Too bad D.C. Isn't listed separately. It would be the only black area on the map. That is a political statement and nothing to do with race.
Too bad D.C. Isn't listed separately. It would be the only black area on the map. That is a political statement and nothing to do with race.
Every state out there has wackiness, including California and New York. If memory serves, btw, California overwhelming supported traditional marriage and got that tossed out by their courts. If silly stories about Oklahoma were posted by people who just are opposed to silliness or who seemed to have a genuine love and respect for the state and its people (including the rubes) it would be one thing. It is pretty much nonstop looking for things to swoon over, insistence that we are just the laughing stock of the country and completely ignoring what is going on, nationwide. Be honest, there is a very busy group absolutely convinced Oklahoma leads the nation in being racist, sexist, intolerant, etc. They don't make the slightest effort to be fair minded, evenhanded or rational about it.
PQ, without getting into a discussion about the subject matter, it appears to me that most other posters may have been aghast more at the way you originally phrased the question, rather than the question itself. I know you're not a person of few words but sometimes fewer words really are better.![]()
my apologies. I did not mean to cause any anger by nor did I have any hidden agenda by posting it. I just thought it was intersting because I expected Oklahoma to be much higher in church attendance and was surprised to find us at the end of the top 12. Again, sorry if this angered you or anyone else.
Can you cite any statistics or any links or anything else that shows that any other state is at the level of OK as far as discrimination against LGBT people, against the FOIA, against minimum wage hikes, against modern liquor laws, against income equality, against health care improvements, against contraception rights, against abortion rights, against marijuana, against education, against freedom of religion, against pretty much everything that would be good for the nation and people of the nation as a whole? Not sure if you can show that there is a state out there that lives up to (or down to) OK's reputation for all that...
You do realize that media all over the nation has a story about OK about every 3-5 days, about something (generally agreed upon as) stupid that has been done or proposed here, right? Yes, other states have stupidity going on, too, but I don't see nearly as many stories about them on a continuing basis as I do for OK.
No, but they seek that kind of power. If they could get it, they would establish a fundamentalist Christian state that wouldn't look that much different from the Islamic Middle East. The movie V for Vendetta paints a pretty accurate picture of what the society they want would look like. Their roadblock is the US Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment.
"Ten of the 12 states with the highest self-reported religious service attendance are in the South, along with Utah and Oklahoma. "
Hmm seems like 11 out of 12 states are in the South, Gallup.
Here we go again. Is there another state in the country with as much confusion as to their geographic region? Most people don't consider Oklahoma part of the "South." Then again, it depends on how many geographic areas you want to count. If we include, "Plains States" we could maybe all agree with "Southern Plains," but that isn't always an option depending on how many regions are used. I even see Midwest and Southwest used for Oklahoma. I don't think this will ever be solved unless there's a re-alignment of the U.S in our future.
I vote Southern Plains.
Are they the ones proposing to fire court clerks for issuing marriage licenses and decrying AP history classes because they teach actual American history? Progressives don't runny this state, and mainstream republicans are the only firewall we have against nuts like Kern.
Oh, jeeze, here we go. I will so glad when this whole PC movement runs out of steam and people get tired of monitoring what other people believe and start concerning themselves with how people actually treat others. I could argue with you until the cows come home on a number of your issues but it won't matter - you've bought into the whole pc think and the media types know what sort of stories lead to click bait. There are a lot of sides to every issue but if you are so closed minded you aren't interested in anything but the position of the terminally outraged fringe left, no point in discussing it. Truth is, I care a great deal about whether people are fair and kind. Most people in Oklahoma feel the same way. I don't give a flip what other people believe or what their values are - that is their business. When you have that attitude and come up against someone who thinks the state of the soul of everyone around them is subject to judgment and shame, it is no wonder there are problems.
First, the Gallup poll is inclusive of all religions in the US, not just Christian Churches. So Mosque goers are counted just as Church goers.
Muslims populations in the US
A more dated but interesting article
Here you can find many Gallup polls on religion. I personally find many of them interesting: Religion | Gallup Topic
Gallup has also done a series of polls on differences in word usage between the states, for example what do the different states call a soft drink. It is interesting to learn about regional differences.
The movie V. There's part of the problem. It is a movie - not real life. What you are saying is truly nuts. People really aren't trying to take over the country and impose some sort of Americanized sharia law and if you have a few nutjobs, they're just nuts and no danger. The very people you fear the most are also the ones most supportive of the Constitution and the rule of law.
The Kern fixation is a waste of time and energy but she is the low hanging fruit. The only people who really care about what she says are the left - they go wild. The rest of us just shrug an say, meh. Who cares, it isn't going anywhere.
As to the AP history classes, I agree, it seems odd but every article I've read about it points out that Oklahoma is only one state of many that has similar concerns.
This is a conservative state. Get over it. Pretending that makes it some sort of dangerous, wacky, crazed, out of step fanatical nuts only works if you hold it up against some sort of a far left fringe group leftist advocate. There is not a state out there that doesn't have similar things going on and the only thing different about Oklahoma besides it is right in font of us, is that it dares to be conservative and the left just can't stand it. Most all the complaints they have can be countered by a perfectly legitimate differences of opinion but they prefer to engage in hysterical stereotyping and ignoring the craziness the left engages in, elsewhere. The only reason we don't see crazy left wing things, here, is because they don't get elected here. If someone thinks Oklahoma "proves" that conservatives are evil and crazy, it is because they aren't thinking it through. Go hang out in a blue state for awhile and then come back and be able to make a comparison on wackiness and evil. You'd just get a different flavor.
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