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Thread: Glimcher

  1. #76

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Has Ruth's Chris every come to fruition?

  2. #77

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Has Ruth's Chris every come to fruition?
    Not yet.

    I think it's still in the works.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've also heard that Glimcher wants to re-brand all the properties under one, unified name.

    We should see things start to move in the near future, and they have big plans.
    Do you think a reworking of 63rd to not make it as much of a divider between the properties will be needed?

  4. #79

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Never been to a Trader Joe's. What exactly is their value adding quality that makes people want to shop there? Is it basically just a direct competitor to Whole Foods?

  5. #80

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Perhaps an elevated pedestrian walkway over 63rd between the properties if done right would look nice and bridge the properties (literally)

  6. #81

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Never been to a Trader Joe's. What exactly is their value adding quality that makes people want to shop there? Is it basically just a direct competitor to Whole Foods?
    They aren't a competitor to Whole Foods. Trader Joe's has the perception around here of being upscale but it really isn't. I don't think they really have a competitor and its something you have to experience to really understand what the hooplah is about.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Never been to a Trader Joe's. What exactly is their value adding quality that makes people want to shop there? Is it basically just a direct competitor to Whole Foods?
    Trader Joe's is like OKC. People that haven't been there or have visited just to see "what the hype is about" won't get it. TJ's won't replace your entire grocery list, but the things that they do have are just excellent. So many different kinds of breads, snacks, spreads, and other quirky things. To me, Trader Joe's is really great when you're trying to find something unique for a party or just have a weird craving for something off the wall. Other people may use or see it differently, but that's the kind of stuff that I always liked about it.

    In the end, the win about getting Trader Joes and REI is that we have more choices and better competition in the city.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Glimcher

    OKCTalk.com shoutout via Thelostogle.com!

    Oklahoma City is finally getting a Trader Joe?s! | The Lost Ogle

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLostOgle
    Hipsters, pot heads and all lovers of cheap, delicious groceries rejoice. It looks like Oklahoma City is finally getting a Trader Joe’s!

    In addition to the grocery store chain, REI is also opening an Oklahoma City location. Both developments will be in and around the 63rd and N. Western area.

    We know this thanks to, uhm, the local message board OKCTalk. Yep, the always reliable internet message board is breaking local business news. And we wonder why the newspaper industry is failing and laying off employees.

    Here are the details:

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalk.com
    After much speculation, OKCTalk has learned that Trader Joe’s has signed a letter of intent to lease the old Crescent Market space at Nichols Hills Plaza.

    Also, we’ve learned Recreational Equipment Inc., commonly known as REI, will open a store in a new development to the immediate south.

    Both properties are owned by Glimcher, a national retail developer… Glimcher has been filling up Classen Curve, signing leases with West Elm, Zoe’s Kitchen, Kendra Scott and several others. The center is now very near full occupancy.

    Although exact plans have yet to be revealed, the company is now turning it’s sights to filling the largely vacant Nichols Hills Plaza South and developing several large empty lots. REI will likely be part of a much larger lifestyle center on the south side of NW 63rd and west of Western. We have learned Glimcher is in deep negotiations with several other new-to-market retailers.
    After much speculation, OKCTalk has learned that Trader Joe’s has signed a letter of intent to lease the old Crescent Market space at Nichols Hills Plaza.

    Also, we’ve learned Recreational Equipment Inc., commonly known as REI, will open a store in a new development to the immediate south.

    Both properties are owned by Glimcher, a national retail developer… Glimcher has been filling up Classen Curve, signing leases with West Elm, Zoe’s Kitchen, Kendra Scott and several others. The center is now very near full occupancy.

    Although exact plans have yet to be revealed, the company is now turning it’s sights to filling the largely vacant Nichols Hills Plaza South and developing several large empty lots. REI will likely be part of a much larger lifestyle center on the south side of NW 63rd and west of Western. We have learned Glimcher is in deep negotiations with several other new-to-market retailers.

    Okay, so OKC Talk left out some useful information like “When will this Trader Joe’s actually open,” but that’s fine, just knowing that we’re probably getting one makes me warm and happy like some microwaved Joe’s Mac N’ Cheese. I can’t wait.

    Also, I guess it’s cool that we’re getting an REI. Now if only we can get some mountains, we’ll be good to go.

    We’ll update you when more details are released.

  9. Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Never been to a Trader Joe's. What exactly is their value adding quality that makes people want to shop there? Is it basically just a direct competitor to Whole Foods?
    It's like Whole Foods and Aldi had a lovechild and Aldi has custody...

  10. #85

    Default Re: Glimcher

    If haven't been to an rei before and you are in for a real treat. A kid in a candy store looks grumpy compared to me in an REI. Their private label REI is great stuff too.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Yes, Yes, Yes, I am happy that REI and Traders Joes are coming.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    They aren't a competitor to Whole Foods. Trader Joe's has the perception around here of being upscale but it really isn't. I don't think they really have a competitor and its something you have to experience to really understand what the hooplah is about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post
    Trader Joe's is like OKC. People that haven't been there or have visited just to see "what the hype is about" won't get it. TJ's won't replace your entire grocery list, but the things that they do have are just excellent. So many different kinds of breads, snacks, spreads, and other quirky things. To me, Trader Joe's is really great when you're trying to find something unique for a party or just have a weird craving for something off the wall. Other people may use or see it differently, but that's the kind of stuff that I always liked about it.

    In the end, the win about getting Trader Joes and REI is that we have more choices and better competition in the city.
    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    It's like Whole Foods and Aldi had a lovechild and Aldi has custody...
    Thanks guys. Sounds like its just quirky niche kind of place. And LOL CuatrodeMayo.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Glimcher

    I'm trying to picture, where exactly in Tulsa is this being built?

  14. #89

    Default Re: Glimcher

    If Trader Joe's has signed a Letter of Intent, shouldn't this go pretty quickly since they don't have to wait on construction? I could realistically see REI not opening until 2017…but Trader Joe's ought to happen well before 2016, shouldn't it?

    Also…I think CuatrodeMayo won the internet today :-P

  15. #90

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Trader Joe's could go fast, but much will depend on them.

    These chains have a limited amount of personnel for finishing out the stores and there is always a priority list.

    The good thing is the space is already cleaned out. Just a shell.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Glimcher

    How does TJ plan to approach the wine situation, given OK liquor laws? Separate entrance?

  17. #92

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica N View Post
    How does TJ plan to approach the wine situation, given OK liquor laws? Separate entrance?
    Perhaps. Not exactly sure of their plans but hope they find a way to still offer beer & wine because they have good offerings at very good prices.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Glimcher

    If they go the "separate" store route, this may work to our advantage. If it's a full liquor store, they will be able to sell TJ's spirits in addition to beer and wine. Most TJ's only have beer and wine because they fall under the grocery category in most states, but their prices on liquor are compelling.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Thanks guys. Sounds like its just quirky niche kind of place. And LOL CuatrodeMayo.
    Actually, it's *not* a niche kind of place, quirky maybe, but not niche. Do some searching on the forum and you'll find lots of posts by lots of folks that try to explain why they like it and some folks use it quite heavily (maybe not as their primary grocery store, although I think Sid (maybe it was someone else, thought it was Sid) said he did).

  20. #95

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    I'm trying to picture, where exactly in Tulsa is this being built?
    Hahaha. Love it!

  21. #96

    Default Re: Glimcher

    You certainly can use it as your only grocery store, as they have pretty much everything: dairy, produce, meat, staples and tons of prepared foods.

    But the huge percentage of their products are their own label. You won't find Coke or Pepsi or many other name brands.

    Also, they have a far fewer number of items than a regular grocery store, so you'll generally only find 10 types of ice cream rather than 100. Same can be said across all product types.

    There are certainly somethings they just don't have but if you had one within walking distance, you could use it exclusively with little problem.

    The biggest issue -- quite frankly -- are the crowds. All their stores are jammed and they are generally only open 8A to 9P, so there are many times when it's just not worth the hassle.

    Fortunately for me, a new one opened up a mile from my house a few years ago and it's not as crazed as most the others. When I lived in Manhattan Beach, I just wouldn't go in because you often couldn't even find a parking spot. And the ones in West L.A. are worse.

    But that's also a testament to how great they are.

    In the near future, I'll do a detailed breakdown on what I buy and think is particularly good. It takes a while to understand the place but once you do, it's pretty flipping great. And many things are crazy cheap.

    They are always adding new things and have a regular newsletter to keep you updated. By the same token, they also discontinue things... I used to love this Cuban Simmer Sauce (lime based) and I was heartbroken to find one day they sudden just dropped it.

    It's my favorite retail store of any type, simply because what they carry are generally things you can't buy in another store or on-line.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Never been to a Trader Joe's. What exactly is their value adding quality that makes people want to shop there? Is it basically just a direct competitor to Whole Foods?
    Here are some pictures of the one in Dallas off of Preston from a couple weeks ago.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Just to be clear, it's nothing like Whole Foods IMO.

    In fact, I can't stand Whole Foods. I had a gift card there for two years and finally used it on some beer I could have bought anywhere.

    I have a big, beautiful WF right down the road and I've been in it twice. I'm in Trader Joe's at least once a week.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Glimcher

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    This was on Steve's chat today:
    That was lazy reporting

    Yes Washington prime bought glimcher. But it almost everyway it was a merger.

    The new company is now called WP Glimcher and the glimcher ceo (mike glimcher) is the ceo and vice chairmen of the new company.

  25. Default Re: Glimcher

    Same. WF's is closer but I go out of my way to go to TJ's. It's a real destination.

    WF has no problem saturating urban markets it seems..

    So with REI the only announced retailer (so far) for NEW build, I'm guessing the footprint won't be huge and will leave a ton of room for parking :/

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