Originally Posted by
JTF, since you were ok with your dealer and weren't particularly paying attention, it might be that the dealer was making a point there is not a 3 day call it quits provision for a car sale.
It is truly amazing how many people think that rather limited rule exists for any purchase, anywhere. I think it arises from folks meshing a misunderstanding of the 3 day rule with the notion that a customer is always right.
Neither of those is an absolute one size fits all notion. However, for some folks, if God (Zeus, Thor, Eywa, FSM, [Insert others]) descended from the sky and said Dude, you be wrong, so chill out, they still likely wouldn't believe.
I'm now past the 38 year mark of car purchasing, but only one of mine was from a dealer vs. gift/purchase from a family member or other private seller. Far less paperwork involved in my typical transaction, but I've had a lot of questions about 'that 3 day rule' over the years in other settings.