.... all while bridges and other road ways suffer in disrepair ... ODOT...
.... all while bridges and other road ways suffer in disrepair ... ODOT...
The bulldozers are about a half mile south of 150th on the west side of the road. By the old house/ shack that has been falling down for the last decade.
I missed it probably 3 times and it was later that day when they finally stood out. I am excited for them to start getting to work, especially since most of the work shouldn't disrupt traffic.
Is this what the signs for Construction Starting 2/2/15 are for on 74? The signs start around Hefner or Britton?!
Does anybody know how this is going to impact traffic flow? It seems like it should be minimal at least until they build the pieces that connect the old highway with the new.
What is their plan of execution?
This article outlines it pretty well.
The project, which widens S.H. 74 from two to four lanes divided, will reconstruct the S.H. 74/N.W. 164th Street intersection and construct a S.H. 74 bridge over N.W. 150th Street as well as ramps to and from north and southbound S.H. 74 and N.W. 150th Street The project also adds service roads on both sides of the highway to allow for access to local businesses and to accommodate future growth in the area while keeping SH-74 safe.
The upcoming project is the third of four in the corridor, with an additional project scheduled for 2017 to reconstruct and widen S.H. 74 from just north of 164th Street, north 2.5 miles to N.W. 206th (Covell Road.) These projects will complete the widening of S.H. 74 from Memorial Road to Waterloo Road in order to meet the traffic needs of this growing area. Including completed and upcoming projects, an estimated $125 million will have been invested in projects to widen and improve the S.H. 74 corridor in this area.Northbound and southbound S.H. 74 will remain open during construction, but short-term closures of N.W. 150th Street and N.W. 164th Street can be expected at times. Daily traffic advisories will be sent out by ODOT to inform drivers of traffic changes or short-term lane closures as the project progresses.
- ODOT plans to widen State Highway 74 - The Edmond Sun: Local News
On NW 164th westbound, starting at Okalee Lane (about halfway between May and Penn), there's a sign that says "Work Zone, blahblah", then a bit further west, it says "Road Construction 1 Mile". Seriously?!?!?!? A "Work Zone" starting more than a mile from where the actual work is going to take place? What's the purpose of that (other than possibly increased revenue due to cops/the city seeing an opportunity)?
If a little further west than halfway between Penn & May says "Road Construction 1 mile" that doesn't sound out of the ordinary. If you're at May you are essentially 1 mile from 74, and that's where the work is. The entire project goes up to the 74 and NW 164th intersection.
What's the issue? The sign is saying 1 mile until you actually reach the work zone. Not that anyone actually pays attention to them. That's why they had to come up with the State Law: Merge Now signs.
The higher fines don't start until you actually enter the work zone.
I see. So in your logic, they can't enforce the law without construction zone? I guess you enjoy speed limits intentionally set lower than engineer recommended surveys in order to gain more revenue. It isn't just Oklahoma drivers who merge at the last second, it happens in every city.
If you think people in Oklahoma are rude drivers and go fast, you haven't seem anything. I wish people here would drive way faster than they actually do. It's nice to go to Dallas with people going 10-15 over the limit for a change.
There is a difference between driving stupid and driving fast.
See my other reply for why I have a problem with the "Work Zone" sign.
As far as enforcing the law, you have to go another 1/2 mile from the "Work Zone" sign, then through the May/164th intersection, then another (probably) 3/4 mile before you actually would get to any area under construction, just seems excessively long. 164th is only 2 lanes from May to Portland, so there's not really any merging at the last second (but I have no idea how they're going to do the construction, and probably never will because I will not go through any of that area while under construction, I'm not a masochist).
Well, I'm apparently an admitted outlaw, so stay away from me. Because I go 10 over, I'm some dangerous fiend that needs to be stopped.
maybe. There is a ton of people who go 10-15 over the limit and older people do it to. I go under the speed limit in school zones and residential near parks and such, but I fail to see the issue of going 85 in a 70 which is common place in a lot of other cities. I was very surprised to see how fast people drove in St. Louis.
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