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Thread: oklahoma state police

  1. #51

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    So when you say things like "If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...." that doesn't always mean it's a duck?
    It can't be "100% of the time," like you proposed. I don't want to throw out an arbitrary percentage, as it would be inaccurate.

    I'm saying that I don't mind a Police Officer/HWY patrol making a stop based solely on profiling. If he gets a hit in 5 out of 10, 6 out of 10, 7 out of 10 stops.....or how many ever many times he/she discovers someone actually in the wrong...the number of true wrongdoers will be exponentially higher than if they were just making the same number of stops, on random individuals not using the same "profiling standards."

    Right or Wrong...I'm indifferent.

  2. #52

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    I wear earrings, 2 in the left ear, does that make me gay (I'm not, but that doesn't matter)? Quite a few Okies think so, they disgust me too.
    Moo Moo Buckeroo!

  3. #53

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Because I just let my fingers do the typing. As soon as I typed that I thought about changing the 1 to an I but didn't think anyone would notice. Good eyeballs.

  4. #54

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Going back to Posts No. 18 and 20 [ref. photo(s)]:
    Ain't there some kinda law about not a-parkin' on the lawn? =)

  5. #55

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Somewhat off the subject

    My friend, Fred Baker gave me this cap about 10 years ago. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P1010160.JPG 
Views:	83 
Size:	977.8 KB 
ID:	9795

  6. #56

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    LOL cool hat

  7. #57

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    What if talks like one, but acts like one. Is it the same thing as walking like one, but talking like one as well? I'm wondering if there is a certain order it has to go in order for it to be a duck.
    What about The Penguin from the '60s Batman? He walked like a penguin but quacked like a duck.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Name:  imagesHRYDL0QN.jpg
Views: 218
Size:  8.5 KB

    I ain't no duck! That's profiling!

  9. Default Re: oklahoma state police

    The OKC DEA agents also like to sit around the I-35 / 9 intersection by the Riverwind catching the Northbound traffic. I have never seen them pull anyone over, even speeders. It is like they already know who they are waiting for.

  10. #60

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by eatokc.com View Post
    The OKC DEA agents also like to sit around the I-35 / 9 intersection by the Riverwind catching the Northbound traffic. I have never seen them pull anyone over, even speeders. It is like they already know who they are waiting for.
    It's weird isn't it? I was doing 75-80 in a 60 on I44/I35 few nights ago and flew past a white undercover Tahoe and when I went past him he pulled out after a car behind me passed him who was going at or a little above the speed limit and he pulled him over. Curiously, I went back around and by that time they had two other sherrif chargers searching his car. The guy looked to be mexican or light black skinned and was being put in the back of the car. Sometimes I wonder if they have tech we don't know about and I'm being serious because they seem to know exactly which cars are packing.

    I have been pulled over by a Sheriff (was driving stupid) a couple years back, but I do seem to notice they don't care about speeeing.

    I've also noticed the OHP has certain areas where they enforce speeding, but are usually lenient to 5-15 over, and other areas they seem to focus on for drugs. I know on I35 near the Arbuckle's I was pulled over going at speeds I was sure he was doing to take me to jail for, but he wrote me a 10 under ticket and told me not to do it again.

    Arcadia police are a bunch of pigs and the Edmond police for the most part are pretty good. On I35 there a couple places the Edmond po sit at: the top of the hill right after 33rd and Danforth exit. I've also seen troopers sit right after the 15th nb entry and sitting on the Danforth entry using laser.

    There is one police department I've had a problem with and that is Arcadia. I haven't even had a ticket from them. The only copper in Edmond I question is officer Rice. He seems like a nice guy though. He's gave me about 4 tickets.

    Luckily it's been about a year since my last ticket and I intend to keep it that way. Just don't support Arcadia at all. I hate that place. I have written them a very strongly worded message letting them know I will no long be buying anything I'm their city limits.

  11. Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    It's weird isn't it?
    I think that the drug portion of the police agencies in the I-35 corridors are all working together to catch the smugglers. If they suspect people crossing the border or traveling up 35 they sit and wait for them hoping to catch them speeding or something that can give cause to pull them over.

  12. #62

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by eatokc.com View Post
    It is like they already know who they are waiting for.
    That is probably exactly correct. The vast majority of all criminal cases that get solved reach solution because of tips. In the case of drug smuggling, it's long been SOP to tip the narcs about one's competitors...

    At one time, long before the repeal of prohibition, I became quite well acquainted with a young fellow who claimed to have been a driver for "the mob" and he had some most interesting stories to tell -- although I never attempted to verify them. I felt it would be much safer not to even admit that I had heard them. Everyone concerned, except myself, is now long dead so I don't see any risk now in saying I heard them.

  13. #63

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post

    Luckily it's been about a year since my last ticket and I intend to keep it that way. Just don't support Arcadia at all. I hate that place. I have written them a very strongly worded message letting them know I will no long be buying anything I'm their city limits.
    Several of of Arcadia's town administrators are kin in some way or another. The fire chief is related to the police chief who is the son in law of the mayor .. Or something like that. The current police chief served a previous term as chief before being forced to resign back in 1997 for evidence tampering. He became chief again in the mid 2000's after his predecessor had to quit for some of his own crooked activities. Arcadia got in trouble for over patroling hwy 66. Apparently a town can only generate a certain percentage of it's revenue from citations written on a state highway. It is also very common for the police to write tickets for only 1 mph over the limit, which is inside the normal margin of error in most places, but the court makes them stick. When I lived out in that area, one of my neighbors received a citation in Arcadia, and when he failed to show up to pay his fine, the Chief himself showed up at his job over by Memorial & Santa Fe to collect. My neighbor said he told the chief that he was suprised that they didn't have bench warrant out for him, and the Chief told him that they don't write warrants, but he would show up at his work every day untill he paid his fine.

  14. #64

    Default Re: oklahoma state police

    I've seen some interesting cars that I assume are owned by law enforcement entities because of the red and blue lights on them. A couple of years back, I saw a 2008 (or so) black Ford F-150 that had someone pulled over on I-44 near Western Avenue. This last weekend I saw a maroon Camaro (a year or two old) on the side of I-40 near Choctaw Road with lights flashing.

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