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Thread: BOK Park Plaza

  1. #551

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Keep in mind that under the plan under development, TIF funds from 499 Sheridan would be used to help fund the OG&E Energy Center.

    And who is the chairman of the Chamber who is distributing this petition at today's speech by the mayor? Pete Delaney, CEO of OG&E.

  2. #552

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Build better project and preserve a little history and it would be a slam dunk. This is not a project that is going to wow anyone, and to level basically a city block to do it, they deserve lots of back lash. I love new development, but this is not a good deal at all. I hope they get much more resistance and can meet in the middle for something that can be a win-win. They do know they can build on top of a parking garage, correct? I really can't wrap my mind around all these garages on this block to go along with this smallish tower.

  3. #553

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Keep in mind that under the plan under development, TIF funds from 499 Sheridan would be used to help fund the OG&E Energy Center.

    And who is the chairman of the Chamber who is distributing this petition at today's speech by the mayor? Pete Delaney, CEO of OG&E.
    David Rainbolt is now Chamber chair.

  4. #554

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Sorry, but the Chamber promoting this and putting it on each table for the Mayor's speech is a massive conflict of interest and highly inappropriate.

    499 Sheridan would provide TIF funds that would help build the new OG&E HQ; Pete Delaney is chairman of OG&E and his term as Chamber Chair just expired but he is still on the Chamber Executive Committee.

  5. #555

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Agreed. I keep expecting to hear Larry Nichols the head of OCURA and Devon to say he supports it. The select few at the top are showing more and more they expect to get their way and will do anything to protect their vision.

  6. Default Re: 499 Sheridan

  7. #557

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by hfry View Post
    Agreed. I keep expecting to hear Larry Nichols the head of OCURA and Devon to say he supports it. The select few at the top are showing more and more they expect to get their way and will do anything to protect their vision.
    He already did. Devon circulated a petition to all Devon employees asking them to sign it. Woe be to any employee that doesn't sign it. It must be nice working for a company that tells you how to think [/sarc]. It is available at the Devon Reception Desk to sign.


  8. #558

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    I meant speaking for the OCURA but yes everyone knows where he stands.

  9. #560

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    To the people asking if we have actually tried to make our voices heard, yes. I've emailed two contacts that were provided pages back and received a response from one of them stating that they would forward my concern over the appropriate chamber.

    The fact that people are now petitioning "in favor" of this development as is, tells me it's a spite move.
    This is for Larry Nichols and those close to him, it's going to be their little glass kingdom, out with the old, in with the Nichols and what he says.
    I'm not an expert, most of us (notice I said "most") here aren't experts or are even in this line of work (designing, planning, etc.). However, this design is lazy at best. There's no need to tear down all of the existing structures for two parking garages and a measly 400 foot tower (I know, I'm sounding really spoiled at this point).
    Why is it so hard to incorporate one or two of the existing structures? Why is it so hard to place some of the parking underneath the building itself?

    Sorry, but with each move the "other" side makes in this, the further I become enraged. They're kicking dirt in everyone's faces just because they can get away with it.
    Their revision expanding the retail opportunity in the parking garages was the first bold sign of that.

    All I have to say is remember what I.M. Pei did to the city and what replaced those buildings (nothing but lots).
    While these aren't the most significant or historic buildings in the city, it starts out and continues, one chip at a time until the whole mountain is gone. That's your history, you can't get those buildings back. But this glass tower? Those are going up everywhere, those are a dime a dozen in today's world.

  10. #561
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    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthsideSooner View Post
    You're right and more specifically, it was suburbanites that then and now made it happen with our votes and sales tax dollars.. We've supported the rebirth of our downtown every step of the way and really don't ask for much
    This really drives the point home. The rebirth of downtown was a community effort and citizens agreed to tax themselves to build major assets downtown. Everyone in the city is responsible for what downtown is, not just one or two companies. A big part of why Devon didn't go to Houston and decided to build their offices downtown was because of what we, the people of Oklahoma City, invested in downtown. WE made it an attractive place for a large a corporation to call home and is the reason why we should be active in protecting our investment and not let single entities undermine our efforts to create a vibrant urban center for the city. I'm sure everyone who voted for MAPS and other city improvements had their own unique motives, but I highly doubt that anyone was really hoping that it would lead to converting more of downtown to parking lots.

  11. #562
    Chicken In The Rough Guest

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    I may have missed something earlier in this discussion, but is this development fully funded and ready to go? Due to today's oil prices, energy-related developments in Houston, Dallas, and Denver are beginning to slow. I expect that most will be axed in the upcoming months. The drop in oil and gas prices, according to many analysts, is at least a two-year trend. I can't see shareholders or boards of directors approving major expenditures on office space right now. And, I certainly don't want to see these historic buildings razed for long-term surface parking if this development is canceled.

  12. #563
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    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Ben Felder (Gazette) is tweeting from the Chamber's State of the City luncheon today. https://twitter.com/benfelder_okg

    "Chamber asking attendees to sign petition in favor of development that is in current preservation fight."

    "Flyer on each table":

    "continued on back"

    ... and we want to make sure this travesty ends now. Stop the madness! No more preservation! No more restoration! No more popular destination spots! No more history in Oklahoma City! Sign this petition to support demolition and be sure to use the hash tag #FUOKC.

  13. #564

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Ben Felder (Gazette) is tweeting from the Chamber's State of the City luncheon today. https://twitter.com/benfelder_okg

    "Chamber asking attendees to sign petition in favor of development that is in current preservation fight."

    "Flyer on each table":

    What gets me about this is just how little the words on the left match up with the picture on the right. We've preserved and restored plenty of historic buildings, so sign this petition so we can turn around and do the exact opposite? Maybe the other side makes more sense, but I can't really imagine how they could possibly reconcile the two.

  14. #565

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    This really drives the point home. The rebirth of downtown was a community effort and citizens agreed to tax themselves to build major assets downtown. Everyone in the city is responsible for what downtown is, not just one or two companies. A big part of why Devon didn't go to Houston and decided to build their offices downtown was because of what we, the people of Oklahoma City, invested in downtown. WE made it an attractive place for a large a corporation to call home and is the reason why we should be active in protecting our investment and not let single entities undermine our efforts to create a vibrant urban center for the city. I'm sure everyone who voted for MAPS and other city improvements had their own unique motives, but I highly doubt that anyone was really hoping that it would lead to converting more of downtown to parking lots.
    And because of the way Project 180 is reported, people fail to comprehend that another $180 million of tax dollars was used for the Myriad Gardens, streets and other downtown amenities.

    And that tax money was diverted primarily from schools (where 72% of property tax dollars are spent) throughout Oklahoma County.

  15. Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    "continued on back"

    ... and we want to make sure this travesty ends now. Stop the madness! No more preservation! No more restoration! No more popular destination spots! No more history in Oklahoma City! Sign this petition to support demolition and be sure to use the hash tag #FUOKC.

    I'm still wondering how they are going to make that leap...

    Anybody have pics of the back?

  16. #567
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    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And because of the way Project 180 is reported, people fail to comprehend that another $180 million of tax dollars was used for the Myriad Gardens, streets and other downtown amenities.

    And that tax money was diverted primarily from schools (where 72% of property tax dollars are spent) throughout Oklahoma County.
    Yes. People keep acting like Devon gifted Project 180 to the city, but essentially what happened is we handed over our tax money to them to spend it as they saw fit.

  17. #568

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    I do love how the front of the flyer gives a great speech on preservation when the opposite is their intent with the parking garages and new building. Laughable and deceptive, I'd expect nothing less.

  18. #569

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Anyone arguing that a few powerful men in OKC aren't making big policy decisions involving huge sums of public funds can finally release the fantasy.

    When you have the Chamber of Commerce openly promoting a petition in favor of demolition at the mayor's State of the City Speech with 1,500 in attendance, then it's abundantly clear even they aren't going to bother with any further flimsy pretense.

    Also a reminder that Larry Nichols is a board member of the Chamber. I've been working on a massive Venn diagram of all the overlaps of interest in these downtown matters and it's so complex I'm not sure I can fit it on one page.

  19. #570

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    It was extremely deceptive. David mentioned it at the end of his speech, basically as an after thought. "Oh, by the way, there's a red envelope with a petition we would all like you to sign."

  20. #571

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken In The Rough View Post
    I may have missed something earlier in this discussion, but is this development fully funded and ready to go? Due to today's oil prices, energy-related developments in Houston, Dallas, and Denver are beginning to slow. I expect that most will be axed in the upcoming months. The drop in oil and gas prices, according to many analysts, is at least a two-year trend. I can't see shareholders or boards of directors approving major expenditures on office space right now. And, I certainly don't want to see these historic buildings razed for long-term surface parking if this development is canceled.
    Can somebody in the know address this concern? Is this tower a go regardless of what happens with oil?

  21. #572

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    I've been told they are ready to go.

    As soon as they get approval, demolitions will start and shortly thereafter, they will be under construction.

  22. #573

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Anyone arguing that a few powerful men in OKC aren't making big policy decisions involving huge sums of public funds can finally release the fantasy.

    When you have the Chamber of Commerce openly promoting a petition in favor of demolition at the mayor's State of the City Speech with 1,500 in attendance, then it's abundantly clear even they aren't going to bother with any further flimsy pretense.

    Also a reminder that Larry Nichols is a board member of the Chamber. I've been working on a massive Venn diagram of all the overlaps of interest in these downtown matters and it's so complex I'm not sure I can fit it on one page.
    It is probably as close to an oligarchy as you can get to in a 'free' society, and what really ticks me off is the my fellow right-wingers are so blinded they not only don't see it, but are actively supporting it.

  23. #574

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    It is probably as close to an oligarchy as you can get to in a 'free' society, and what really ticks me off is the my fellow right-wingers are so blinded they not only don't see it, but are actively supporting it.
    You may be on to something there, Kerry.

  24. #575

    Default Re: 499 Sheridan

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Can somebody in the know address this concern? Is this tower a go regardless of what happens with oil?
    The funds are not a problem on this one. It will be built!
    Would like to see one building saved, there is a small chance.

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