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Thread: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Nebraska and Oklahoma sue Colorado over marijuana legalization - The Denver Post

    The Colorado attorney general's office says the states of Nebraska and Oklahoma have filed the lawsuit directly with the nation's highest court. The attorney general's office says the lawsuit alleges "that Colorado's Amendment 64 and its implementing legislation regarding recreational marijuana is unconstitutional under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution."

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    What's the point of this?! ****. I hate this state.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    I like this comment

    It's funny how these two states have no problem helping circumvent our guns laws, but then are up in arms about a plant coming into their state.
    This is ridiculous. We actually had attorneys here spending time on this when they could have doing something more productive like figuring how to better our education and roads.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    In a news conference Thursday, Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said marijuana from Colorado is turning up in Nebraska, resulting in an increase in marijuana-related arrests on his state's western border.
    Kansas must be cool (if you know what I mean).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Bass ackwards indeed.....
    This state will be the last if at all to legalize MJ.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Isn't Pruitt one of those who advocate for "states rights" whenever the Feds exert control?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Ugh, Pruitt is such a conservative douche. Easy solution for Okla and Neb...stop worrying about pot smokers. It wont drain budgets if you dont let it. If they ignored it, they would have way more resources to put towards more addicting and harmful drugs like legal prescription narcotics and meth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Isn't Pruitt one of those who advocate for "states rights" whenever the Feds exert control?
    Yup, hes all for individual and states rights until its something he doesnt like.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Sometimes these things backfire and end up establishing a precedent that's the exact opposite of what was hoped for. What if the Supreme Court rules against us and it creates the first step for the overall decriminalization of pot?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    What's the point of this?! ****. I hate this state.
    I'm assuming you mean that you hate the state government. Hopefully, you and others can turn the tide in Oklahoma politics. Unfortunately, voter turnout was pathetic last election. I am hopeful that OKC's urban growth might help to bring more diverse political views to the state. Unfortunately, there are no repercussions for hypocrisy (small government), lack of ethics (energy companies writing legal documents for attorney general), or waste (ridiculous lawsuits) because there is a lack of opposition. I hope the tide turns...

  10. Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Sometimes these things backfire and end up establishing a precedent that's the exact opposite of what was hoped for. What if the Supreme Court rules against us and it creates the first step for the overall decriminalization of pot?
    Then we would have cries of activist justices infringing on states rights.

    People just need to realize what we have now is a 4 year run for governor by Mr. Pruitt...or a grab for Inhofe's seat if he croaks in office.

    Fiscally this is just more wasted money that the state taxpayers will foot out to see this lawsuit through.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Double post.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Scott Pruitt is such an idiot, I wonder whats going to happen when all the states surrounding Oklahoma legalize Cannabis? Are they going to have border gaurds or will they get with the program and legalize too?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Then we would have cries of activist justices infringing on states rights.

    People just need to realize what we have now is a 4 year run for governor by Mr. Pruitt...or a grab for Inhofe's seat if he croaks in office.

    Fiscally this is just more wasted money that the state taxpayers will foot out to see this lawsuit through.
    So why is Oklahoma screwing with Colorado's state rights?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Don't blame the states for suing. Must do something to stop the huge increase in stoned folks playing video games and watching cartoons

  15. Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerman View Post
    So why is Oklahoma screwing with Colorado's state rights?

    Oh you mean other states have rights too? I guess Mr. Pruitt missed that memo. LOL Granted government overreach is only a bad thing when it goes against those at the state capitol. Tell Oklahoma leaders they can't do something, let the lawsuits fly! Oklahoma cities want to do their own there, watch the laws pass like crazy to deny then any ability to do their own thing.

  16. Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Sometimes these things backfire and end up establishing a precedent that's the exact opposite of what was hoped for...
    You mean like how we wouldn't have legal gay marriage here if we hadn't bothered to pass a poorly-crafted public referendum opposing gay marriage?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Just plain silly...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    I think we have more important issues to deal with in this state.

    Like, uh, METH!!!!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Oh you mean other states have rights too? I guess Mr. Pruitt missed that memo. LOL Granted government overreach is only a bad thing when it goes against those at the state capitol. Tell Oklahoma leaders they can't do something, let the lawsuits fly! Oklahoma cities want to do their own there, watch the laws pass like crazy to deny then any ability to do their own thing.
    To be fair you get into mucky (your rights to swing your fist ends when it touches my nose). If it is true that Colorado, by choosing to ignore/contradict Federal laws, is costing Oklahoma money, there may be cause (from a legal standpoint). Not that I agree with this case. But it may be simply that the resolution of this case, rather than forcing Colorado to reverse course on legalization (which I doubt will happen) there may be some sort of settlement which involves some commitment to help control smuggling/bootlegging into Oklahoma, or financial support for Oklahoma law enforcement.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    I wonder if it would be the same as the speed limit on I35 at the TX/OK border is 75 in TX and 70 in OK. Is TX at fault for cars coming into OK going over their speed limit?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Then we would have cries of activist justices infringing on states rights.

    People just need to realize what we have now is a 4 year run for governor by Mr. Pruitt...or a grab for Inhofe's seat if he croaks in office.

    Fiscally this is just more wasted money that the state taxpayers will foot out to see this lawsuit through.
    Yeah, pretty sure it's a governor run, which is funny because I don't think he'd beat out Lamb. Which explains why he continued to raise money even though he ran unopposed.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I wonder if it would be the same as the speed limit on I35 at the TX/OK border is 75 in TX and 70 in OK. Is TX at fault for cars coming into OK going over their speed limit?
    I'm not taking sides, but but I wanted to point out that there is no federal law against driving 75 however there is a federal law prohibiting marijuana. Your post just caught my attention and I understand where you are coming from. I support the tenth amendment. If there was no federal law against marijuana, Oklahoma and Nebraska wouldn't be going to court.
    C. T.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I'm not taking sides, but but I wanted to point out that there is no federal law against driving 75 however there is a federal law prohibiting marijuana. Your post just caught my attention and I understand where you are coming from. I support the tenth amendment. If there was no federal law against marijuana, Oklahoma and Nebraska wouldn't be going to court.
    C. T.

    I understand what you're saying but I said that to point out the silliness of the lawsuit.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma and Nebraska suing Colorado over legalized pot

    For decades, a small number of people have been getting medical marijuana sent to them free from the federal government from the result of a court ruling. So if the federal laws banning marijuana are to be taken seriously, there should have been a move made to request the Supreme Court to overturn that court ruling. I suppose if the Supreme Court was told that has been going on, they would only say why hasn't anybody brought it to our attention?

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