I was willing to give this group the benefit of the doubt, but the more I see them the more I am convinced they are (at least as implemented now) a waste of money.
I will admit I can see the need that could be filled, but the reality from my perspective is that they just loiter around and usually migrate into small groups and stand around talking all day.
I've spoke to them before. I can't remember the exact amount, but they are paid pretty good for what they do.
I've seen as many as 4-5 grouped together at a time doing absolutely nothing but staring at the women as they go by.
One told me they were mostly individuals going to school and trying to get on to the police force. In his case i could see it; young, fit guy who said he went to UCO. But, 3-4 others looked retirement age and couldn't run 30 yards without passing out.
If they spread these guys out; a couple in downtown pointing people to where they want to go and a couple in Bricktown doing the same I would be okay with it. But as I see it now, it is an 'in your corner' in the making.