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

  1. Default Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    I know you all know how hard it is to raise money, even for a good cause. I'm posting it here and you can all judge me for prostituting out my project, but I'm going to do it anyway!

    My band is traveling to Dallas, kind of on a whim, for a festival and to go to the symphony. Our bus cost is the most expensive part of the trip (after hotel costs), so I have set up a GoFundMe project that anyone can donate to.

    I know you all know where I work, and what kinds of financial disadvantages our program faces, not to mention the financial disadvantages the kids themselves face. Brochure fundraisers and chocolate bars (especially with the Smart Snacks program) just don't cut it anymore. Instead of buying something you don't need, you can make a tax deductible donation right to our program, if you choose.

    Otherwise, if you share it on your social media, we would be grateful for that. No donation is too small, no share is overlooked. We appreciate everything!

    If you would like to share the link, here it is: Help Send the HCP Band to Dallas! by Kelli Robbins Taylor - GoFundMe

    Here is everything we are going to do in Dallas: Medieval Times (sorry, I love it), Six Flags, the Dallas Symphony (Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique is playing that weekend -- how can I not?), and House of Blues. We will also perform and compete in a music festival.

    For those of you who were in band, and got to take a trip; you know how fun these are! Even just $5 helps us. Your money or share is going to a good cause, I promise. These are good kids who are so excited. There are even kids in this band who have never even been to Dallas, if you can believe it!

    Thank you so much for reading, if you got this far
    Still corrupting young minds

  2. Default Re: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    Thank you guys so much! The band kids and I really appreciate your kindness
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    I didn't give a lot but good luck in your fundraising !!!

  4. Default Re: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I didn't give a lot but good luck in your fundraising !!!
    We appreciate EVERY donation, even just $1! They are SO excited about the trip Thank you!

    Another shameless plug: We'll be fundraising at the Bueno on N. May and 66th street Thursday from 4-9pm. We're even planning on playing a little music in the store so say HCP if you come and order something!
    Still corrupting young minds

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    Hope you guys make it! :-)

  6. Default Re: Shameless plug: My band is trying to go to Dallas

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    Hope you guys make it! :-)
    Thank you -- we do, too! I just set up the symphony, Medieval Times, House of Blues and Hard Rock Cafe tickets
    Still corrupting young minds

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