Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
NFL will not happen in the next 30 years in Oklahoma. They are smart enough to know that the market can't support it, along with the fact the local university football programs don't want it either.
Look what the NBA did to OU & OSU basketball programs. Those schools can't give tickets away.

One more time - It ain't gonna happen.
I do not follow OSU's attendance but OU's has unsurprisingly risen and fallen with how they do on court and I know at least a few years OSU had some struggles on court as well and at least one point was changing significantly more than OU for the lower quality seats (possibly related to having more recently completed a stadium upgrade). The OU Men's team went from competitive for a national championship before the thunder came, completely collapsed performance wise around the time the NBA came (with strings of losing players and long stretches without wins) and have started trending up since. OU's Women's team has maintained being on of the top dozen in attendance nationally. Plus Basketball was always second to football to most OU fans & alumni.