I watched it on Google Play Wednesday night. If you dig the Seth Rogen type of comedy, you should love it. I laughed throughout, lots of great one-liners, and it was really well put together in my opinion.
If you don't already enjoy that type of comedy, don't bother.
This article - and others with a similar take - make some valid points. Simply having the FBI tell us N Korea is responsible doesn't weigh that convincing on me in the face of the reality of other scenarios.
No, North Korea Didn’t Hack Sony
Sony has made a fortune off this movie and part of me wonders if they played the situation to their advantage to do that.
They haven't made a fortune off of it at all. Considering what they put into the production and promotion of the film, they have a long way to go to break even on it. They film pulled $15M off of online sales/rental, and $3M in theaters, after around $75M invested into it. Compare that to what it could have made had it enjoyed the uninterrupted international theatrical release that was originally planned.
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