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Thread: Walmart

  1. #176

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Target & Wal Mart are basically the same place. I don't get why you could prefer one or the other with absolute certainty. Target is just more expensive, which helps keep poor people out. I guess if you don't like being around poor people than Target is your kind of place.

  2. #177

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Target & Wal Mart are basically the same place.
    That's not true at all. That's like saying an Apple and an orange are basically the same thing because they're both fruit.

  3. #178

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by josh View Post
    That's not true at all. That's like saying an Apple and an orange are basically the same thing because they're both fruit.
    At all? That's a bit ridiculous if you don't think wal mart or target don't share ANY characteristics. They are direct competitors.

    They sell the same exact stuff, baring a few different brands yet direct substitutes. I'd even argue that Wal Mart sells a brand of anything that would be = or greater value than what Target sells. The only difference is Wal Mart typically has multiple choices in branding for the same thing depending on what quality you prefer.

    Target usually has greater customer service. Which I guess could be worth the extra costs for the 1 minute you actually have to deal with somebody in the store.

  4. Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCDrummer77 View Post
    I have a coworker who lives near SW 89th & May. She says that she drives up to the I-40 & MacArthur location because the I-240 location is such a dump. Hopefully, this one will stay nice (for a Walmart). Maybe being so close to the City's nicest Crest will force them to keep the store up. Maybe I'm being too optimistic about Walmart. Maybe I'm just looking for something positive about another Walmart coming. Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time.
    Honestly a Wal-Mart is a Wal-Mart. None of them are spectacularly tidy. I frequent the 240 one as well as Moore, Del City, MacArthur, and others. They are all pretty much identical and I don't notice a difference in the level of dumpiness. The only real difference is the demographics each store serves.

  5. #180

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    It's like Microsoft and Apple, Microsoft of course being Wal-Mart and Apple being Target.

    They pretty much do the same thing, but there are key differences, many of them being intangible. I find the experience of shopping at Target to be superior to Wal-Mart. Most Target stores are cleaner and better staffed than Wal-Mart typically is. There are exceptions to that however. I've been in some pretty awful Target stores i.e. the one on SW 44th and Western. For the most part though, Target stores are better kept than Wal-Mart and they also tend to attract better retailers to locate in the surrounding shopping center than Wal-Mart does.

  6. #181

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Target & Wal Mart are basically the same place. I don't get why you could prefer one or the other with absolute certainty. Target is just more expensive, which helps keep poor people out. I guess if you don't like being around poor people than Target is your kind of place.
    Not really sure how to respond to that comment so I won't. I will say that I find Targets to be cleaner, have better stock like housewares and food items, the aisles aren't as clogged and you generally don't have long lines to check out.

  7. #182

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Target is making margin off marketing and perception. All those things you've noted just can't be backed up by facts. I go to stores to buy something, not to hang out. Walk mart has same quality with better prices. That's all I'm gonna say.

  8. #183

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    At all? That's a bit ridiculous if you don't think wal mart or target don't share ANY characteristics. They are direct competitors.

    They sell the same exact stuff, baring a few different brands yet direct substitutes. I'd even argue that Wal Mart sells a brand of anything that would be = or greater value than what Target sells. The only difference is Wal Mart typically has multiple choices in branding for the same thing depending on what quality you prefer.

    Target usually has greater customer service. Which I guess could be worth the extra costs for the 1 minute you actually have to deal with somebody in the store.
    No offense, but I can only assume you're quite young or incredibly ignorant to the real world.

    Wii is a competitor of XBox and PlayStation. Wii is not the same thing as Xbox or PlayStation.

    Reebok is a competitor of Nike. Not the same thing.

    I can go on.

    Competition is competition and there's superior competition and inferior competition. Walmart is inferior competition to Target.

    Clothes are clothes. Brands are what matters. Look and design are what matters.

    That goes for everything sold at both stores. Quality is what matters, not quantity.

  9. #184

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Target is making margin off marketing and perception. All those things you've noted just can't be backed up by facts. I go to stores to buy something, not to hang out. Walk mart has same quality with better prices. That's all I'm gonna say.
    They don't have the same quality which is why they offer lower prices.

    Economics 101 should be that difficult for you to comprehend.

    Walmart target demographics is the lower middle class and below while Target's desired demographic is middle class and above.

    It's that simple.

    They're not the same thing just as McDonald's and Five Guys are not the same thing even though they both sell burgers and fries.

  10. #185

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Back in the aughts, when Wal Mart was really ramping up things, Target made a decision that they were not going to compete with WM on price, but rather perceived quality. K-Mart decided they would try with price...guess who won that battle? And true, most of what Target sells is the same brand of toilet paper, electronics, and assorted cheap Chinese made crap that Wal Mart sells, but they glam it up just enough to attract a more affluent customer. And it shows in their stores.

    For the record, I am not militantly anti-WM. The one thing that may keep this WM okay is it is somewhat off the beaten path, and the locals in this area are pretty affluent. Then again, WM has an odd ability to attract certain people from far reaches, like moths to a light.

  11. #186

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    How much are you willing to spend to avoid pushing your cart around boxes in the isles? $500, $600, $700 a year?

  12. #187

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    How much are you willing to spend to avoid pushing your cart around boxes in the isles? $500, $600, $700 a year?
    Drop the gym membership, push a few stacks of boxes out of the way ... it's a wash. Plus, the boxes make handy dandy perches to garner a peep of WM photo to add to the global collection.

  13. #188

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by josh View Post
    They don't have the same quality which is why they offer lower prices.

    Economics 101 should be that difficult for you to comprehend.

    Walmart target demographics is the lower middle class and below while Target's desired demographic is middle class and above.

    It's that simple.

    They're not the same thing just as McDonald's and Five Guys are not the same thing even though they both sell burgers and fries.
    No, they don't. They have a higher perception of quality. Which still works the same in basic economics, but you know that already.

    And no, McDonald's and five guys sell different products. Target and wal mart sell the same branded products, in the same packaging, only target sells theirs for more. Both stores have a small number of exclusive brands. Walk mart, in fact, has many more and offers more SKUs in general. And yet they still have lower costs!

    Listen, I hardly shop at either. But if I did you are going to get the most out of your money at wal mart without sacrificing any quality.

  14. #189

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    How much are you willing to spend to avoid pushing your cart around boxes in the isles? $500, $600, $700 a year?
    The prices are not really that far off and it depends on what you are shopping for. On average, Target is 1-4% more expensive. However, there are a lot of items that Target is cheaper on also. So you would have to spend over 10,000 a year to get anywhere close to your numbers (@5%...would be $500). However, I never said it is about prices...it is about having wider aisles, a cleaner store, better products and less lines at the checkout.


    Kantar Retail Study Asks: Which Is Cheaper, Target Or Walmart?

  15. #190

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerman View Post
    But I wonder though will they keep the Newcastle store open or will they close it and relocate to the new store??
    There is more than enough customers for all these Walmarts to stay open. I would even say at some point Walmart will start looking for a second Moore location somewhere on the east side as Moore grows.

  16. #191

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    The prices are not really that far off and it depends on what you are shopping for. On average, Target is 1-4% more expensive. However, there are a lot of items that Target is cheaper on also. So you would have to spend over 10,000 a year to get anywhere close to your numbers (@5%...would be $500). However, I never said it is about prices...it is about having wider aisles, a cleaner store, better products and less lines at the checkout.


    Kantar Retail Study Asks: Which Is Cheaper, Target Or Walmart?
    Target sells better products and has more cashiers. There are better stores for buying groceries or clothes, but for a "one stop" store it is a lot better than Walmart.

  17. #192

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    No, they don't. They have a higher perception of quality. Which still works the same in basic economics, but you know that already.

    And no, McDonald's and five guys sell different products. Target and wal mart sell the same branded products, in the same packaging, only target sells theirs for more. Both stores have a small number of exclusive brands. Walk mart, in fact, has many more and offers more SKUs in general. And yet they still have lower costs!

    Listen, I hardly shop at either. But if I did you are going to get the most out of your money at wal mart without sacrificing any quality.
    It's literally like a wall. I'm arguing with a wall. Also, Wal-Mart not walk Mart. That's the third time I've seen that.

  18. #193

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Target sells better products and has more cashiers. There are better stores for buying groceries or clothes, but for a "one stop" store it is a lot better than Walmart.
    Target has ceiling titles and doesn't go cheap and leave the ceiling exposed like Wal-Mart. That's literally all that needs to be said about the two.

  19. #194

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    A family of 4 can and will buy $10,000 worth of products that could be purchased at wal mart or target.

    But my original point is that I don't see the drastic benefit of shopping at target that you'd completely turn your nose up at wal mart.

  20. #195

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    A family of 4 can and will buy $10,000 worth of products that could be purchased at wal mart or target.

    But my original point is that I don't see the drastic benefit of shopping at target that you'd completely turn your nose up at wal mart.
    That is where you make an assumption. I will drive by Walmart on 104th if one is built to Crest everyday as they are a true grocery store and have much better selection. I prefer Target over Walmart but I go to Walmart probably 3-1 over Target as it is easier to go down to Tricity than it is to go over to Fritts farms. So get off your high horse as it has nothing to do with turning one's nose up or not wanting to be around poor people. I also go to Family Dollar on Classen as it is close to downtown but there isn't any poor people there so it's ok...they all shop at Dollar General.

  21. #196

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    A family of 4 can and will buy $10,000 worth of products that could be purchased at wal mart or target.

    But my original point is that I don't see the drastic benefit of shopping at target that you'd completely turn your nose up at wal mart.
    in a vacuum, if someone offered you a Lexus or a Volkswagen, which would you choose? They're both vehicles. They will both get you were you want. But I'm all honesty, which one would you choose?

    In a vacuum, if someone said we are going to build either a target or a walmart at this location, which one would you choose?

    People dislike walmart not because they're a competitor to targt, not because they don't sell everything Target does but because of the stigma they've helped create over the last twenty five years.

    They cater to a certain demographic, they pay poorly and offer little to no benefits in the pursuit of a profit, they penny pinch in almost every facet and until recently didn't care about their grey and blue dull image that screamed "depressed".

    A stigma whether true or not, whether rightly earned or not, is still a stigma. One that Wal-Mart will have a very touch time losing.

  22. #197

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

  23. #198

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Target sells better products and has more cashiers.
    It's interesting that you should say that because my biggest complaint about Target compared to Walmart has always been the lack of checkout stands and cashiers.

  24. #199

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    You really like that documentary, eh. . .

  25. #200

    Default Re: Walmart SW 104th

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    It's interesting that you should say that because my biggest complaint about Target compared to Walmart has always been the lack of checkout stands and cashiers.
    Well, I guess it's different on the sides of town we live on. Walmarts selfchecks out are faster when they actually work.

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