Re: OKCTalk Lunch THIS Saturday
who was the special guest? I met some great people and I want to say I had a great lunch.. Thanks for making me feel like I was part of the group..
Mr. Anderson you are a great person to talk to in person and I hope you did not take my jokes wrong..
Todd it is good to put a face with a smart man ...
Thanks for all the ideas.. Hott Cutz will so be in the news NOW!!!
Sandy sorry I had to keep scooting you out of your chair.. I have been sick now that most of you know.. Sometimes it just happens..
Keith you crack me up.. I love your sense of humor... I want to say that I had a great time and I loved meeting all of you.. Now the question is? AM I what you thought or pictured I would be??
Deni ( hott cutz)
"You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White