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Thread: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

  1. #1

    Default 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    I thought this was an interesting article.

    5 things to love about Oklahoma City | News OK

    For those who can't see all of it yet, the 5 things listed were:

    No. 5 - The breweries

    No. 4 - The zoo

    No. 3 - The National Memorial

    No. 2 - The food

    No. 1 - The Big Friendly.

    What are your thoughts about 5 thing to love?

    This is only about what you like and not why you disagree with something someone else likes. Please share your opinions.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    5 - Driving sideroads from suburbia to The OSU Farmer's Market for a Saturday Morning Visit

    4 - The Variety of Restaurants

    3 - The Resurgence of Neighborhoods/Districts

    2 - The Festival of The Arts

    1 - The Myriad Gardens (or whatever they are now called)

    (Braum's would be Number 6 =)

  3. #3

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    5. The Plaza District

    4. COOP Ale Works

    3. Hidden gems

    2. Myriad Gardens and activities

    1. H&8th

  4. #4

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    5) MAPS
    4) The National Memorial
    3) The Zoo
    2) Neighborhood renewal
    1) Hamburgers (if you are going to make a burger in OKC you have to bring your A game).

  5. #5

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    5. The sense of community we have.
    4. All of our awesome entertainment/dining districts and how they complement each other.
    3. The way we've turned our image around and the continued momentum we have.
    2. Even during rush hour, our traffic here is so much less than in other cities.
    1. Real estate prices--you get so much more for your money here than in other cities.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    1. Just lovely, real people.
    2. The strong middle class with a broad mixture of blue/white collar, agricultural and entrepreneur (and the corresponding types of businesses, neighborhoods, restaurants, etc.).
    3. The excitement of reanimating the city.
    4. The interesting differences in landscape throughout the city (Cross Timbers and interesting changes in the land)
    5. I love, love, love the air/sky/weather. Love our warm spells in winter, long stretches of blue skies and how our air is just alive.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    I inadvertently omitted O.E.T.A. from this Matrix. Please allow me to apologize, in retrospect and advance, simultaneously, for the oversight. Move O.E.T.A. to Number 6 and Braum's to Number 7. Again: I apologize. =)

  8. #8

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    The sunsets
    The people
    The burgers (JTF you are so right)
    The passion (people care more here about their city than anywhere I have lived)
    The weather (call me crazy)

  9. #9

    Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    Guuuuuys, this thread is making me homesick

    My list:

    Friendly, laid back, and unpretentious populace
    The unique blend of wild west and gritty urban cityscape
    Very good sports scene for a city this size
    The FOOD, especially the beef culture. Amazing selection of burgers and steaks
    Number of unique events like Festival of the Arts, H&8th, Six Degrees of Bacon,etc.

    Honorable mention: the weather. Honestly, outside the 7 or 8 days a year when it's trying to kill you, the weather in OKC is great. You get all four seasons, but the weather skews warm, dry, and sunny overall. And once you've lived in OK, the weather everywhere else is dull and boring.

  10. Default Re: 5 Things To Love About Oklahoma City

    To avoid repetition, I have thought about how I could boil it down to someone in two words...and I think I have them (kind of my elevator pitch for OKC):

    1) Accessible...think of this word in a multifaceted way...not just physically (no traffic, great street and interstate network is just a part of what I mean using this word), but activities/events (comparatively inexpensive) , housing (financially), culture, the people (warm and friendly), civic/community development, entrepreneurial opportunities are all, for the most part fairly accessible to all.

    2) Genuine...the people (unassuming, friendly, selfless), the unique Okie heritage and pride, a strong sense of history, community investment (both in dollars and soul)...if you live here you understand this sense of deep genuineness pretty quickly and its prevalence puts other cities I have lived in/visited a lot to absolute shame.

    I love my city.

    Sorry, hope I didn't hijack the thread too much here.

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